Hero of the Penalty Area

v6 Chapter 81: People always have hope (the second one

"" ps, remind everyone that today is six, six more! !


Although there is Chen Yingxiong's help, although the entire English media is discussing and enthusiastic, although more and more people are beginning to join in, help him find this particularly commemorative ticket.

But that ticket seemed to have disappeared from the world and never appeared again.

With the passage of time, more and more people have begun to give up-after all, they also have their own work and life, and it is impossible to devote all their energy to serving others to find a ticket. If you are rewarded, if you don't find it, you are really just a volunteer.

And it's not just that more and more people are giving up.

A voice has already begun to appear, and it has quickly become a consensus in everyone's minds. Even Samuel Mertz already knew.

That is, the ticket is no longer there. It was either burned or soaked, and then with the rain that night flowed into the sewer, it was finally washed into the sea...

Ten days have passed, and there is still no news.

Buscomby came to the door once to comfort poor Mertz. This comfort meant that even he had to give up the effort to continue searching.

"We mobilized so many people for ten days without any clues..."

He did not go on.

Mertz nodded: "I understand, thank you, Mr. Buscomby."

Seeing the old man’s listless answer, Buscomby was a little worried. He asked: "What are you going to do in the future, Mr. Mertz?"

Mertz shook his head, his eyes blank.

Buscomby really sympathizes with this old man, because everyone is a Liverpool player, and he can fully understand the feelings of this old man in these ten days.

But what can he do? He can never change Mertz's ticket out of thin air, right?

If you can't find it, you can't find it.

Although this reality is cruel, it must be accepted.

He certainly knows that for Mertz, losing his son at Hisburgh Stadium is already a major blow in his life. Now he has lost even the relics left by his son... He can imagine that in the long second For fifteen years, it was probably this ticket that played the role of his son in the old man's mind.

In the previous contact with the old man, he gradually learned the story of this family.

Because of his son's accident, he severed contact with his son's wife and grandson. Because his daughter-in-law fu thought he was going to take his son to the game, the father-in-law was fine, but her husband stayed in the stadium forever. How could she not resent her father-in-law?

She left the house with the child, and no longer contacted the elderly at all.

Just two years ago, his wife who had been with him also passed away. Since the death of the child, the wife has been depressed and her body is not as good as each day.

He is actually left alone in this family. That ticket to him is like his son, seeing things and thinking about people.

But now, this ticket is gone, and he has lost his son again...

Facing the poor old man, Busscombe was helpless, and he put his hand on his shoulder: "Sorrow and change."

After speaking in a low voice, he got up and left.

The old man did not send him out. When Buscomby was out, he glanced back. In the dimly lit house, the old man sat on a dilapidated sofa alone, motionless, like a marble statue.

Busscombe pressed his mouth tightly, and finally turned and left the lifeless house.


Not long after Buscomby had just left, Dugal came.

He is here to report the latest situation to the old man-even though there is no more recent situation anymore.

But every two days, he has to come.

I'm afraid it's more than just telling him the latest situation. There is only the old man left in this room, and there is always a faint worry in his heart.

After all, this old man is alone now. What if he does something stupid if he can't stand the blow of losing his ticket?

Always come to see if he is okay.

Dugal was in front of the house and was surprised to find that the door was not closed. He was taken aback and walked in quickly.

He was relieved when he saw the old man sitting on the sofa facing the door.

"Mr. Mertz." He walked in and turned on the light in the living room. There was finally light in the dim room.

Mertz heard Dugal's voice and looked up at him, his eyes blank.

Seeing him like this, Dugal knew that someone must have come to tell the old man the "truth" that was now circulating outside.

In fact, he also wanted to tell the old man about this. In any case, it is not good to live in fantasy. People have to face reality to be able to live bravely. So he wanted to tell this cruel fact to Mr. Mertz.

But now he has changed his mind.

Because he feels that his reasoning is only useful to young and middle-aged people, because their lives are still very long, at least ten or twenty years to live. Naturally, we need to face reality and live well.

But the elderly are different. They are already in their dying years. At this age, sometimes vain fantasies may be the biggest motivation for them to survive.

