Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 168: Letter from home

Another possibility is to directly send out a large army to encircle and suppress, but this is even more impossible, except for the king, no one can do it in the royal capital.

But the king would not be so stupid as to offend the church and the gods. Don't forget that he himself is a descendant of the goddess of moonlight.

Therefore, there is only one possibility for Simon to disappear for no reason. The church has something to look for him, so he will disappear quietly.

It was also because of this that Clifford was not worried about Simon's safety at all.

"Hey, forget it, don't wait for him, let's send the letter back!" Guy, the leader, said. After more than half a year of military training, he has also matured a lot.

"Well", everyone nodded, and then they all handed the letters in their hands to Deborah.

The southern border is far away, and now the letter is sent in early December, and it can reach the family just before and after the Luna Festival.

As the most important festival of the year, students like them who have traveled far away to study in the royal capital naturally have to write a letter home to report their safety at home.

In their small group, except for Mike, the families of the others are all in the southern border, so they thought about sending the letter together, but they didn't expect Simon to suddenly disappear.

If it wasn't for Simon's mentor, Clifford, who confirmed that Simon was fine, then they would definitely report to the sheriff.

As children of the nobles, their words are still very effective. The magistrate may ignore the reports of the commoners, but the reports of the nobles must be dealt with.

Everyone sent the letter to the post office of the college. The students in the college are all the children of the rich and powerful from all over the kingdom.

So of course we need to set up a special place to help students mail things.

"By the way, let's help Simon send a letter too! Don't let his parents worry about him," Harris said suddenly, handing the letter to the postal staff.

"Hiss, that's right." After thinking for a while, Guy agreed to Harris' request, and the whole group sent letters back, except for Simon, which inevitably worried Simon's parents.

After buying envelopes and paper from the staff, Mike asked, "What should I write?"

"Just write anything, just say that Simon is busy, so he doesn't have time to write letters or anything," Guy made up a nonsense.

"Okay." As a student of the Bachelor's College, Mike's literary talent is naturally quite good. Without much effort, he wrote a letter to report his safety.

Of course, it was written in the name of a friend.

"However, to be honest, that **** Simon didn't forget that he will send a letter to his family on Luna Festival to report his safety!", Mike said with a smile after handing the envelope to the staff.

"Hey, don't say it, it's really possible," Guy also joked with a smile when he thought of Simon's heartless appearance on weekdays.

For more than half a year, the relationship between their small group has been getting better and better, but Simon is the only one who sees his head and tail all day long, and basically rarely shows up.

This is also related to Simon's practice. He has been doing meditation training for the first half of the year, and he will sleep for a day after every meditation.

And after becoming an official mage, Simon also encountered things such as evil gods bewitching, canonization of the holy son, and self-created spells. It would be strange for Guy and the others to see Simon.

After teasing Simon, everyone went to dinner again, and then separated again. They all had their own things to do, and it was impossible to stay together all day.

In the Alpine Castle, the lord Valery stood behind the study window, looking sadly at his territory.

In May and June, the barbarians in the Gru Mountains went out to plunder again because of a protracted heavy rain.

This time, because of the heavy rain, they were unable to make a quick decision, so they consumed a lot of supplies, and it took a lot of gold coins to replenish their armaments afterwards.

Misfortunes never come singly, also because of the heavy rain, the major lords in the Alpine Territory and its surrounding areas privately owned, and the winter wheat and spring wheat harvests failed one after another.

Therefore, Valery was not allowed to sell part of the property from the treasure house of the Hawke family to buy food and relieve the people of the Alpine Territory.

In a ghostly place like the Gru Mountain Range, there are already few people in the High Mountain Territory. If another group of people starve to death, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to the Hawke family.

"The Luna Festival is coming soon, and I don't know how Simon is doing." Valery looked into the distance, as if he could see Simon far away in the capital.

A coat was put on his body, Valery felt a warmth, and his wife Hina hugged him from behind.

"What are you thinking about? Don't catch a cold." Hina said softly, hugging Valery from behind.

December is the coldest time.

"Hey, it's nothing." Feeling the warmth from his wife, Valéry let out a long sigh, feeling inexplicably sad.

Hina has been married to Gaoshanling for almost 20 years. As a real earl, she has no money left, so she came to buy a decent gift for her wife~lightnovelpub.net~ No way, Gaoshanling is too poor , even if they live frugally, the annual surplus money is pitifully small, and in case of a natural disaster like this year, there will be a hemorrhage.

Therefore, Valery didn't dare to move at all, and Gao Shan received the surplus gold coins every year.

"Simon! I'm pinning all my hopes on you, don't let me down!" After closing the window that was blowing cold wind, Valery also hugged Hina.

The royal capital, a mansion in the deepest part of the aristocratic district.

The crown prince's wife, Stein, is teaching the eldest daughter the etiquette, and all members of the royal family must participate in the celebration of the Luna Festival.

As the eldest daughter of the crown prince, Irina can no longer lose her composure in terms of etiquette as before.

Irina is already twelve years old this year, according to the marriageable age of aristocratic girls, she will have to talk about marriage in a few years.

So from now on, she must train her demeanor well, the crown prince's wife thought silently.

"Ah~~ Mother, can I take a break?", Arina wailed after a whole day of etiquette training.

"Yes, Stein, Irina has practiced all day, let him rest for a while!" The crown prince on the side also echoed.

"Shut up", upon hearing the crown prince's plea, the crown prince's wife immediately became angry, her eyes seemed to spew flames and she said, "It's not because you have been ignoring her all the time that made her develop the wild character she is now, smashing her with a pair of fists all day long. People, do you still look like a royal princess?"

"My fault, my fault, you guys should continue to practice! I won't bother you anymore." Seeing his wife getting angry, the crown prince shrank his neck and ran away.

"Slightly slightly slightly", running to a distance, the crown prince stuck out his tongue mischievously, if you hadn't "domestic violence" against me every day, my daughter would have developed such a temper.