Hero of the Penalty Area

v6 Chapter 322: Go all out (the guarantee is the first)

? Chapter 322 Go all out (the first guarantee)

The power of the media is infinite, and since they intend to deal with Chen Yingxiong's case coldly, they are really coldly handled. --.

After two days, everyone stopped discussing the fact that Chen Yingxiong scored more than a hundred goals in a single season.

Under the guidance of media and public opinion, they began to discuss other things. For example, the second round match between Liverpool and Naples.

In fact, there is nothing to discuss in this game, because the suspense has been lost. In the first round, Liverpool beat Naples 3-1 on the road, leading by two goals in total, and there were three away goals. These three away goals basically extinguished Naples' hope of advancing to the next round.

We must know that even if Naples scored two goals at Anfield and won the game with a score of 2:0, they will also be eliminated because of the few away goals.

Unless they can beat Liverpool by more than three goals in an away game, it will be a dead end.

But the question is do they have this ability?

The answer is obvious, no.

So there is no suspense in this game, except for the ball mi of both sides, should not care about it. In fact, even if it is the ball of both sides, if they are not irons, they will not care much. Who would be interested in a game with no suspenseful results?

But the media still wants to guide everyone to pay attention to these things, just to divert the attention of the public and prevent them from entanglement in Chen Yingxiong's two consecutive single-season goals for too long.

Many people think that they are grown-ups, have mature worldviews, values ​​and views of right and wrong, and will not be easily influenced by others. They are only half right. They are really not susceptible to being swayed by an ordinary person, but they have never thought that in fact, they live in this society and are always affected by all kinds of people. The biggest influence is from the media. A person will be angry and happy because of media reports, which is evidence of being affected.

If a person only looks at the right-wing media for a long time, his views will also lean towards the right-wing. The reverse is the same.

So many people actually don't really have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. Often the media say what they believe.

If the media says that someone is a murderer, most people will think that person is the murderer. They don't even think about why they are so sure, just because of the clues given by the media?

In fact, it's just blindness.

Because only the media tells them what to do, so they naturally believe that this is the case.


The match against Naples is really nothing worth noting.

Even the Liverpool players don't have the feeling of facing a rival.

After all, the advantage in the first game was too great.

Even Martin O'Neal sent a rotation in this game.

Now Liverpool is fully capable of playing two lineups. After several seasons of signings and construction, this team is no longer the kind of team that can only advance on one front and the other fronts will have to give up.

Of course, no matter how the rotation, Chen Yingxiong will not be absent.

Before the game, Mazzari expressed the same views as the first game in the pre-match press conference.

That is-"I know that Naples is already very difficult to qualify for promotion in this game. But our goal has never changed. We will try our best in this game. It has nothing to do with victory, this is a team The jing **** of professional teams."

It is very respectable to still go all out when you know that there is no hope.

Perhaps many media are uncomfortable with Liverpool, but for Naples, they are still generous with praise.

So what is Liverpool's answer in the face of such a dedicated Naples?

Facing the reporter's question, Chen Yingxiong said: "We will do our best to defeat them!"

He really did what he said, and in the game, he did not stay at all.

Leading other Liverpool teammates to launch a fierce attack on the Naples ball mén.

Similarly, Naples did not give up.

Even if they knew they were lost, they still launched a sharp attack.

From the neutral point of view, this game may not be regarded as Jingcai. For both players, it is not a tense match.

This is a moving game.

Even if the end of the game is known, the Napoli players are still singing in the stands, cheering for their players.

The singing never stopped, from the first minute to the last minute of the game.

Even the Liverpool players were moved by them. If mi dared to be at Anfield like this for another team's ball, they would have suppressed the opponent with overwhelming boos and louder singing.

They didn't do this this time, they even stopped their singing, making the singing of the Neapolitan the only voice above the stadium.

This can't actually change the destiny of Naples, but it can at least express the respect for the team and the ball of Naples.

Because of Chen Yingxiong, the relationship between Liverpool and Zenit St. Petersburg and the players of Naples is pretty good. Seeing each other pleasingly, naturally there is not so much fighting.

At the end of the game, Liverpool played a 2:1 against Naples at their home court. Chen Yingxiong had a goal, Liverpool won, and Naples also scored.

Even if it is eliminated, Naples can be said to have nothing to regret.

After all, they have encountered a team as strong as Liverpool, and it is not easy to get two goals from Liverpool.

You must know that this goal was not made by Liverpool deliberately letting them score.

