Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 242: went well?

"This is a legend from a long, long time ago." Sitting in front of the campfire waiting for the prey to be roasted, the old man with gray beard took a sip of ale and said.

"It is said that before the fall of the elf empire, an elf army buried all its armaments somewhere in this forest before it was defeated."

"Hmm~ Are you talking about the legend of the elven army?" At this time, Cirillo, who was instructing Guy and the others on their sword skills, also interjected.

As an experienced demon hunter of the church, Cirillo is obviously right, knowing all kinds of legends in the kingdom like the back of his hand.

"That's right, it's the legendary treasure of the Elf Legion," said the greybeard father, stroking the dilapidated treasure map.

"Uh, but isn't that rumor said to be false? The royal family came out to refute the rumor many years ago." Looking at the gray-bearded father full of interest, Cirillo said speechlessly.

"Hmph, you don't know that!"

The old man with the gray beard said mysteriously: "When the adventurers in the past ventured in this forest, they found traces of many elves stationed here, which means that the legend may not be true!"

"Uh, okay! Dad, where did you get this treasure map?" Knowing that this treasure might not exist, Simon asked with a twitch of his mouth.

Mad, why does he always feel cheated?

"Oh, this treasure map!", the old man with the gray beard turned on the memory mode again.

"That was when I was a mercenary decades ago, when I was young, I dreamed of getting ahead all day long, so I joined a mercenary group.

During a mission, our mercenary group found this somewhat damaged treasure map on a skeleton outside the forest.

At that time, everyone agreed that after they had enough strength, they must go to the inner forest to find this treasure.

But I didn't expect that after so many years, I was the only one left, still staying in this adventurous town."

The old man with the gray beard narrated his past, and there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes.

"Uh, that means this treasure map may not be real anymore." Seeing that this treasure hunt was getting more and more cheating, a few black lines appeared on Simon's forehead.

"No, no, no, you should think this way, what if this treasure map is real?" Seeing that Simon finally found out that he had been deceived, the gray bearded father laughed heartily.

"Okay, let's just keep having fun with you!" Simon said with a wry smile.

After lunch, Simon and the others embarked on a treasure hunt again. With Siriro, a master warrior, in charge, many beasts dare not approach Simon and his party.

Even if there were daring beasts who tried to turn Simon and his party into their after-dinner poop, they were easily taken care of by Simon and the others.

One mid-level mage plus six low-level fighters, this is a team configuration that many senior mercenary groups cannot achieve.

After all, although the warrior profession is simple, it is also a kind of supernatural power. Except for nobles and some big forces, few other people have mastered the training method of supernatural power.

Many, many members of the mercenary group are ordinary people with strong bodies, and they can't even reach the threshold of professionals.

Before Simon and the others suffered in this forest, it was because they did not have enough experience. Now that they have accumulated enough experience, there is nothing on the periphery of the forest that can threaten them.

And when Simon and his party crossed a certain boundary of the forest, everyone's eyes became serious.

Because they have already entered the inner circle of the forest, monsters appear frequently here, and many monsters can directly wipe out Simon and his party.

Of course, that was without counting Cirillo's combat power.

The golden grudge on Cirillo's body flickered, and he split a monster attacking them in half again. Then Guy ran over and took out the magic core from the monster.

This kind of magical beast that can use magic power usually has a crystal nucleus that stores magic power on its body, and this kind of crystal nucleus with a wide range of uses is quite valuable.

Simon and his group got better and better, and the crystal nuclei of these magical beasts are simply indispensable.

"Hmm~ That cave should be right ahead." After observing the surrounding terrain, Cirillo said with a puzzled face.

Why does he always feel that there is an inexplicable and unknown aura around here?

It's like, like, Cirillo recalled frantically in his mind, yes, just like when he came here decades ago.

The strange aura he feels now is exactly the same as when he came here decades ago.

As a result, Cirillo's eyes became dangerous. When he came here, he was performing the mission of hunting demons of the church!

"Did the mouse go back to the hole?" Cirillo secretly guessed in his heart.

"Master Hound, what's the matter?" Seeing that Cirillo's eyes became serious, Simon immediately understood what Cirillo felt.

"It's nothing~lightnovelpub.net~ There may be a battle later, everyone be prepared." Without expressing his guess, Cirillo just ordered everyone to be more careful.

That guess is not necessarily a reality, and speaking out now will make immature adventurers like Simon worry.

"Squirrel, prepare to explore the way, Twilight, prepare to purify the magic spell, quick arrow, protect Apothecary and Twilight"

Following Cirillo's order, the thieves, priests, rangers, and pharmacists who guarded the heavenly group all appeared in their own shapes, guarding Simon and his party.

"Hmm~", seeing the sudden appearance of these people, the gray-bearded father was taken aback.

After all, he is also a middle-level fighter, and he didn't notice this group of people at all. Could it be that this group of people are also master-level professionals?

With so many master-level professionals, who are the young masters of which families are these people?

The grey-bearded father kept looking at Simon and the others with his eyes. He had already seen that Simon and the others were all noble children who had come out to practice, but they didn't directly expose them.

Nodding tacitly towards Cirillo, the thief code-named Squirrel began to explore cautiously, and then Simon and his party followed cautiously.

Thieves have always been good at finding paths, no matter what kind of traps lie ahead, they can't escape the eyes of experts like squirrels.

Pursuing his own memory, Cirillo directed the squirrel to a cave, and observed carefully at the entrance of the cave for a period of time.

The squirrel carefully pushed aside a rock, revealing the hidden spell runes.

"Sure enough," after seeing those runes, Cirillo's eyes narrowed. These runes directly verified his guess.