Hero of the Penalty Area

v3 Chapter 156: Signed with Nike (the first guarantee)

Chapter 156 Signing with Nike (the first guarantee)

After the end of Serie A, the UEFA Champions League final was staged at the Bernabéu Stadium in the ultimate matchup between Inter Milan and Bayern Munich.

In the end, Mourinho's team defeated Bayern Munich with two goals in a very easy way at the Bernabéu Stadium. After forty-five years, they regained the European Champions Cup, which symbolizes the highest honor of European clubs.

At that time, many Inter Milan fans couldn't help but burst into tears, and an old captain like Zanetti couldn't help himself. Even Chairman Moratti burst into tears, because he fulfilled his childhood dream.

That day was the most glorious moment for Inter Milan, and they won the European Champions Cup and they also achieved their own triple crown. Many people exclaimed that European football has returned to the international era.

Mourinho, who won the Champions League, stood tall at the Bernabéu Stadium, and his arrogant expression attracted someone on the VIP table. This person is Florentino Perez, the current chairman of the Real Madrid club. He felt that only such a head coach was worthy of the noble and great white giant Real Madrid, and that he was worthy of being the helm of the Galacticos.

So he couldn't even wait for Mourinho to follow the team to celebrate the victory. Just after the game, he asked Mourinho to stay, and the two had a secret conversation.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Chen Yingxiong. He didn't even watch the Champions League final, whether it was going to the scene or watching TV.

The only news that has anything to do with him is that the Champions League top scorer winner is determined to be him. Because Olic, who scored seven goals, failed to stage a hat-trick in the final, he could only be ranked third. What about Messi? Scored eight goals and ranked second. Therefore, Chen Yingxiong will exclusively enjoy the title of the Champions League top scorer this season. This means that this summer, he will go to UEFA headquarters to accept Platini's award.

At that time, I'm afraid it will be...

I don't know what expression Platini will look like when he presents the award to him?

Some unkind people have already begun to wait to see the excitement.


Chen Yingxiong’s holiday was spent busy at the beginning. First, he invited Christine Cabrera to eat a meal, and gave her 27 months’ salary. The money allowed Cabrera to Surprised, Chen Yingxiong said lightly that it was a bonus for taking care of her this year, so that she didn't have to be too sensitive.

What can Cabrera say? Had to accept it honestly. People have done this, and it would be too sad if they don't want to. Besides, her family really needs money, and she is not a noble person.

After receiving the money, Chen Yingxiong told her to extend the contract. I also want her to be my bodyguard and...nanny next season.

Cabrera did not object, but nodded.

After sending off Cabrera, he went north to Milan non-stop, where he met with Viann, Dracula, and his own agent team. Now it can finally be called a team. In addition to Wei An and Dracula, there is also a full-time lawyer and an accountant in this team.

This accountant is not simply calculating the team's account, but Chen Yingxiong's account. Calculating those contracts can allow Chen Yingxiong to maximize his income. In addition, part of Chen Yingxiong's income must be given to the team, and the team will operate it. How to turn this money into more money is the main task of the broker team.

If everyone in this team is in charge of the accounts, can you still pay so much money?

After meeting his agent team, Chen Yingxiong had to sign a contract.

The company he signed with this time has a great background.

Speak out scared to death!

Okay... In fact, it's nothing, this brand is lousy now. However, in the sports world, it is still a well-deserved overlord.

nike, nike.

Some people may find it strange that Chen Yingxiong, the Serie A shooter, has won twice. How did he sign Nike? It stands to reason that Nike or Adidas has long been rushing for such a player. Will they wait until this time?

But in fact it is so. Because at the beginning, the prices of several sports brands were not high, of course, at that time Chen Yingxiong's own reputation and strength were not as good as that. At the beginning, he was still playing in the Russian Super League. Although Nike, Adidas, Puma, Reebok and other companies have heard of Chen Yingxiong, they are only limited to the local branch in Russia. The headquarters is still not clear about Chen Yingxiong.

At that time, Chen Yingxiong was at best a new star that looked promising, and such a new star appeared in the world football every year. It's really nothing, you know, Maradona and Pele's descendants are already rotten on the street.

Therefore, these companies are not interested in Chen Yingxiong. Large companies like Nike and Adidas don't even look at them. Such players will not sign to become spokespersons. Athletes who can be spokespersons for these two brands must be at the superstar level, unless the kind of spokespersons that are limited to a certain area...

What about other brands? The asking price is not very high.

Dracula felt that since the asking price is not high, we don't need to be enthusiastic about people's cold ass. Your asking price is not high, and we don't want to sign a contract with you, so forget it.

