Hero of the Penalty Area

v6 Chapter 78: Mr. Dugal (third more asking for monthly

It rained all night and finally stopped in the early morning. The whole city is full of warm breath from the ocean. Although it is late autumn, Liverpool, which is close to the Atlantic Ocean, does not have the breath of winter.

Everyone who goes to work in the morning still carries an umbrella with them. Who knows when it will rain again.

At this time in the British Isles, it is the rainy season, and it is normal to keep going all day long.

People living here are obviously used to this kind of weather, and only newcomers will make a fuss and complain about the weather in Liverpool.


Before Givengard entered the office, everyone in the office was enthusiastically discussing yesterday's intra-city derby, but when he appeared, all the discussions disappeared.

Everyone dared not even look at it.

He is the oldest person in this office, and he is also a **** Everton ball mi. In the "Liverpool Echo" where he works, Liverpool's mi are the majority. Take the office of the "civil service" section as an example. In this office, there is only one Everton mi.

Dugal didn't seem to notice this change of his colleagues. He greeted everyone calmly, took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack, and sat in front of his computer.

He is an editor of the "Liverpool Echo" dedicated to serving citizens.

Every day, I receive a lot of letters, e-mails, and phone calls. It is because the citizens hope to publish various announcements and news in the newspapers. Such as lost and found, such as missing persons notice, such as declaration, such as announcement...

Given Dugal is specifically responsible for handling these requests, not to mention that all requests will be published in the newspapers and need to be screened.

And this is to be paid.

The newspaper is not a charity.

Dugal was so calm not because he really didn't hear other people's arguments, but because he was used to it.

In three years, he has taught himself to calmly accept the loss of the same city derby. Everton can't really take advantage of Liverpool now. If you want to understand this, there is nothing to be outraged about. Liverpool is stronger, this is a natural result.

Although his heart is actually very painful.

The best way to make yourself forget the pain of failure is to work.

Without going to the news today, after turning on the computer, he immersed himself in his work.

Dugal's arrival also announced the end of the discussion in the office about the game last night.

Dugal is the oldest person in the office. Regardless of the hatred of the two teams, Dugal is still a very good person. He is very enthusiastic. This may be a necessary quality as a person in charge of serving the citizens.

Enthusiastic and good people are naturally popular in the office. So everyone is very acquainted and will not discuss Liverpool's game in front of him, especially after the same city derby.

When Dugal just started working, an elderly man came in at the door. He looked depressed when he entered the door. Then he walked straight to the table closest to the door and said to the newspaper staff sitting behind the table: "I want to Publish a missing object notice"

The young man behind the table nodded and began to take out the pen and paper to record: "Okay, sir. What do you need to find?" Unexpectedly, this simple question hit the old gentleman. His emotions suddenly became agitated, his face flushed, and he couldn't stop a mouth. He spoke endlessly but incoherently, and at the same time he kept waving his arms.

"Yes, it's a ticket! It's a ticket! I lost it. I don't know when or where I lost it. Anyway, when I got home, I found that I couldn't find it anywhere. To it, I can't find it. That ticket is very important to me!

Very important! We are very sad when I lost it. I didn’t even sleep well yesterday and last night... I came early today, and I hope I can get your help... I... I..."

The young man's brows frowned, but he still couldn't understand what the old gentleman said. He only knew that the old gentleman had lost a ticket, but it was just a ticket. Is it that important? He certainly knew that there was a Liverpool derby in the same city last night, which was the focus of the local media today.

No matter how the focus is, the tickets for this game are not rare and do not have any commemorative significance.

He didn't understand why the old man valued this ticket so much?

You should know that many people have torn up their tickets to vent their anger while the game is going on.

Could this old gentleman be Liverpool's mi?

That's not necessary. Liverpool hasn't lost to Everton in four seasons. Does this ticket have any special meaning?

The old gentleman was still there, talking happily, but still incoherent.

His voice gradually grew louder.

He soon attracted the attention of the entire office.

Dugal was also so quarreled that he couldn't work anymore. He stood up and looked at the door: "Heath, what's the matter with you?"

The young man called "Heath" pointed to the old man and said to Dugal: "Uh, Mr. Dugal. The old man said that he lost a ticket and he wants to publish a missing property notice."

When he said this, Heath had a strange expression on his face. He thinks this old gentleman should be a Liverpool player. He doesn't know what the result will be at this sensitive moment after letting Mr. Dugal know his identity...

But Dugal went straight out of his seat, walked in front of the old gentleman, first reached out and patted him on the shoulder, making a soothing gesture.

