Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 110: Unhappy Alchemy Apprentice

Simon looked at this painfully. The instructor who had already posed, thought to himself: "If you show your white teeth again, you will be really expensive."

After visiting the training ground of the melee mage, the female teacher brought Simon and the others to the classroom of the four-element mage.

Here is a middle-aged female mage wearing a mage hat and a mage robe, looking at a crystal ball with a serious expression at the moment.

"I saw destruction," the middle-aged female mage in a mage's robe said suddenly after Simon and others approached.

"Uh, this is Instructor Alice, she is in charge of teaching Qi element mages," the female lead teacher introduced embarrassingly when she saw this instructor so secondary.

"Haha, I made a joke with you." After the teacher led the introduction, the middle-aged female teacher stood up and said mischievously: "Hi everyone, I am a senior mage of the air system, Alice Weiss, and I am in charge of teaching the four Air Magic in the Elements".

"I'll go, this teacher is not reliable!" Seeing the middle-aged female teacher sticking out her tongue mischievously, Simon thought speechlessly.

Leaving the air magic classroom, the teacher led the team to walk in front of the team, and said to Simon and others: "The other instructors of the four elements are temporarily busy, so we will not go to the classrooms of other elements. Their classrooms are similar to the one we just visited. ".

"Teacher, today is the first day of school, why is the tutor absent?" A boy asked suspiciously.

"Well, I don't know either," the team leader said helplessly. He is just an ordinary life teacher, how could he know what those mages were doing.

In the hills of Valdai, a group of barbarians were blasted by a fireball, crying for their father and mother, and then a group of human fighters rushed up, like chopping melons and vegetables, and the battle was resolved in a few minutes.

"Ah, today is the opening day of the School of Magic, why are we cleaning up the barbarians here!" the mage who just sent out a big fireball complained.

"Don't complain, this is His Majesty's order," said another mage who came to him with a small crystal ball.

"I know, I know, by the way, are there any barbarians around here?" The big fireball mage asked the crystal ball mage.

"One more tribe," the crystal ball mage pointed, and a red dot on the crystal ball replied.

"Hey, let's hurry up and clean it up, I can't wait to see those students now," the big fireball mage said while walking with his staff on his shoulder.

Seeing the big fireball mage walking away, the crystal ball mage shook his head helplessly. It's because you, an idiot, haven't learned the detection technique.

If the two of us could split up, how could the cleaning speed be so slow!

In the Academy of Magic, the leading teacher led everyone to a remote corner, which was at the farthest corner of the academy.

A large open space separates several courtyards from the surrounding buildings, as if afraid of being affected by these courtyards.

"This is the alchemist's teaching place. Let's all go in and take a look. Although you won't be assigned here, it's good to know about it," the teacher leading the team said with a smile.

Just as he was about to open the door and go in, the teacher who led the team seemed to have thought of something, and quickly turned around and said to the group of students: "By the way, after you go in, don't touch anything inside."

"Teacher, what will happen if it moves?" A student immediately raised his hand and asked.

"Well, let's put it this way," the teacher said with lingering fear: "When building these courtyards, some workers moved the things inside out of curiosity, but there were no bones left after the bombing."

"I'll go." Simon gasped. Is the profession of alchemist so dangerous?

"Goo!" Everyone imagined the scene where they were blown up without any bones left. They all swallowed a mouthful of spit in fear, and then walked in cautiously with the teacher.

In the yard, several alchemy apprentices who were busy saw everyone coming in, and they were all taken aback. Then, an older alchemist apprentice remembered the teacher's order, so he walked towards Simon and the others.

"Are you the students who enrolled this year?" the alchemy apprentice asked.

"Yes, these are the first batch of students from the Magic Academy," the leading teacher smiled and nodded.

"Then come with me, Mr. Clifford asked me to show you around our alchemy workshop," said the alchemist apprentice coldly.

Anyway, this group of people will not come to learn alchemy, so why bother to visit, isn't this a waste of my time? The alchemy apprentice thought unhappily.

"Instructor Clifford is a senior alchemist, responsible for teaching alchemy." Seeing the alchemy apprentice who received them, his attitude was not very good, and the teacher who led the team introduced to everyone in embarrassment.

"The teacher is working in this yard, so we won't visit this yard." After the alchemy apprentice finished speaking ~lightnovelpub.net~ without waiting for Simon and the others to agree, he walked out of the yard.

The alchemy apprentice's defiant attitude made this group of students who are about to become mages very unhappy, so they all looked at the teacher who led the team, wanting to be reprimanded by the teacher.

"When alchemists are working, if they are disturbed by others, they will easily produce failed products." Looking at the expectant eyes of this group of students, the three teachers who led the team said with a wry smile.

Although the other party was just an alchemy apprentice, they didn't dare to reprimand the other party, because they were just ordinary life teachers, and the status of the two parties was actually similar.

Not to mention that other people's teachers are working now? If it disturbs others and causes them to produce a failed product, who should accompany the loss?

An alchemy product that requires an advanced alchemist to do it himself, basically costs hundreds of gold coins for the materials alone, how can they afford it.

The teacher who led the team didn't dare to stand out. How could these students who hadn't learned spells scold each other, so Simon and the others finally left the yard obediently.

Pushing open the gate of a nearby courtyard, the alchemy apprentice started to introduce himself, regardless of whether Simon and the others followed.

"This yard is used to make some daily necessities, such as mirrors, watch boxes and other items," said the alchemist apprentice, pointing to some parts piled up in the yard.

"Well, can I ask?" Simon weakly raised his paw.

"Ask what?" The alchemy apprentice gave Simon a cold look, trying to scare the boy away with just his eyes.

But Simon doesn't like this. He has even experienced such strange things as time travel, how could he be frightened by a look.