Hero of the Penalty Area

v5 Chapter 260: Messi's embarrassment (second more askin

Chapter 260 Messi’s Embarrassment (Second, ask for monthly pass)

Chen Yingxiong scored twice in the match against Juventus, continuing his hatred of Juventus as a Naples player.

But he did not help the team win a victory.

At the end of the game, Juventus finally scored a point through continuous and persistent offensive.

The goal was scored by Chiellini, the Juventus captain who was overwhelmed by Chen Yingxiong during the game. In a corner kick, he crushed Carragher to push the football into the goal guarded by Renner.

In the end the two sides shook hands and made peace.

Although it was a tie, the performance of the two sides was completely different.

Although the Liverpool players lost a goal at the last minute, there was no expression of dissatisfaction on their faces. On the contrary, they were very happy. At the end of the game, he even embraced and celebrated.

As for Juventus, they are very dissatisfied with this result.

Being forced to a 2:2 draw by Liverpool at his home court can only show his failure. Let the opposing team score two away goals and return home to Liverpool with ease. They just need to shrink the defense and wait for an opportunity to counterattack like this game. Even if a goal is not scored, as long as they don't lose the ball, they can be guaranteed to advance.

Juventus is a bit miserable, they must attack with all their strength away from home to score goals. And this way, it will definitely leave a lot of space behind, just to give Liverpool a chance to fight back. Everything is the same as this game.

Conte stood on the side of the court, looking at the somewhat frustrated Juventus players, suddenly thought of the provocation of Chen Yingxiong before the game.

He realized that he still seemed to be fooled by Liverpool!

It turns out that the purpose of the people is to make Juventus lose their minds, but they want Juventus to press out to attack...Even if they are calm, as long as they press out to attack, there will always be empty behind. What Liverpool needs is this kind of space.

Football, to put it bluntly, is a game of time and space. Some spaces can be obtained on the court through passing, running and dribbling, and some spaces can be taken out through psychological warfare before the game... just like this time.

Conte turned his head and glanced at Martin O'Neill who was cheering, and then at Chen Yingxiong.

What a scheming plan!

This time, the away game will be particularly difficult for Juventus. To score a goal, you can't lose the ball. If it is facing other opponents, Conte may still have such confidence. But think about it, there is Hero Chen in Liverpool's lineup! With him, do you want him not to score? That's really harder than climbing!


After the game, the focus of the media was still on Chen Yingxiong.

Who made him score two goals?

These two goals are his fourteenth in the Champions League this season. He is now the top scorer in the Champions League, five goals more than Messi!

Also in this knockout round, Messi scored a goal, he also scored nine goals in the Champions League this season. If it is placed in the first two seasons, such performance will make people worship him, and hope that he can hit his own record of 18 goals in the Champions League in a single season.

But this season, because of Chen Yingxiong, Messi's nine goals are simply not enough, and he has no influence in the media.

Compared with the previous two seasons, the gap is huge...

It was only in the first round of the first round of the knockout round. Chen Yingxiong scored 14 goals. If he plays later, how bad can he be?

In addition to these fourteen goals in the Champions League, Chen Yingxiong has scored forty goals in the league this season, four goals in the FA Cup, four goals in the League Cup, and the UEFA Super Cup. Zhong also scored two goals.

Counting this down, he has scored 64 goals this season. And one third of them haven't played this season.

If nothing else, Messi’s total scoring record of 76 seasons only created last season is estimated to be maintained for only one season...


The number of goals in the Champions League lags behind Chen Yingxiong, and now the total number of goals in the season is behind Chen Yingxiong.

This makes Messi upset.

But he didn't show it, he wanted to fight back in his own way. He will never speak up in the media like Chen Yingxiong.

He wants to hit Chen Yingxiong with a goal. When he catches up with the number of goals to surpass Chen Yingxiong, that is the best counterattack!

On the contrary, Messi’s father and agent Jorge hated Chen Yingxiong very much, and cursed Chen Yingxiong into a scoring drought when he had time.

But his curse never worked...

Now Jorge hates Chen Yingxiong because the kid Chen Yingxiong scored two goals in the game. What does this have to do with Messi? A group of reporters came to ask what they thought about this?

He forgot that he was very concerned about this at first, and he was certain that Chen Yingxiong and the **** English media would regret it because they angered Messi!

Looking at it now, Chen Yingxiong did anger Messi, but he still seems to be alive...

When he was besieged by reporters and asked him to talk about Chen Yingxiong's five goals ahead of their son, Jorge suddenly understood why Messi told reporters that he did not want to talk about Chen Yingxiong. Topic.