Then he took the old gentleman out of the office, and there was a small lounge outside the office. It is a resting place for the citizens who come to work. There is a row of sofas, a coffee table, and a few chairs.

Dugal let the old gentleman sit on the sofa. He moved a chair and sat opposite the old gentleman.

With a kind smile on his face, first calm the old gentleman's emotions: "Don't worry, gentleman. You can say something slowly."


In the office, with the door closed, everyone admired Dugal's enthusiasm.

"Mr. Dugal is always so enthusiastic..."

"Good guy! Good guy! But why is it an Everton ball mi?" "Hush...be careful not to let Hua hear it!"


Dugal doesn't know how his colleagues evaluate him in the office. He is comforting the old Mr. Samuel Mertz who has lost his ticket.

He hasn't asked what exactly was the lost ticket, it doesn't matter. The important thing is to calm down the owner's emotions before he can reorganize his own language, otherwise he will not be able to say clearly.

Under his constant comfort, Mr. Mertz's mood finally calmed down.

He can finally begin to tell Dugal in detail what happened yesterday.

"I went to watch the match between Liverpool and Everton last night"

If Dugal was on the scene at the same time, he would definitely be worried about Mertz's words.

Are you not Mr. Dugal? If he gets angry and doesn't help you deal with it, it depends on what you do!

But in fact, there is no change in the expression on Dugal's face, as if the Everton-Liverpool match has nothing to do with him.

He just listened carefully as the old gentleman continued.

In fact, the Liverpool player, Mr. Mi Mertz, went to see Everton’s home game against Liverpool in the same city derby yesterday, and then lost one of his tickets. This ticket is very precious to him. He doesn’t know what it is. It was lost at the time, and when he returned home, he found out that he didn't have the ticket. He immediately returned to Goodison Park Stadium to find the court administrator who had not had time to get off work and asked about the whereabouts of the ticket.

But the court administrator told him that no cleaner or anyone else sent him another ticket.

Disappointed, he returned home, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. So early this morning, before the sky was up, he got up, and then ran to publish the missing article when he was at work in the newspaper. I hope that after a good-hearted person finds it, he will be able to send it to him. He is willing to pay a lot of money. !

Dugal patiently listened to the matter, but he had a very strong question in his heart. He really didn't know what kind of ticket could make this old gentleman take it so seriously.

"Take the liberty to ask, Mr. Mertz. Is that ticket really that important to you?" Samuel Mertz nodded and said, "Yes! Very, very important! Because of that ball." The ticket is my son's relic! Dugal's expression became serious when he heard this. Since it is a relic, it is something of commemorative significance, so it is natural for the old gentleman to value it so much.

He pulled up Mr. Merz and pushed open the door of the office.

"I'll help you post this missing object notice."

He said.

"Thank you, Mr. Dugal, you are such a good person." Mertz walked in with Dugal and thanked him again.

When everyone saw that Dugal took the matter over, they all bowed their heads to do what they were supposed to do. To be honest, this kind of thing happens in their office almost every day, and everyone is used to it.


Dugal led Mr. Mertz to his desk, motioned him to sit next to him, and turned on the computer to record the matter.

He asked while typing on the keyboard: "We need to describe in detail what kind of ticket it is, so Mr. Mertz, can you tell me what kind of ticket it is? For example, face, size, and of course. The most important thing is the specific content. Which game is this? Time..." Before he could say anything, he heard Mr. Mertz's trembling voice and said: "It was April 15th, 1st year. Today, the tickets for the match between Liverpool, Liverpool and Nottingham Forest..." The sound of typing on the keyboard stopped abruptly.

The whole office suddenly fell into silence.

Mr. Dugal raised his head to look at this old gentleman whose emotions have become jiggly because of the memories of the past.

His mouth was trembling slightly, but he couldn't utter a syllable.

Dugal lowered his head again and quickly tapped the keyboard.

There was only the sound of him typing on the keyboard in the entire office, and no one said a word.

But the eyes of those Liverpool players looking at Mertz are different, and some people are even not satisfied with Mr. Dugal’s behavior for the first time~

If it is a real Liverpool player at this time, shouldn't it be right to get up and hug Mr. Mertz and comfort him?

Sure enough, Everton ball mi


I said, your team lost to us, you don't have to withdraw your breath here, right?

Just as they slandered their boss in their hearts and wanted to comfort Merz out loud, Dugal's keyboard tapping stopped again.

After he recorded the incident in the book, he stood up and said to Mr. Merz with a serious face: "Don't worry, Mr. Merz. I swear I will get this ticket back for you!

Now, I will take you to Mr. Chris Busscomby. "!.
