Hero of the Penalty Area

v3 Chapter 254: Say goodbye to Fort Voltuno (the first g

Chapter 254 Saying goodbye to Fort Voltuno

In the end, the Naples players who had eaten, drank, and had a good time left contentedly. At the originally lively home, only Chen Yingxiong and Cabrera were left.

Cabrera is still wearing her charming **** long dress. She is the focus of many people's attention tonight, but she is following Chen Yingxiong. No matter where Chen Yingxiong went, she stood quietly beside him, accompanied him, and listened to him chatting with his teammates.

She doesn't speak, she just listens, even if she doesn't hear it, it's hard to say.

Anyway, just stand next to Chen Yingxiong, and follow wherever he goes—except for the toilet.

Now after Chen Yingxiong sent away his last teammate Cassano, he looked back and saw Cabrera again.

Seeing Cabrera standing calmly behind him, Chen Yingxiong sighed helplessly.

"I said Christine, did I tell you something? You are not my bodyguard tonight..."

Cabrera nodded: "I said it."

"Then look at yourself like this." He pointed to Cabrera.

Cabrera looked down at himself, then raised his head and said to Chen Yingxiong with some doubts: "What's the matter? Isn't this what you asked for?"

She thought that Chen Yingxiong was talking about her dress.

"I mean...why do you always have to stay with me? What is the difference between you and a bodyguard who protects the safety of the target mission? You are free to walk around and chat with other people, such as..."

Cabrera interrupted him: "But here, I don't know them well."

Chen Yingxiong couldn't say the next thing, he was stunned.

Because he found what Cabrera said...makes sense. Although she has seen her teammates many times, she really doesn't have to say something familiar... even Cassano can't be familiar. In an environment where there are a lot of strangers, it seems that it is the nature of many people to be consistent with the people they are most familiar with.

Only then did he remember that he had been chatting with people non-stop all night, but he had never said a few words to the person next to him.

So he said, "Do you know what wish I made when I blow the candle?"

Cabrera looked at him and said nothing.

A smile appeared on Chen Yingxiong's face: "I promised you to go to Liverpool with me! Haha!"

Cabrera said strangely: "Isn't it not working to say something like wishing?"


The remaining laughter of Chen Yingxiong got stuck in his throat and couldn't get out.

The smile on his face also became extremely stiff.

Seeing his embarrassment, Cabrera finally smiled.

This person sometimes deflated.

Seeing Cabrera smiled, Chen Yingxiong suddenly remembered that this was the first time a female bodyguard laughed today? When he said she was beautiful in the car today, she didn't even smile...

So he was stunned for a moment, and then he also laughed.

That's it, just aim to make her laugh, and it's worth eating her own deflation.

Cabrera saw Chen Yingxiong smile very happily, and asked strangely: "What are you laughing at?"

"I was so happy that I met the smile that was hard to buy."

Chen Yingxiong said triumphantly, as if he had taken advantage of him.


Chen Yingxiong, who had spent his 23rd birthday, rejoined the team's training. In the Champions League final on the 28th, early on the 27th, the team will fly to London by special plane.

Therefore, the 26th is the last day for the team to train at the Fort Voltuno training base, and it is also the day for Chen Yingxiong to bid farewell to the Fort Voltuno training base.

Since the team won the league title, regardless of the outcome of the Champions League final, the agreement signed by Liverpool and Naples has officially come into effect, and Chen Yingxiong will move to Naples this summer.

It is a pity that the Fort Voltuno training base is still closed on this day, and no fans and journalists are allowed to enter without permission.

Therefore, Chen Yingxiong's last formal training at the Fort Voltuno training base was not watched by many people.

After the training, Chen Yingxiong did not say goodbye to his teammates. He ran to bid farewell to the staff at the training base.

He didn't even let him manage the turf.

So everyone knew that Chen Yingxiong was really going to leave this time.

Then he took out all the personal belongings he had left in the locker in the locker room, wrapped it in a bag, and threw it into the car. After playing the final with Barcelona, ​​he doesn't need to come back here again. Private things naturally don't need to stay here.

The team's press officer Baldari and Chen Yingxiong sighed as they hugged goodbye: "You are gone, I really don't know if we still have a chance to win the championship..."

Chen Yingxiong patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, Naples is the Naples of the Neapolitans, but not the Naples of a certain player. After Maradona left, doesn't Naples now also get the league administration? I'm not there anymore. Many good players, I think they are equally capable of winning the championship."

