Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 167: shop

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it is the end of December. In preparation for tomorrow's Luna Festival, the capital is full of people coming and going.

Guy, Harris, Mike, Deborah and the others traveled around the capital together. As the Luna Festival approached, the college specially gave the students a three-day long vacation.

"Hey, hey, there's barbecue over there, let's eat it!"

"Hey, hey, there's cake over there, let's eat it!"

"Hey, hey, there, hey," Guy squatted on the ground covering his head, and Mike withdrew the knife in his hand with black lines all over his head.

When Guy and the others entered school, they only brought a dozen gold coins for their living expenses. In addition, Guy spent a lot of money, so their cousins ​​had already spent all the gold coins they brought.

Not to mention Harris, his living expenses were raised by the innkeeper in the capital before the start of school, and there was nothing left for him to practice.

Therefore, this time the few of them visited the capital this time, all they spent was Mike's pocket money.

"Mad, I know why Simon doesn't play with you anymore." Seeing that the gold coins in the purse were getting less and less, Mike thought speechlessly.

As the grandson of a royal minister, although his status is quite distinguished, he doesn't have much pocket money. His family only owns one manor, and his annual income is several hundred gold coins.

The annuities of grandfather and father add up to only more than two hundred gold coins, which means that Mike's family can earn five or six hundred gold coins every year.

Although it may seem like a lot, for an aristocratic family, if they want to maintain a decent life, the annual expenses are also quite a lot.

Therefore, the annuity that Mike can get every year is less than the effect of five gold coins. After accumulating over the years, Mike has only saved more than 20 gold coins.

On the trip just now, Guy was buying this and that, but Mike lost half of his wallet in the blink of an eye, which made him feel very distressed.

"Hey, Mike", just when Mike was feeling sorry for his wallet, a clear and melodious voice came, making Mike and his group subconsciously look over.

Two beautiful girls in ladylike dresses, holding a lady's fan in their hands, followed by a team of guards, were looking at them in surprise.

"Hey, cousin, Alicia." Seeing these two girls of the same age wearing ladylike skirts, Mike's mouth twitched, and he replied in surprise.

"Hehe, Mike, let me introduce you," Guy quietly poked Mike's side ribs with his elbow, and then said wretchedly in his ear.

In all fairness, these two girls' snow-white skin, well-dressed clothes, and elegant figure are definitely eye-catching even among the noble children.

Guy, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, was in his puberty, so he fell in love with these two girls immediately.

"Hehe", Mike, who had been playing with these two girls since he was a child, twitched even more at the corners of his mouth after hearing Guy's request.

Ask for an introduction, hehe, then please don't blame me in the future, Mike, who knows the nature of these two girls well, said with a "sneer" in his heart.

The appearance of these two crazy women can fool strangers they don't know well, but they can't fool Mike who was bullied by them since childhood.

"This is my cousin, Sylphid Hamilton, the second daughter of Earl Hamilton." Mike first introduced the lavender-haired, slightly older girl to Guy.

"Hello, beautiful lady," Guy gave a gentleman's salute to the girl with lavender hair.

"Hello," Xiludi covered her face with a lady fan, looked at Guy playfully, and raised her skirt.

This little boy looks pretty good! I hope it will allow me to play for a while longer, so that it doesn't break too fast, Xiludi secretly said in her heart.

With blond hair, a handsome face, and a strong body brought about by warrior training, Guy's appearance is indeed a standard handsome man.

"This is Alicia Doyle, the only daughter of the Commander of the Royal Fleet." After Guy and Hiludi got to know each other, Mike introduced another younger, rather quiet girl to Guy.

"Hello", the quiet girl hid behind Xi Ludi, covered her face with a lady fan, and nodded towards Guy.

"Hello." Seeing this girl seemed very shy, and Guy nodded gently to her.

"Hey, Mike, you've finished introducing us, so it's time to introduce your friend!" Xiludi waved her hand and closed the lady fan in her hand, and Jiao looked at Guy with interest and said.

"Guy Willie, the great-great-great-grandson of Grand Duke Gaseppe." Seeing that his cousin seems to be very interested in Guy, Mike secretly sweated for Guy in his heart.

Those aristocratic kids who wanted to date my cousin before were either crazy or autistic. I hope you can hold on, and it’s best not to break down too quickly!

"Hey, the great-great-great-grandson of Grand Duke Gasepe." Xiludi narrowed her phoenix eyes and looked at Guy carefully. Isn't this more interesting?

"As for the few here~lightnovelpub.net~ they are Passerby A, Passerby B, Passerby C, and Passerby D." Pointing at Harris and others, Mike made a proper joke.

"Heh, Mike, you're itchy again, right?" The eyelids of several people twitched, and Harris squeezed his knuckles and said coldly to Mike.

Among the small group of these few people, except for Simon, a psychopath, and Guy, an unintentional boy, everyone in Tianke.

And after that, Simon couldn't get any benefits under Mike, and Mike was treated submissively by Harris, who was arrogant.

Harris owes Simon favors, so it is hard to be pinched by Simon.

Deborah took several of his cousins ​​and formed a small group of their own, no matter what they did together, of course, they still accepted Guy's "leadership" in name.

"Haha, just kidding, just kidding," Mike said with a guilty smile when he saw Harris was ready to do something at any time.

After formally introducing Harris and others to Xiludi, Mike asked his cousin, "Cousin, are you here to visit the capital too?"

"That's right! How could we miss the annual Luna Festival?", keeping her eyes on Guy, Xiludi replied casually.

"Well, why don't we go shopping together?" Seeing his cousin's eyes fixed on Guy, Mike first prayed for Guy in his heart, and then said naturally.

"Okay, of course." She gave Mike a look that understood me, and Xi Ludi said happily.

"This, miss, isn't that good!" Hearing that his lady was going shopping with a few strangers, and a knight following the two girls, he quickly said with a wry smile.