Even if you know it is fake, what about it?

At this time, is the truth so important?

So when the words came to my lips, they changed.

"I'm here to tell you good news, Mr. Mertz!" His voice was octaves higher, and of course there was some tremor in it. After all, he is deceiving an old man, which feels bad...

Sure enough, when he heard his words, the old man's eyes flashed, and his eyes widened a little.

The power of hope is really great... even if it's just false hope.

Seeing this scene, Dugal sighed in his heart.

"Yes, it's good news, I think... maybe we have a clue about your ticket..."

The light in the old man's eyes is getting more and more.

But Dugar suddenly wanted to slap himself, because he really wanted to push himself to a dead end, making himself a little hard to ride.

Where does he have any clues? He has no clue at all!

But to comfort the old man, he blurted out these words.

He was afraid that the old man would grab him and ask for more details. If he couldn't answer, wouldn't he just put on a help? I am afraid that the damage to the elderly would be even greater...

Thinking of this, he hurriedly said to Mertz: "I'm here to inform you about this, Mr. Mertz. Now I have to rush over and continue investigating..."

After speaking, he turned and fled.

He didn't even look back at Mr. Mertz, because he was afraid that after seeing Mr. Mertz's face full of hope because of his lies, the guilt in his heart would be even greater.


When he escaped from Mr. Mertz's house, the lights were already on.

Dugal stood by the side of the road, looking up at the sky.

He felt as if he had done something wrong and had done a cruel thing.

Where does he have any clues? It's just nonsense, as time goes by, there will always be gangsters. He had to come again two days later, because if he didn't come, I'm afraid Mr. Mertz would be able to guess what happened.

When the time comes, how sad and hopeless will Mr. Mertz, who finds he has been deceived, feel in his heart? And beside him, is there anyone who can comfort him and persuade him to enlighten him. So what silly thing would he do?

Dugal shivered, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Although he is an Everton ball mi, he fully understands the feelings of a survivor who experienced the Hesburgh tragedy towards that ticket.

You know, their pain was not only fixed on the afternoon of April 15, 1989, but continued. With the accumulation of time, it became deeper and heavier, and many people couldn’t breathe. Angry.

Now this small ticket has become his only spiritual sustenance.

Let him have hope, and then let his hope be shattered, this is the cruelest way for the person involved.

But now he regrets it's too late. Could he still turn back and say to Mertz: "I'm sorry, you have forgotten what I said just now, I was just kidding you! I think you were in a bad mood just now, so Just kidding with you..."

Of course this will not work.

I was really driven to a dead end! I made the **** return!

Dugal stood on the side of the road with a sad expression on his face.

But he suddenly thought of what he had said to him when he had just learned that Mr. Mertz had lost a ticket to the Hesburgh Stadium.

——You can rest assured, Mr. Mertz. I swear I will get this ticket back for you!

Yes, I swore it, how can I fail to believe it?

Must do something? Can't you just sit and wait like this? There are still two days...

Dugal began to desperately think of a way, at least to have a clear conscience.

The potential of mankind is actually endless, but it often fails to explode when it is not in desperation.

Now Dugal has pushed himself to a desperate situation. So he can also enjoy the benefits of driving himself to a desperate situation...

His mind flashed suddenly.

In the early stage, everyone analyzed many possibilities, and felt that garbage trucks are the biggest suspicion, and the garbage disposal plant is also the biggest possible destination.

They went to investigate the garbage disposal plant and the garbage truck, but they did not find any clues.

But why... no one thought of looking for it along the road from Goodison Park to the garbage disposal plant? Maybe there will be any clues that it is not necessarily true?

Yeah, why?

Is it because of too much work?

do not care!

Although there are only two days, it is not an excuse now!

Since time is limited, then I will start looking for it now!

Do as he says, Dugal returned to his car, started, turned, turned around and drove towards Goodison Park.

In this way, an Everton ball mi embarked on a journey to find tickets for a Liverpool ball mi.

But this has nothing to do with their respective camps, this is a story about a man's commitment to another man. ! .

