Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 207: Liver Emperor vs Hang Force

"That's easy." Clifford picked up the staff in his hand and tapped it lightly in the air.

"Perspective light mirror", following Clifford's call, a clear mirror emerged out of thin air, clearly showing the images in the venue.

"Eh~", Dalton, the water instructor, felt tired when he saw Clifford's see-through light mirror clearly reflecting the image in the mist.

Aren't we casting a spell? Why can the spell you cast reflect images!

However, Dalton did not ask for the specific reason. Clifford is a master-level mage, and he must have some spellcasting skills of his own.

Knowledge has always been priceless, and it is a taboo among mages to inquire about the knowledge mastered by others.

"Distribute mental power into the fog, this kid can really figure it out!" Looking at the dense fog in the arena, Clifford thought with interest.

There are many mist-type spells, but the spell that Simon casts now is indeed quite creative.

A few days ago, Simon discovered that although ordinary fog can indeed consume mental power, the speed at which it consumes mental power does not satisfy Simon.

For this reason, Simon deliberately improved the smoke technique he mastered. After all, the core of stealing the blue flow is to quickly consume the opponent's mental power.

After many experiments, Simon found that if he distributed the smoke, he would also distribute his mental power to all parts of the fog.

Then all mages in the mist will consume several times more mental power than normal detection when using mental power detection.

Moreover, if you integrate your mental power into the fog, you can also perceive the enemy's position, which can be described as a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

However, there are of course disadvantages. This large-scale distribution of mental power will also quickly consume Simon's mental power.

This is because the area of ​​the playing field is limited, so Simon has the courage to do it.

If the battle venue is unlimited, this method of distributing spiritual power in a large area is basically used to deceive oneself.

Although this spell is extremely cheating, the spell created by Simon can indeed have a miraculous effect in low-level group arenas.

But don't forget, Simon cheated not long ago, but now he is an intermediate mage, and his mana and mental power are several times that of an elementary mage.

Although Yannis practiced diligently, but now he is just standing firm at the initial stage. Under this kind of mutual consumption, Yannis must be the first to exhaust his mental power in the end.

Consume each other and overwhelm people with realm, this is the blue-stealing tactic designed by Simon.

In the thick fog, Yannis was looking around vigilantly. He also tried to detect with mental power just now, but the dense fog was obviously not right, and his mental power was consumed extremely fast.

So after exploring the site once, he didn't dare to continue exploring.

If the mental power is exhausted, no matter how much mana is left in his body, he still cannot use spells.

A mage who cannot use spells is basically a target for slaughter.

Losing his vision and not knowing the exact location of Simon, Yannis can only stay where he is and try to stay calm, and dare not make any moves at all.

On the other side of the fog, Simon blessed himself with the defensive spell of deflecting missiles.

Although deflecting missiles is only a level zero spell and cannot be used to defend against level one attack spells, it is still a defensive spell after all.

If Simon was really accidentally hit by Yannis' spell, then this fragile barrier could still play a certain role.

"Are you ready to face failure?", the spiritual power emanating from the fog could clearly perceive Yannis. Through the layers of fog, Simon stared at Yannis like a hunter staring at his prey.

Holding his breath, a ball of fire was imprinted in Simon's eyes. It was the fireball technique he created himself, aiming at the direction of Yannis. Simon quietly shot the fireball over.

In the dense fog, a group of red flames flashed quickly, and arrived near Yannis in the blink of an eye.

"Huh?" In the thick white fog, Yannis subconsciously dodged a ball of red light in his eyes.

"Boom", the fireball passed by Yannis, and a hole the size of a bucket exploded on the ground not far from Yannis.

"Huh, that's stupid." After dodging the fireball, Yannis yelled loudly, trying to provoke Simon to show up.

But how could someone as humble as Simon be irritated by such a childish provocation.

Therefore, what responded to Yannis was still a suffocatingly quiet fog.

As for Simon's ability to fireball, Yannis didn't care at all. The spells learned by every mage are secret.

Even the other students in the same department as Yannis, Yannis had no idea what spells they had learned from their instructors.

Each student of the public reading can learn ten first-level spells independently from the tutor~lightnovelpub.net~ This is a subsidy from the royal family, and the expenses are paid by the royal family.

But as for the specific ten spells, only the instructors of each department and the students themselves know.

Simon himself is a private student, and his treatment in the college is completely different from that of public students.

Not to mention, Yannis and Simon are not very familiar yet, so no matter what spells Simon has mastered, Yannis will not be surprised.

"Idiot", hearing Yannis' naive aggressiveness, Simon also replied silently in his heart.

Simon has kept quiet since releasing the mist, and he didn't dare to make a sound at all.

He didn't master the magic shield, a defensive spell, and his combat experience was basically zero.

If he was accidentally hit by Yannis' spell, he would have to GG on the spot. Without the buffer of the magic shield, his mentor Clifford might not be able to save him.

"Just now, I just found out your ability to dodge. Next, it's my real offensive!" As Simon murmured, more fireballs quietly appeared beside Simon.

In the dense fog, another red light flashed quickly. Yannis, who had been on alert all along, ignored the fire in front of him and snorted disdainfully.

"Boy, I've got you." Yannis reacted quickly, and with just two attacks, he determined Simon's position in the mist.

Another sideways avoiding the fireball, Yannis immediately swung his staff, and the fire element quickly condensed around him.

He has determined Simon's position. If Simon doesn't dodge this fireball, it will hit Simon directly. Even if Simon dodges, he can also follow the sound of footsteps to make additional attacks.