Hearing him say this, Baldari smiled: "You really speak better than me, a news officer, hero! I like that. You are right. Naples is the Naples of the Neapolitans. I wish you good luck in Liverpool. No matter what others say about you, I, Baldari, is your friend and will cheer you on. Of course...except when you run into Naples!"

Chen Yingxiong also laughed: "If I really run into Naples, I won't be merciful!"

"It is our honor to be able to fight against heroes!"

Chen Yingxiong really likes this talking news officer. He is indeed a person who promotes the club's external image. The level of this speech is extraordinary! When I heard this, I felt so sweet in my heart. I have a better impression of the club in Naples. Isn't that what the press officer does?

After bidding farewell to everyone, Chen Yingxiong got into the car driven by Cabrie and returned to his home.

He was somewhat silent after getting in the car.

He had already had the idea of ​​leaving Naples, even after joining the team half a season. But when this moment really came, he found that he did not calmly accept it.

He felt a little...reluctant.

Because he found that his love for this team did not come from the fans, but the teammates, coaches, and club staff who spent the three seasons with him day and night.

What does Naples mean to him? A few years later, when I recalled my years in Naples, what was left?

Is it the extreme fans who keep booing about themselves, or is it your teammates, those goals and victories, or are they joking with Cassano and Arshavin?

He thinks this emotion is very complicated.

It turned out that no matter how decisive I said at the time, I would still feel a little bit reluctant to leave when the day comes. The emotion accumulated over time is indeed not so easy to disappear.

Zenit St. Petersburg has not been there for two seasons, and Naples has played for three full seasons. So... how long will I stay in the next Liverpool station?


The black Land Rover Discovery 3 drove out of the gate of the Fort Voltuno training base.

The extreme fans who had been waiting outside the gate booed again, shouting: "Get out! We never miss you!"

Standing across from them were the fans of the Big Blue Bear. They were holding posters and portraits of Chen Yingxiong, wearing Chen Yingxiong's jersey, and shouting: "Hero! Hero! We thank you forever!"

The camera flash in the reporter's hand also flashed at the same time.

This is Chen Yingxiong's last day of training in Naples, and this is quite meaningful.

The photographers were busy taking pictures, while other reporters looked at the back of the car and muttered.

"From today, he won't appear here again..."

"I will miss him."

"I still think Naples shouldn't let Chen Yingxiong go. It doesn't make sense... Let him stay. Obviously, Naples can bring more championships to Naples... What a pity!"

"Although he is a controversial person, he is not at all controversial in the football field. Unfortunately, for such a person, we have to go to the Premier League if we want to see him play!"


Chen Yingxiong's black Land Rover quickly disappeared from everyone's sight without any pause.

The back that he left for everyone is so resolute.

This is quite in line with the impression he left on people-for this team, he really does not seem to be nostalgic. No one knew that when Chen Yingxiong was sitting in the car, he felt a little bit unwilling.

This also illustrates a problem-the hero Chen known to outsiders will never be the real hero Chen.


"Miss Naples?" Cabrera asked suddenly, driving.

"It's kind of. Three years is not short..."

"Now that the traffic is so developed, you can still come back often. I think people here will definitely welcome you back." Perhaps feeling that Chen Yingxiong's mood was a little low, Cabrera comforted, despite her tone of voice. Still a bit blunt.

But Chen Yingxiong was still a little surprised-Xin said that he had seen a lot of strangeness in the past few days.

Cabrera would say something like this, she had never comforted herself before. There is no interest in her style of acting.

He smiled: "Thank you, Christine."

After speaking, he suddenly realized that he had said a lot of these words in the past few days. He never said it before. No matter how much help Cabrera provided to him, he never gave a thank you word, as if Cabrera should be his babysitter and driver part-time.

The relationship between the two people is getting better and better, but the time left for them is also getting less and less.

People always seem to be like this, and only when they really have to lose do they know to start cherishing, but it is often too late at that time. Just like friendship, love and family, and of course life...

Once you miss these things, you can't come back again.

But people are also forgetful, so the same mistakes are always happening in this world.


ps, it will break out tomorrow! Three shifts!

How many days will it last? I don't know yet... But it shouldn't be a problem until it broke out until early March!

So please *** ah ah ah ah! !