Hero of the Penalty Area

v3 Chapter 12: Fight again! (The third update, monthly

Chapter 12 is fighting again! (The third update, monthly pass!)

"...This is the footage our reporter took at the Voltuno training base this morning... The footage clearly shows that Cassano is in conflict with Chen Yingxiong..."

"The two sides don't know what caused this conflict, but we know that this conflict is not just an unintentional act like Mazari said later. Because then we captured the following scene outside the gate of the training base... …"

In the picture, Cassano and Chen Yingxiong's cars drove out of the training base one after another.

"Both of them left early. We don't know if this is what Mazzari meant or the two of them thought...In short, this is definitely not two people getting together and shaking hands, just talking about the situation and reconciling the contradiction! "

On the TV, the football TV program at night is playing.

Many of the Naples fans in front of the TV were stunned and shocked by the wild fight scene between Chen Yingxiong and Cassano.

"I have to admit that both Chen Yingxiong and Cassano have the potential to go to Hollywood to act in action movies, especially Chen Yingxiong looks like every move...but they must have swiped their fists in the wrong target!"

"What did I say before? What did I say before? When Cassano just announced his transfer to Naples, I said it-he will definitely have a conflict with Chen Yingxiong! Look, be me You are right!"

"This is very natural. To be honest, this time I am on Chen Yingxiong's side. Everyone has already known what Cassano's temper looks like... It is 100% that he provokes Chen Yingxiong first!"

"Mazzari refused to answer all questions about Chen Yingxiong's fight with Cassano, and he did not reveal what kind of punishment the club will impose on these two players... But there is one thing we must ask him to answer, that is ——The locker room in Naples will from now on become like the awakened Mount Vesuvius, which may erupt at any time!"

"Let's take a look at the next interview video..."

The TV screen showed Mazzari standing in front of the reporters, with his back to the training ground and facing the camera. He is answering questions from reporters:

"The hero and Antonio won't have any problems. I think they will become very good friends. They don't have any contradictions..."

Then the picture quickly cut to the scene of the fierce battle between Chen Yingxiong and Cassano.

After the video was over, the male host who looked particularly solemn and steady reappeared in front of the audience with a calm face. He said blankly, "Yes, now we all know it, Chen Yingxiong and Casa Piaotian literature network, radio and television are still very effective, and this news soon became known throughout the country.

Everyone knows that on the first day he went to Naples to report, Cassano angrily stopped training because of a fight with his teammate Chen Yingxiong during training.

This is only the first night. The news will not be fermented until the newspapers are listed tomorrow, and then the real impact can be seen.

Mazzari just finished the call with De Laurentiis, during the call, he recounted the situation to the club chairman in detail.

Laurenceti didn't make any comments, he just said that he knew, and then hung up the phone.

This made Mazari puzzled. But it seems that the boss does not want to interfere with the internal affairs of the team, this is a good thing...

He only needs to figure out how to eliminate the influence of these negative news and prevent the team's preparations from being disturbed... but this is precisely the most difficult.

He has made up his mind to let Chen Yingxiong and Cassano go to the reserve team to calm down for a period of time, but this does not make the two of them turn fighting into jade.

Is it really necessary to sacrifice a person?

If this is the case, it seems that Cassano is the only one who can be sacrificed. After all, he has just transferred to the team, and Chen Yingxiong has established the core team through his outstanding performance last season. s position.

If he put the Serie A Golden Boots into the cold palace last season for a temperamental and moody Cassano, I am afraid that Mr. Chairman, who does not interfere with the internal affairs of the team, will also act decisively.

But... it is a pity for Mazzari to think of the other side that Cassano once showed in Sampdoria. He feels that Cassano can return to the top, there is no doubt about it. He may be the only person in the world who still has hope for Cassano.

This conflict was caused by many reasons, and Cassano was not all at fault. If it wasn't for his new teammates to treat him with prejudices and speak ill of him behind his back, how could Cassano feel that he was isolated in Naples? How could it suddenly break out?

He regrets a bit, he should introduce to his teammates some of Cassano's current situation earlier, to dispel their prejudice against this person...

But now it's too late to say anything. He has issued a password to the team, not allowing them to discuss this matter in front of the media. This is the only thing he can do now, it's just to make up for it. He doesn't want to create the feeling that the whole team is encouraging Cassano, it can only intensify the contradiction, but does not help solve the problem.

"...We tried to contact Cassano or Chen Yingxiong, but neither of them nor any of us contacted... The Naples players did not accept our interview, and they were reluctant to talk more about this. But I I think their silence will be broken in a short time. Especially with the open mouths of Cassano and Chen Yingxiong... Maybe tomorrow, we will be able to witness a good event. It's a drama!"

The host on the TV is full of excitement of anticipation.

Mazzari's head is almost broken...


Chen Yingxiong, who was unreachable by the media, was going to a well-known local nightclub to relax with some of his teammates.

Chen Yingxiong was beaten by the head coach to the reserve team for helping Arshavin to fight the injustice. This made Arshavin feel a little guilty, so he asked Chen Yingxiong to relax.

Since it's going to play, how can two people get together?

So Hamsik, Sanchez, Maggio, and Santa Croce were all called.

Since a big fight with Sharapova before the winter break last year, the two have broken up and never contacted each other. Since then, Chen Yingxiong has been single again, but he was busy improving himself, and the Naples environment at that time was not friendly to him, so Chen Yingxiong did not go to nightclubs. He is like a good boy. He goes home the first time he trains every day, and then he doesn’t come out all night. But in the eyes of reporters, it’s hard to say what he did when he goes home. After all, everyone knows that he Jinwuzang Jiao, there is a beautiful bodyguard...

