Hero of the Penalty Area

v3 Chapter 137: Two second-force worlds, you don’t und

Chapter 137 Two Second Force Worlds, You Don’t Understand (Second Guarantee)

After returning home, Christine Cabrera looked at the hero Chen who took off his black body, and finally couldn't hold back. She asked: "You go to visit your good friend, why do you dress like this?"

"Because I am encouraging him!" Chen Yingxiong opened his arms and showed the black shirt that had not been taken off.

"Encourage him? In this way? Mr. Chen, with all due respect, I didn't think it was inspiration, I just thought it was a joke..."

Hero Chen snorted: "Our world, you don't understand, Christine."

Christine was silent.

Chen Yingxiong quickly took off himself with only a pair of underwear, or briefs.

The tight-fitting briefs made his underside more majestic.

If other women saw this scene, they might scream in exclamation.

But Cabrera didn't see it, his face was as usual, neither let his gaze greedily turn around Chen Yingxiong's muscular and angular body, nor did he widen his eyes and shout "Rogue"!

She is just like this, very normal.

Chen Yingxiong had been used to it a long time ago, so he changed his clothes in front of Cabrera.

In fact, this way of inspiring Cassano was Chen Yingxiong's whim. He was not sure whether it would be useful. But he thinks... If Cassano is really a good friend of his, he must understand it, right?


When Chen Yingxiong came back to the training base the next day, he found that everyone's mood was not high.

It is very likely that Cassano is a heart attack, and they all learned about it through news reports.

Everyone plays football, and they all know what it means to have a heart problem.

In the past few years, there have been many cases of deaths due to heart disease in international football. Vivian Fo, followed by Puerta and Dani Halke. A football player with a heart problem almost means With the end of his career.

For Cassano, this is too cruel.

And his teammates felt the same and felt depressed.

It's incredible-when Cassano first came to the team, a room of players was saying bad things about others behind their backs, which made the relationship between the two parties very stiff. It hasn't been a season yet, and the same group of people who speak ill of Cassano are worried about others.

Cassano blended into the team so quickly, and was accepted by everyone so quickly, we can't help but say that Chen Yingxiong played the most important role in it.

From the end of the press conference to the present, more than ten hours have passed. The media have repeatedly tried to contact Cassano to interview him and hear his views.

But no.

Cassano did not take the initiative to make any remarks, he remained silent all the time.

No one knows what Cassano is like now, but in many people’s speculations, they think that Cassano should have completely closed himself up, unwilling to face the media, and naturally unwilling to face cruelty. Realistic?

This Cassano is probably even more worrying...

Seeing Chen Yingxiong walking into the locker room, everyone surrounded him: "Hero Hero, have you been to see Antonio?"

"Reporters said that the man in black who suddenly appeared at the entrance of St. Lucie's Hospital last night was you. Isn't that true?"

"How is he?"

"What did you say to him? Did you tell him that our whole team supports him and stands with him resolutely?"

Everyone was chattering.

Hero Chen raised his hand.

Everyone fell silent.

"Yes, I went to see him, he is fine, everything is normal. We haven't talked for too long, but I think he is emotionally stable, there is nothing wrong with him."

Many people were obviously relieved to hear Chen Yingxiong say this.

"Then why hasn't he come out and say it yet?" Ranokia asked.

"I don't know, maybe someone is sleeping?" Chen Yingxiong shrugged.

Everyone was happy that Cassano was normal and emotionally stable. They were relieved that they did not notice Chen Yingxiong's strange dress yesterday.

But when he sat down to change his clothes, Arshavin leaned forward and asked in Russian: "Why are you wearing a black suit? Just like being a thief. Are you afraid that the reporters will see it? Then you shouldn't drive yourself. That car goes..."

Chen Yingxiong shook his head: "I just went to cheer Antonio."

"Wear this suit to cheer up?" Arshavin couldn't understand it.

To say that the brainwave frequency is the most synchronized, it should be Chen Yingxiong and Cassano, not Arshavin, who has known each other the longest.

After all, Arshavin is still a normal person at any rate, but Cassano and Chen Yingxiong are both "second-forces"...

Chen Yingxiong didn't know how to explain to Arshavin. If you know something, then you can understand it. If you don't understand, you don't understand how to explain it.