They relied on their true strength and their will to score two goals.

After the game, Chen Yingxiong and Hamsik changed their jerseys. Hamsik's arm was wrapped around the armband of the captain of Naples.

Holding Chen Yingxiong's jersey, he said: "This is what I want for my nv. She is now your ball mi!"

Chen Yingxiong smiled upon hearing this: "Then should I sign a name?"

"It's not uncommon for us to sign." Hamsik also smiled. After the laugh, he said to Chen Yingxiong, "Our road has reached the end, and you will come on the next road!"

Hero Chen nodded.

"I will definitely bring you back a Champions League!"

The two embraced again, and then parted.


The goal Chen Yingxiong scored in the game against Naples was his 101st goal this season.

However, not many people care about this anymore. Since they are all over one hundred, is there any difference between one hundred and one hundred and one?

Chen Yingxiong himself didn't care.

Goals are just like money. In the beginning, when you can make five thousand yuan a month, you will be very happy, and when you can make ten thousand yuan, you will be ecstatic. But when you can make one million a month at random, you won't treat money as money anymore.

The same goes for goals. When you can only score 30 goals in all competitions in a season, you will feel that you have done a good job and you are very happy. But when you can score a hundred goals in a season, you will feel that it is just that...

For Chen Yingxiong, scoring is no longer something to show off. He has to keep scoring goals because he wants to see where his limits are.

How many goals can he score in a season...

After he retires, he will leave for everyone, one after another indelible records for the world's football, and one after another mountains that people can only breathe and cannot conquer.

In this way, his name will always shine in the history of world football and will never lose its brilliance.


After Liverpool finished the Champions League, the next step is not the league, but the FA Cup.

This is the quarter-final of the FA Cup. If they win this game, the Liverpool reserve team will be eligible to enter the Wembley Stadium.

Although this reserve team has already played at Wembley Stadium, who is too rare for this kind of opportunity?

For the Liverpool reserve team, after the end of the League Cup, the FA Cup is their most anticipated day.

But for their opponents, the FA Cup is not so cute.

Because the only meaning of their participation in the FA Cup is to let a reserve team ravage...

Who can feel better in this change?

The opponent of the Liverpool reserve team in the FA Cup quarter-finals is Manchester City led by Boas.

Boas is really a typical representative whose heart is higher than the sky and life is thinner than paper.

When he came to coach Manchester City, he felt that he could use the Manchester City platform to achieve new breakthroughs in his life, to prove it to those who doubted his ability and let them know that Boas’s success was not accidental!


Yes, the word "but" is most feared in the world.

But the passionate and ambitious Boas came to Manchester City, but he was restrained everywhere, mainly because of the bad relationship with Aguero. The generals' disagreement is not a "rumor" anymore. During this period of time, there have been more and more news about Aguero's going to Real Madrid, and even some media have vowed to say that Real Madrid has officially offered Manchester City 65 million pounds to buy Aguero.

Because of the general disagreement, Manchester City's results are not very good.

In the first half of the league, Manchester City has been hovering around the world.

But for Boas, there is finally good news. That is, in the war with Aguero, he finally won the decision to win.

After the second half of the season, the team's performance began to slowly recover, slowly approaching the top five.

And because of the improvement in his performance, he also received support from the club's senior management.

The club's senior officials estimated from this incident that it is impossible to satisfy Aguero. Since he can drive away a Mancini, he can deliberately drive away a Boas. But where can Manchester City find so many competent coaches?

There are many good players, and you can buy them as long as you spend money. But the head coach is not good. Now there are already fewer excellent head coaches. Even if you get the money, they may not be willing to come. Especially after I heard that there is a difficult ball player Aguero in the locker room, it is estimated that he is even more reluctant to come.

So the last thought is to let the players go, and the cost is lower.

So the news is actually true. Aguero is indeed not far from the day when he left Manchester City. Anyway, he has always wanted to go to Real Madrid...

After driving away Aguero, Boas’ main task is to lead Manchester City back to the top four in the league and ensure that they can get a place in the Champions League next season-yes, you read it right, it is the top four, no Top five. Fifth place can qualify for the UEFA Europa League, but for an ambitious coach like Boas and an ambitious team like Manchester City, how can a small Europa League match? Satisfy them? Of course it has to be the Champions League!

Therefore, the FA Cup, which can also qualify for the Europa League, is completely ignored by Boas.

Since it is necessary to adjust the center of gravity to the league.

Don't worry about this FA Cup!

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