Anyway, we are not short of money.

This endorsement of other brands can be changed at will, every year. In the sports world, it is necessary to be cautious about endorsing sports brands. Of course, try to find a big brand, sign a big contract, and make a lot of money.

Dracula was not in a hurry, and Chen Yingxiong was not in a hurry either. He felt that Dracula's strategy was right.

Later, as he gradually gained fame, those small brands before him became active, and the prices offered began to rise. And big companies like Nike and Adidas have finally begun to notice a rising star in the Russian Super League.

Subsequently, taking into account the factors of the Chinese market, Nike and Adidas stepped in, which prompted those small brands to rob Chen Yingxiong to open some high-priced contracts at the time. Dracula never signed, suspecting that the price was too low.

Later, Chen Yingxiong went to ask Dracula, and realized that Dracula had such an idea-if the price of your contract is not high, the other party naturally does not pay attention to you and does not care about promoting anything. How does your personal reputation and commercial value reflect? How to improve?

Only when you are signed by the other party at a high price, they will push you desperately. At this time, you can take advantage of the momentum and take advantage of the vigorous promotion of big brands to become able to compete with Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi. , Kaka and others on the same level as superstars.

And if you sign the contract casually, it will be difficult to change it later. Because those companies initially gave very low prices and long-term contracts. For those young players who are eager to find more income for themselves, it is easy to sign. In this way, if those young players become famous in the future, they will make money. Even if it gets mixed up in the future, sports brands won't suffer.

Dracula only locked Nike and Adidas from the beginning. As for Reebok, Puma, Umbro... these brands, he didn't even look at them.

However, Adidas and Nike are both big companies. When the company is big, it will naturally have a big arrogance. How can they be courteous and corporal? How about giving Chen Yingxiong a player who is still only a small and famous player with a sky-high price? This is not in line with the laws of business. They all feel that Chen Yingxiong's agent is too bad. They only collect money for themselves and completely ignore the players' wishes.

Dracula's response is: Since you are unwilling to give this money now, then we will wait and see if you have to pay more to sign Chen Hero in the future.

Dracula is very optimistic about the future of Chen Yingxiong.

He believes that Chen Yingxiong will soon be able to show the value that big companies will rush to.

Sure enough, when Chen Yingxiong got the top scorer in the first season of his transfer to Serie A, the attitude of the two brands finally loosened. The two sides restarted negotiations.

Dracula is waiting for the price, whoever bids the highest price, who can give him a satisfactory promotion plan, he will sign with whom.

With Chen Yingxiong's performance in the Champions League getting better and better, as he leads the Serie A scorer list, as he has more and more controversies and news off the court, his worth and commercial value have begun to soar.

And big brands like Nike and Adidas have also begun to realize that this hero Chen might become a great player in the future, and his own character will definitely help promote his business image...

However, Adidas hesitated a bit, because Chen Yingxiong was raped by the Chinese Football Association, and all the national team competitions have nothing to do with him. If he signed the contract, he would not be able to represent the Chinese national team. There would be a waste of commercial value...

After such a hesitation, Nike took the lead.

Nike has a tradition of signing controversial stars. From the very beginning of its creation, the brand has looked for athletes who are maverick, strong personality, grumpy, and offensive as their endorsements. Nike's first signing star, Steve Pulifontein, is a very powerful long-distance running star, who embodies the characteristics of a Nike star. Since then, Nike always likes to find those unruly athletes as endorsements, which has a lot to do with their brand culture and temperament. Nike has always appeared in the image of a challenger of the sports boss Adidas. Adidas represents orthodoxy, represents stability, and represents the rigor and rigidity of Germany. Then Nike has to find another way, so that dare to challenge the secular and dare not to go. Ordinary, maverick athletes can always become the focus of public discussion. This kind of person, whether he has mixed reputations or not, whether it is because there are many people who like him or hate him, at least he will not be unknown. This way The Nike they endorsed will naturally be gradually adopted and accepted by everyone. Just like Nike's famous slogan "just_do_it" (just do it if you want).

The current endorsement stars range from Kobe Bryant, LeBron James to Cristiano Ronaldo. These stars are all top in their respective fields. At the same time, they are also favorites of the media and have controversial topics. The image of a good boy and a good gentleman like Messi and Kaka is the spokesperson of Adidas.

So if they promote the image of Chen Yingxiong, they will be handy and have a wealth of experience.

Chen Yingxiong's personal image promotion plan is naturally more convincing.

