Hero of the Penalty Area

v6 Chapter 313: For the first time this season

While the Manchester United players were celebrating, Martin O'Neal was considering who should be replaced.

Now on the court, Liverpool’s offensive combination is Chen Yingxiong at the forefront, Bell and Sanchez are on the wing, the German genius Gotze is responsible for organizing the attack in the middle, and the back two midfielders are Inle and Jie. Rad.

This kind of offensive combination is perfect in the listing of staffing, and there is no problem at all. Also very balanced.

But the more so, the harder it is for him to change.

Replacing any one person may disrupt this balance.

This is that he must change.

The central defender is Pepe alone now.

This is definitely not possible, and the integrity of the back line must be ensured.

Agge had been called out by him to warm up, and he had to prepare to play in a few minutes.

Manchester United's morale is now boosted. If Liverpool's defense has always been like this, it will be sooner or later to lose the ball again.

Finally, after thinking about it, O'Neill felt that only Gotze could move. Gerrard and Inle can never move.

Inle is a full-time defensive midfielder. If he goes down, the midfielder will basically be undefended.

And Gerrard? Although his physical fitness is not as good as before, his mental function is now greater than his actual function. As long as he is on the court, Liverpool has a backbone and a spiritual leader.

Only a team with a spiritual leader can win the game when faced with a difficult situation.

If Gerrard is replaced now, Liverpool will only vent their energy.

Although Chen Yingxiong is the number one star, Gerrard's prestige in the team is still inferior to Chen Yingxiong.

Neither of them can be changed, let alone the wide players. Liverpool's wing is the lifeline of the attack. Bell and Sanchez charged back and forth, delivering shells to Chen Yingxiong.

These two wide players are equivalent to Liverpool’s two legs. Do you think normal people will cut off one of their legs? You can run with two legs, and you can only crawl on the ground with one leg. Running is obviously faster than climbing.

So the wide players cannot be changed either.

Chen Yingxiong couldn't even change.

Without Chen Yingxiong, Liverpool won't even be able to win the game, let alone equalizing the score.

So think about it. Only Gotze can be sacrificed.

Although the role of Gotze is also very important. He was the inspiration for Liverpool's frontcourt attack. With him, Liverpool's offense will be richer.

But before there was no Gotze, Liverpool could win, so sacrificing Gotze was the only option.

In this way, after Manchester United's lead five minutes, a dead ball opportunity, Liverpool replaced.

Gotze was replaced, and Aged replaced.

Martin O'Neal also knows that this substitution is very helpless. But you have to change, in order not to let Gotze have any bad ideas. He took the initiative to hug Goetze, patted his back and praised him: "You did a great job, Mario. But unfortunately, I have to change someone..."

Unexpectedly, Gotze was quite sensible.

"I know, boss. As long as I can win. I have nothing."

Martin O'Neal was relieved when he got a satisfactory answer, he patted Goetze on the shoulder and sent him back to the bench.


"Liverpool made a substitution, Gotze was replaced, and a central defender Agger was added... This substitution adjustment is completely passive... Gotze has helped Liverpool a lot offensively. This is compelling. Substitution."

The Manchester United players have also seen it, and their hearts are more confident in winning the game.

The Liverpool fans were worried and frowned.

Now they will challenge with ten players, a fierce competition that lasts for more than 70 minutes. How long can these ten people hold on...


After taking the lead, Manchester United did not immediately retreat. They still wanted to take the opportunity to score another goal for Liverpool.

But they are still quite calm, knowing that this is not the time to get over.

After attacking for a while, seeing that Liverpool's defense hadn't dispersed and was still very tight, they gave up this idea.

Back to deal with Liverpool honestly, waiting for Liverpool's attack to come up, and then wait for the opportunity to fight Liverpool's counterattack.

Liverpool, who is best at fighting others back. Now I have also tasted the taste of being countered by others.

It's really uncomfortable...


Chen Yingxiong is now the person most anxious to score a goal. Because even he himself was deceived by Ferguson's statement.

He also meant that Ferguson was really old before the game, and he was frightened. That's why I said so softly.

From the bottom of his heart, he looked down upon both Manchester United and Ferguson.

How can I think that he was deceived!

After discovering this, Chen Yingxiong was particularly angry.

He also found himself deceived by the old fox when Ferguson rushed down to the coach's bench to celebrate.

The thing that Chen Yingxiong hates most is being deceived.

Because it will give him a feeling of being played by others. If anyone rushes to show off his superiority in IQ in front of him, Chen Yingxiong doesn't mind showing off his big fist.

