Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 239: vigil

"That's, it's outrageous." Simon's face was pale, and he sat weakly with Guy and the others. The pharmacist was next to them, constantly filling them with medicine.

The wild pork they roasted was still undercooked in the end, and after everyone devoured it, they all started to have diarrhea.

Fortunately, Cirillo has been looking after them, and the pharmacist and priest were called immediately.

"Everyone, all die once," Cirillo said solemnly when he came to Simon and the others while taking advantage of the pharmacist's treatment.

"Hey, I'll go", Simon sighed, his heart was full of helplessness, it must be too difficult to survive in this forest!

You will die if you are bitten by a poisonous snake, you will die when you are hunting, you will die from injury, you will die from illness, and you will die even if you eat something that is not cooked.

No wonder the death rate of mercenaries is so high every year!

At night, Simon and others learned the lesson at noon. This time, they prepared a few hares ahead of time, and their barbecue skills also improved.

Although it was a little charred, at least it was cooked.

After eating a dinner that was similar to coke, Guy and others spontaneously set up the tent.

This kind of portable tent can be carried on people's body like a backpack when not in use, and the process of building is also very simple.

Guy and the others are all students of the military academy anyway, and they are very skilled in building tents, and they built all three tents in two or three strokes.

"Don't extinguish the bonfire, pick more dead wood branches, and make sure that the bonfire keeps burning during the night vigil," Simon stood aside and ordered while watching Guy and others build a tent.

"Hey, hey, come over and give me a hand too!" Seeing Simon just standing there and ordering, Guy suddenly became angry, this guy is too lazy!

"Um, I'm the boss, none of you have seen the boss do it himself," Simon said without shame.

"Yes! My father is in the King's Wing Knights, and he will work with the soldiers under him," Harris replied contemptuously.

"Ah", Simon was choked up, and then thought about it carefully, it seems that when the Bronco Knight escorted them, he was indeed working with his men.

"Then I'll go pick up branches!" Simon muttered reluctantly.

After setting up the tent and picking up enough dead branches, Simon began to assign the task of vigil.

"I was alone in the first shift, Guy and Alyosha in the second shift, Harris and Bullard in the third shift, Siegel and Gratton in the fourth shift"

Following the principle of matching strengths and weaknesses, Simon allocated the night watch shifts reasonably.

First of all, among the seven people, Simon has the strongest combat effectiveness, so there is no problem in guarding the first shift alone.

Because the first shift has just entered the night, the danger in the forest has not yet fully manifested.

And because Simon didn't fall asleep, he was able to keep his head clear.

The second and third shifts are a typical combination of strength and weakness. Compared with the others, Guy and Harris have much higher combat effectiveness.

But because of Guy's jumping-off temper, Simon assigned him to the second shift. At this time, they had just fallen asleep, and they would not be very sleepy after waking up.

As for the third shift, it was the most dangerous time in the forest. It was completely late at night, and many dangerous hunters would leave at this time.

And because it was late at night, the minds of the night watchmen were completely chaotic, and it was easy to fall asleep because of this, so a prudent person must guard this shift.

As for the fourth shift, this time period can already be regarded as early morning.

The hunters in the middle of the night began to recede. After a night of sleep, the minds of the night watchmen were clear enough, so Simon arranged for two weaker people to watch the night in this squad.

There was no objection to Simon's shift assignment, so the group started their first overnight stay in the forest.

The night is getting deeper and deeper, and the forest is getting more and more silent, but the danger lurking in the dark is slowly emerging.

Everyone has fallen asleep, but Simon is sitting by the campfire, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

Unlike fighters like Guy, Simon can use mental power to detect, so he doesn't have to keep his eyes wide open to be vigilant about his surroundings.

Around the camp, some small nocturnal animals began to emerge, but the spiritual power exuded by Simon prevented them from approaching the human camp.

In this dangerous forest, the intuition of wild beasts is often the most reliable, and mid-level mages like Simon are not something small animals like them can provoke.

However, there are always some ruthless people in the forest who are not afraid of death!

A black panther that almost merged into the night, quietly walked into the range illuminated by the bonfire.

Looking at Simon with his eyes closed in the camp, the black panther was ready to pounce at any time and finish off the human with one blow.

Simon's eyes were tightly closed. Long before the black panther appeared, he had already discovered it through spiritual power, so he was not panicked at the moment.

Because his magic bow ~lightnovelpub.net~ has also been built.

The black panther's powerful limbs suddenly exploded, and it rushed towards Simon. Although the movement was violent, it still didn't make a sound.

"Whoosh", the blue magic arrow shot out suddenly, piercing the black panther in the air.

"Woo", the black panther let out a whine, and fell heavily to the ground.

From the beginning to the end, Simon never opened his eyes. Among all professionals, the professional advantage of a mage is not comparable to other professions.

"Not bad!" Cirillo, who was staying in the dark, couldn't help admiring in his heart when he saw that Simon had solved a rather difficult black panther so easily.

In the dark night, this silent Shadow Leopard is the nightmare of many adventurers. Just now, Cirillo was ready to rescue him at any time.

In the camp, the tragic corpse of the Shadow Leopard frightened all directions, dissuading many hunters who were eyeing this human camp.

"Made, how long has it been?" Simon thought impatiently after sitting for a long time.

Without accurate timekeeping tools, Simon would not judge the time based on the position of the moon, so Simon had no idea how long he had been keeping.

"Cirillo", Simon, through mental detection, found that Guy and the others were completely asleep, so he directly shouted in a low voice.

"Holy Son", Cirillo appeared directly beside Simon.

"How long have I been guarding?" Simon asked expectantly.

"A little over an hour," Cirillo looked at the moon in the sky, and then replied truthfully.

"Um, well, let me know when the time is up," Simon let Cirillo back down in disappointment.