Because this is really annoying! There are not as many goals as anyone else, and it's better than reporters tossing out and telling them, or even getting them in front of you. It feels like after stabbing you, and then asking you "how do you feel"... This is so exciting.

He raised his arms and said loudly to the reporters: "Sorry, I refused to talk about that person! Thank you! Please stop asking me questions about that person! I am Messi’s agent, I It is Messi’s father. I have nothing to do with that person. I don’t understand his situation. I think you might as well ask his agent and himself..."


Messi’s father was under siege by reporters, and it was difficult for Messi’s own pressure. In the team, everyone was enthusiastically discussing the number of goals scored by Chen Yingxiong, and then discussing how to help Messi surpass this **** guy.

But now, fewer and fewer people talk about this topic. It's not that they are no longer interested in this matter, but that they dare not mention it.

Because this matter clearly shows that Chen Yingxiong is leading Messi too much, and mentioning this matter can only make Messi even more embarrassed...

Isn't this slap in the face?

In order to avoid Messi getting angry, everyone can only pretend that they don't remember the competition between Chen Yingxiong and Messi.

But this did not relieve Messi's pressure.

In fact, Messi is very clear in his heart that everyone does not mention why this is happening. In fact, he even hopes that everyone will mention that, just like before, after training, discuss this matter in the locker room, business as usual.

What does it mean to be like this? It's because they all think that the chances of Messi wanting to surpass Chen Yingxiong are unlikely.

In other words, even Messi’s teammates do not believe that he can win the battle for the best scorer Chen Yingxiong...

What could be worse than this?

I don’t believe in myself anymore, and it’s almost the same to betray my relatives, right?

This reality makes Messi very upset.

It is impossible for him to resent his teammates, many of whom are still his own good friends. They didn't talk about it out of good intentions.

So Messi could only vent his anger and dissatisfaction towards Chen Yingxiong.

Injustices and debts, Chen Yingxiong is the culprit that caused Messi to fall into this situation! Who will trouble if you don't trouble him?

Messi swears in his heart that no matter what price he pays, he will never allow Chen Yingxiong to get the best scorer in front of him!

In the first game of the knockout round, he only scored one goal, but sent two assists to his teammates.

He felt that he couldn't beat Chen Yingxiong if he continued like this.

Chen Yingxiong never passes the ball to others and is extremely selfish. But this kind of selfishness is really effective in this battle for the best shooter.

It seems that I should be a little more selfish...

Competing with Chen Yingxiong is not only related to the ownership of honor, but also related to his own face and status. In fact, it would be better if the opponent is Ronaldo. But it happened to be Chen Yingxiong. He could lose to anyone, but he didn't want to lose to that annoying Chen Yingxiong!

He had never hated a person so strongly, and Chen Yingxiong let him do it.

If he lost to him, what kind of ridicule and humiliation he would suffer, he couldn't even think about it.

In order to defeat Chen Yingxiong, he must be selfish.

But he is not alone in the matter of selfishness, it must be supported by the whole team's tactics.

First of all, Messi needs to get the support of coach Guardiola.

He went to Guardiola to talk about it alone.


Guardiola once announced a season ago that he would not renew his contract with Barcelona and left the position of Barcelona coach. But he only rested at home for a year, because the Barcelona led by Vilanova was completely suppressed by Mourinho's Real Madrid, he had to come out again to coach Barcelona against Mourinho's Real Madrid.

So far, everything is fine. The two teams chased me in the league and did not give way to each other. Real Madrid had a slight advantage, but they did not completely get rid of Barcelona. As long as you are not careful, you will be the top of the league. Will change hands.

In the Champions League, Barcelona also has a good momentum.

Although Harvey is old, Iniest has grown up, and Messi has also become more mature before, plus a Fabregas who succeeds Harvey.

Such a Barcelona is still a strong team that makes the whole of Europe feel terrified.

Of course, Barcelona can achieve such results, besides himself, the biggest hero is Messi. It is his goals and assists in the game that have repeatedly helped the team overcome difficulties. He is already well-known now. Many times, Barcelona's opponents just see Messi in the starting list, they will be frightened, and they don't know how to kick the ball. Some teams regard Messi as an idol, and can play with their idols, even if they lose.

Sometimes it's famous, it's really a good thing.

The best strategy for Barcelona to win without fighting is the best strategy for Barcelona.

From Guardiola's point of view, that hero Chen is a clown who is sensational. Messi is the number one player in football today. What else can hero Chen do besides scoring goals? Will he be beautiful? Will he assist his teammate a dozen times a season? Does his image have Messi positive? Is his business value higher than Messi? Does his honor have Mesido?

How can I think that Guardiola has such confidence in Messi, but Messi came to him to complain...