Now, it is the first time that he has visited the famous nightclub in Naples.

Six people drove two cars and went to the famous local nightclub "Flaming Rose" in Naples to relax, and it was also a comfort to Chen Yingxiong.

Everyone was still criticizing Cassano's **** for being too ignorant and attacking his teammates during training.

After they parked the car in the parking lot, they saw a scene that surprised them-Cassano was surrounded by a group of big men in a corner of the parking lot.

Those people also noticed the new group of Naples players, some of them even recognized Hamsik and others.

"It has nothing to do with you!" Some of the people in the group turned to Hamsik and shouted at them. "If you don't want to cause trouble, just leave!"

"Oh, God, what happened?" The two driver teammates who stopped the car also saw this scene when they came down, and couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice.

"Don't bother him! That **** always makes trouble everywhere, don't you think the trouble is not enough?" Marjo frowned and hoped that everyone would not be too curious. They came here to relax, to have fun, to drink and revel, and The girls rolled together. It's not here to take care of Cassano's business.

A group of people were discussing, they heard a few ridicules over there.

Anyone who has parked a car in an underground parking lot knows that the empty space in an underground parking lot has the effect of amplifying the sound, so your voice can be easily heard by people in the distance.

"See you, cassanate? None of your teammates will come to help you! You are a cancer in the locker room! You are a complete **** and villain!"

"Napoli doesn't welcome scum like you, go back to your Sampdoria!"

"You only came to Napori for a day, and you made it sore! Go home and hug your mother to breastfeed! Hahahaha..."

They were not able to finish their ridicule, because Cassano had already punched!


A muffled sound stopped the other party's laughter. The players of Naples watched the silent Cassano suddenly punched the man who was laughing in the face...

They were all frightened.

There is only one person in Cassano, and the other is...ten people!

One to ten, Cassano actually took the shot without fear!

"He's crazy..." Santa Croce's jaw was almost dislocated.

"Fuck! Guys beat him!" The group was also irritated, and ten people swarmed up to surround Cassano, **** together.

And what about Cassano? Everyone can only see him swinging his fists and dodge with his head, and then he was overwhelmed by the crowd in a flash...


"This..." The other Naples players were all dumbfounded as they watched their teammates being beaten up-the development of this story completely exceeded their expectations.

Chen Yingxiong was also surprised, but he didn't know why. When he saw Cassano being ridiculed by a group of people, but stubbornly chose to fight an enemy ten times his own, he would think of himself.

How was his situation similar to that of Cassano when he was in the domestic club? He is also not welcomed by his teammates, and he has no other way except to win the fear of others with a strong character and physique.

He suddenly thought of what Mazari said today: "When you were a newcomer, when you were squeezed out by Lavezzi and others, how did you feel?"

Speaking of it, when they first arrived at the team and didn't do anything, they heard a group of future new teammates speak ill of themselves secretly. If you change him, you can't bear it, right?

If he hadn't targeted his good friend Arshavin, he wouldn't have a bad feeling towards him...

"What should we do now?" The young Sanchez looked a little at a loss, he was frightened by what was happening before him.

"Leave him alone..." Maggio whispered, he was also frightened, but he was even more afraid of getting into trouble.

"Let's call the police..." Hamsik took out his phone.

"Fuck! At this time, why are you hesitating! Come on!" Chen Yingxiong suddenly howled, "Can you **** watch your own people being bullied by others?!"

After shouting, he rushed up like an arrow.

With the momentum, he jumped up and kicked and knocked over a guy who was waving his fists very vigorously. After landing, he hit the face of a guy next to him with another punch, blasting that person's saliva. come out……

A giant bear, waving a fat and powerful bear paw, joined the battle group like a demon descending.

Cassano only felt that his pressure suddenly lightened, and when he raised his head, he saw Chen Yingxiong who was punching someone else in the face.

Chen Yingxiong let out an excited shout, shouting at a language that Cassano could not understand, and kicked a man who besieged him on the chest, kicking him out for several meters. And he himself was knocked over by the reaction force, just by taking advantage of this momentum, his back was a elbow, and the person behind him who was planning to attack him was "full of peach blossoms"...


"..." The people outside were completely dumbfounded. No one thought that Chen Yingxiong didn't have any reaction time for them, so he rushed into the battlefield yelling.

"What should I do now!" Sanchez exclaimed.

"Let's call the police..." Hamsik looked down at the phone, ready to press a button.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew around him, and when he raised his head in surprise, he only saw Arshavin pressing his knee under the opponent's rib...

Marjorie squatted down and held his head with both hands: "What the **** is going on!!!"

Seeing the chaos in front of him, Hamsik simply threw his mobile phone into his pocket: "Fuck! You are all on it, why should you call the police!" Then he also rushed up.

"Don't fight everyone!!" He yelled, then slapped the face of the man who gave Arshavin a kick just now.

Maggio stopped holding his head, stood up and snarled and rushed towards the group of people.

Santa Croce also rushed up with his fists clenched.

Only Sanchez shouted beside him: "Aren't you afraid of causing trouble!!"

While smashing people, Chen Yingxiong did not forget to answer him in a hurry: "What are you afraid of? The big deal is to pay a fine! I have money! Come on, Alex...Fuck! Sneak attack on Laozi! Say, fighting is fun!"

Sanchez seemed to have made a lot of determination, and finally closed his eyes and rushed up.


***, scream for ***!