The news of Cassano’s heart problems quickly spread throughout the Italian football, and even to other European countries, even in China as far away as the east, many people were affected by Cassano’s injury. Before Chen Yingxiong, Cassano was already quite popular in China, but everyone has always received mixed praises and criticisms for him.

As Chen Yingxiong and Cassano became teammates, everyone knew him better and more familiar, and their impression of him gradually improved. More people began to feel that the homepage of Casa Piao Astronomy Station sent blessings. They expressed their condolences and blessings to Cassano, hoping that he would overcome the illness as soon as possible and return to the court.

The Real Madrid team also stated that they would wear special t-shirts to cheer for Cassano before the game.

The Italian Players Union also announced that at any time, the Players Union will fight alongside Cassano and is willing to provide him with all necessary help.

Sampdoria, who Cassano played for before, also sent their blessings.

In addition, many players in the football circle who have a good relationship with Cassano expressed their blessings to Cassano in the interview.

For example, Maradona, the spiritual totem of Naples, specially commissioned the "Roma Sport" to send a letter of his own to the Naples striker: "Cassano is facing a difficult time now. Now he is not only a player. As a man, he must be strong, not only for her, but also for his mother and family. He is a responsible and strong man, which can help him overcome difficulties... I know when this happens to a person When things happen, fear and pain will definitely occupy his mind. All loss, emptiness and even loneliness will follow one after another, but I am also very sure that you will defeat everything... We look forward to your coming back soon. We need to be like you on the football field. For such a genius, I also hope to see you wearing the Naples jersey on TV again. Good luck, my friend!"


In addition, the European media set off another round of discussions about players and heart disease.

Many media are speculating what exactly is the problem with Cassano's heart and what consequences this problem will bring. Is the worst thing about retiring early?

Because "retire early" is too scary and too gimmicky. Therefore, when the media reports on this matter, almost without exception, they will mention this possibility, so that this is only a possibility, but it seems to have become a certainty.

At the beginning, it was just "the'bad boy' has a heart problem and may face early retirement", and it was passed on, but later it became "the'bad boy' will retire early due to a heart attack!"

Look, the headline behind this is more eye-catching than the previous one, right?

However, in order to attract attention, the media aggravated everyone's worries about Cassano and the resulting chaos.

At this moment, Cassano, who has not said a word or showed up, accepted an interview with Gazzetta dello Sport in the ward.

In the interview, he talked about the problem he is currently facing-heart disease.

"Yes, looking at my heart now, it is very likely that there is a problem... This is a heavy blow to me. My mother and girlfriend have been crying for me for these two days. If I choose If I do, I would rather choose a broken leg than a heart attack... But the speculations about my retirement are all nonsense! I never thought about retiring early and I will return to the court no matter how long it takes , Will! My career has just begun, how am I willing to leave?"

At the same time, he also revealed the identity of the man in black who appeared at the entrance of the hospital that night-as the media had guessed, it was Chen Yingxiong.

"When I was in the most difficult time, my good friend hero gave me encouragement. It was he who helped me re-establish my confidence and strengthen my conviction... I want to thank him in particular. We are true good friends. Even though we two When I first met, I had a fight. That’s how men communicate... In addition, I also want to thank the Naples team and the club for caring about me. There are so many people who care about me. How can I let them down? ?"


"I will not retire! 》

"I will return to the team! 》

"My career has just begun, I will come back! 》

"It's the hero who inspired me. 》


The next day, in the interview, Cassano's smiling photo appeared in the newspaper along with these headlines.

Facing the camera lens of the “Gazzetta dello Sport” photojournalist, he smiled and gave a thumbs up. In the sunny, brightly windowed ward, the delicate and tender bouquets in the vase were very conspicuous, and the whole ward was full of vitality, and The feeling of lifelessness that people had guessed before is completely different. Everything looks so beautiful, making people feel that what Cassano said is true and believable.

When the car drove into the crowded and winding streets of the city, the hero Chen motioned Cabrera to stop when the car passed a newsstand, and then went to buy a newspaper.

After getting in the car, he shook Cassano's smiling face in the newspaper at Cabrera: "Look, Christine. I just said it was inspiration? Hahaha!"

Cabrera didn't say a word, and concentrated on driving her car.

But deep down in her heart, she was really surprised. Unexpectedly, that weird dress and frightened everyone's appearance can actually inspire a person.

Is it the world of him and Cassano that I don’t understand? Or is there some magic in him that I can't understand?