In addition, the asking price is not low. After Dracula asked Chen Yingxiong, he nodded.

At that time, Chen Yingxiong was in a fierce battle for the top scorer in the league with Di Natale and there was no time to sign, so the two sides agreed to wait for the end of the season and let Chen Yingxiong go to the Nike headquarters to sign.

The four-year contract provides Chen Yingxiong with an endorsement fee of 3 million euros per year.

This is the largest endorsement contract signed by Chen Yingxiong so far.

You know, in actual football, the highest endorsement contract was signed by Cristiano Ronaldo and Nike. It is 6 million euros per year, which is a sky-high price. Chen Yingxiong is half less than the opponent, but considering Chen Yingxiong's current popularity in the world, it is reasonable.

And considering that hero Chen can score goals, Dracula also asked that if hero Chen scores more than 25 goals per season, Nike will give an extra 1 million euros in bonuses that year. If you get the best There are also awards for scorers. The league's best scorer is one million, and the Champions League's best scorer is 1.5 million.

It's a pity that the contract was signed late, otherwise Chen Yingxiong could get 3.5 million euros in the top scorer...

This contract that Nike gave to Chen Yingxiong is obviously also a fancy to Chen Yingxiong's development prospects.

In a team like Naples, he has been able to win the league's top scorer for two consecutive seasons, showing his strength. Not to mention that for the first time in the Champions League, he won the Champions League Golden Boot with ten goals.

Such a shooter will have a boundless future in the future!

Moreover, is there a huge Chinese market behind him?

For this, Nike signed Chen Yingxiong at a cost of 3 million euros a year, and they will never lose.

Nike has signed a number of well-known sports stars in China, Yao Ming, Liu Xiang and Li Na are all leaders in their respective fields. But in football, there is still nothing to come up with. This of course has something to do with the image of Chinese football and the ability of Chinese players. What influence do you want without the ability?

At this moment, Chen Yingxiong was born. Now in China, almost 80% of fans are supporters of Chen Yingxiong. Nike once commissioned an authoritative investigation agency to conduct a survey in mainland China. The results of the survey showed that Chen Yingxiong's influence has been on par with that of Liu Xiang and Yao Ming, and Yao Ming is already declining. Liu Xiang has begun to retire from the Beijing Olympics. Going downhill. Chen Yingxiong is a rising sun and a potential stock. Of course, such a person must be firmly in his own hands.

Therefore, signing Chen Yingxiong became the decision of Nike headquarters.

Accompanied by Wei An and Dracula, Ying-Hong Chen flew to Portland, Oregon, USA, and rushed to the Nike headquarters in Beaverton's "World Campus" near Portland. Then he completed the contract under the city-wide filming and interviews arranged by a number of media by Nike.

Judging from this specification, Nike headquarters really attaches great importance to Chen Yingxiong.

There are also several Chinese media that come to interview and report on Chen Yingxiong's contract with Nike. Nike is using the media to promote Chen Yingxiong to the world, especially the Chinese market.

Tell the Chinese that the idols you admire have become our Nike contract stars. If you like Chen Yingxiong, pay attention to Nike and buy our Nike products! Don't you want to wear the shoes and boots worn by your idols? running shoes? Walking shoes, t-shirts, sweatpants, etc.? Do you want to get autographs from your idols? Do you want to have close contact with idols? Do you want to compete with your idols?

Nike really arranges as many events as they want, as long as they want. And Chen Yingxiong is now considered to be sold to them. For their commercial activities, Chen Yingxiong must come to the scene to attend and help. These are all written in the contract. If he doesn't play big cards... I'm sorry, lose money!

However, for Chen Yingxiong, attending various commercial events held by Nike and frequently appearing in the media and the public is also an important means to increase his exposure and enhance his reputation.

If he wants to improve his reputation and make himself one of the world-class stars, it is not enough to keep scoring goals on the court. He must cooperate with such commercial propaganda.

After the two parties signed the word under the lens and flash of many media, the signing ceremony was completed.

Then Chen Yingxiong shook hands with the other's headquarters representative to show that the cooperation was achieved.

"We are very optimistic about you, hero." Since we are all working together, of course we have to say something pretty. The opponent held Chen Yingxiong and praised.

"Thank you." Chen Yingxiong smiled. In front of the media, he still made this appearance, but he still accidentally ran away from his own nature in the next sentence. "You will not regret today's decision!"

How can anyone say that to yourself?

The representative of the other party was stunned on the spot, and the smile on his face was unnatural. But Chen Yingxiong smiled brighter and brighter, all of which were framed by the reporters' shots...