He wants Ferguson to understand one thing. The way to irritate him is not only to ridicule him before the game.


In fact, Ferguson himself is a little apprehensive about exposing his mind so early. But who made the goal come so early? The goals have all appeared, he is still indifferent, the morale of the team will really be hit hard, so he has to come out.

At the same time he also felt that Liverpool were one goal behind and one person missing. Even if they know that they have been deceived, what about it?

Is it such a good situation, can't Manchester United win the game?

Thinking of this, he immediately rushed down to celebrate in exaggeration.

And the effect is very good. Manchester United's morale rose all at once, while Liverpool's morale was declining at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, even if Manchester United is shrinking defense, it is also a shrinking advantage.

After scoring a goal, Ferguson never returned to sit on the coaching bench. He stood on the sidelines with his hands in his pockets, watching the game on the court.

He didn't say anything, didn't do anything, just stood on the sidelines. It brings infinite strength and confidence to the players.

This is the highest state of a coach. The ability of a legendary coach who has coached a team for thirty years.


But today, Chen Yingxiong is about to clashed with this legendary coach. Who made him play with himself as a monkey?

He really couldn't swallow this breath.

Chen Yingxiong began to raise his hands frequently to signal his teammates to pass the ball to him.

Before, he only did this occasionally when he ran to the shooting position. In fact, as everyone became familiar with and understood him, he no longer had to raise his hand, and the football would naturally be passed to him.

Now he raises his hand for the ball no matter where he is.

This shows that he is really angry.

The teammates are also obedient, and the football is passed to his feet one by one.

Anyway, Gotze is gone, and the future lacks people to organize the offense. Liverpool's offense has become very simple now, that is, pass the ball to Chen Yingxiong from the backcourt, or the wing, and then force the attack.

Chen Yingxiong doesn't go to the penalty area anymore, he withdrew to ask for the ball.

If he wants the ball, give it to him.

Then he does not carry the ball after receiving the ball. If he didn't pass the ball, he just shot the goal.

No matter where the position is, it is a shot anyway.

It's quite unreasonable to do so, but for so many years, Liverpool players have long been used to it.

Even the newcomers who came to the team this season have gone through the steps from "surprise" to "unbalanced" to "calm down" and finally to "accustomed".

Ren Chen Yingxiong has this ability and qualification, what can we say?

In fact, Chen Yingxiong is rarely so rude now.

Most of the time he is like a normal player, cooperating with everyone and creating opportunities for others.

Really unreasonable like now is when you shoot yourself. You can't see it twice in a season.

This is the first time this season, he has used Manchester United.


No one at Manchester United realized what it meant for Chen Yingxiong to do so.

In their opinion, Chen Yingxiong must have turned into anger, and after eager for success, he started to throw away his teammates and do it alone.

Not only are they not afraid, they also hope that Chen Yingxiong will do more.

Because this will make Chen Yingxiong self-defeating from his teammates, and he will lose the support of other teammates. What if he is so good alone?

The waste of opportunities like Chen Yingxiong is actually draining Liverpool's morale.

After a long time, everyone naturally loses their fighting spirit. Anyway, the ball was wasted by Chen Yingxiong in the end, so what are the others doing?

But the game did not develop as they thought.

No matter how unreliable the football shot by Chen Yingxiong is. Liverpool players are constantly delivering shells to Chen Yingxiong. At this time, no matter how big the players are, they are willing to make green leaves for Chen Yingxiong. Because Chen Yingxiong is bigger than them.

Manchester United gradually felt the pressure.

And what worries them most is...

By doing this, Chen Yingxiong is tantamount to reducing the pressure on Liverpool's attack. They do not need to invest too many people to attack, naturally they can let more people stay in the backcourt to guard against Manchester United's attack.

The disadvantage of this number is completely invisible...

Anyway, in the past ten minutes, Manchester United failed to strike back at once. Several times, even after the half-court was attacked, they soon faced Liverpool's superior force and were then besieged. Even Rooney can't help it, let alone other people.

However, Manchester United's strict defense is indeed a lot of work.

Relying on Chen Yingxiong alone, at most he shot from the outside and couldn't completely open Manchester United's goal.

You must know that the curtain from goalkeeper to guard is not vegetarian.

To break their goal with a long shot, it must be a world wave.

However, it is a pity that Chen Yingxiong has had twelve shots so far, and none of them is a world wave. Either it was too straight to be slammed by David De Gea, or it was shot at the Manchester United defender, or it was just shot away.

The two sides remained in a stalemate until the end of the first half.

The score was still 0:1, with Manchester United leading.
