Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 263: spoils (2)

Simon gave him a hard look, so Guy immediately hid aside, and then looked at Simon with tears in his eyes.

"I just want this diary." To everyone's surprise, Simon took the elf officer's diary from Cirillo.

"Hey, what's the matter with all of these?" Seeing that Simon didn't choose the elf longbow, Guy suddenly turned from grief to joy, and picked up the elf longbow from the ground muttering.

Among the remaining people, he had a higher status, so no one objected to the third one choosing the items in these treasures.

Then there was Harris, who had been promoted to a mid-level fighter. After Guy picked up the elf bow, he took away the excellent elf shield.

And among the items that haven't been taken yet, there are only two elven short scimitars left.

"You guys make up your own mind! Those who don't get any items can share the wooden box of property we found in the barbarian camp with Master Hound and the others equally."

Looking at the remaining four Alyoshas, ​​Simon said helplessly.

There are only a few elf items in this treasure chest, and they are not enough for this group of people.

Those who didn't get their share of the elf's items had to share evenly what they found.

After Simon finished speaking, the four of Alyosha looked at me and I looked at you, and then Alyosha said to the other three: "A team of two, let's do it by means!"

After the discussion among the four, Alyosha and Siegel were in a group, and Bulder and Graton were in a group, and each started a fight for the elf scimitar.

"Alyosha, it seems that the long sword in his hand can only be used to decide who can own this elf scimitar." Staring at Alyosha solemnly, Siegel slowly pulled out his long sword .

"Woo, aren't we brothers? You actually want to face me with swords." After Siegel drew out his long sword, Alyosha squatted on the ground and "weeped" and said.

"Um, I didn't mean that, hey, don't cry!" Seeing Alyosha crying so sadly, Siegel hurried to Alyosha and began to comfort Alyosha.

"Oh, I took the bait." Taking advantage of Siegel's defenselessness, Alyosha, who was crying, directly uppercuted Siegel's stomach fiercely.

"Uh, your sister." Suddenly received a heavy blow, Siegelton fell to the ground unwillingly.

It never occurred to him that Alyosha was just pretending to be a brother.

Picking up an elf scimitar from the ground, Alyosha looked at Siegel with a playful face and said, "Oh, I told you that you must always be on guard against enemy attacks, why don't you listen? "

"Wori, you wait for me, I have to figure it out with you when I go back." Siegel gritted his teeth and replied while clutching his stomach and falling to the ground in pain.

After seeing this scene, Bulder and Gratton were immediately confused, so they finally decided to decide the winner by guessing fists.

"Hey, I'll give you a stone later, so I'll give you this elven scimitar!", Bulder said with a sigh before the fist guessing began.

Gratton, who heard what Boulder said, immediately cursed in his heart.

If you really want to give me the elven scimitar, then you might as well just quit.

You said that you are going to play rocks, you must be trying to trick me into making cloth, and then you will play scissors to win me, so I won't be so stupid!

At that time, I have to get the stone. Even if you really get the stone in the end, then we will only have a draw.

Thinking of this, Gratton became firmer in his heart, and he must produce stones in a while.


According to what he thought in his heart, Graton resolutely showed his fist, while Bulder, as expected, showed a big slap.

"Hehe, I will accept this scimitar."

Bulder, who had already seen through Graton's inner thoughts, took away the last elf scimitar with a smile, leaving Graton alone in a mess in the wind.

Hehe, the clown turned out to be me.

Seeing that the two elven scimitars on the ground had been distributed, Simon put away the diary he got, and beckoned everyone to walk towards the outskirts of the forest.

Along the way, he killed many blind monsters and spent another night outside the forest.

Finally, at noon the next day, Simon and the others returned to the long-awaited adventure town.

Saying goodbye to the employer, the grey-bearded father, took a refreshing hot bath, and fell asleep soundly.

When Simon woke up again, Cirillo and the others had already exchanged all the belongings in the box for gold coins.

A total of 2,200 gleaming gold coins almost dazzled Simon's old eyes.

But it's a pity that Simon couldn't even get a penny of the money, because when he and Guy were in the forest before, they had already taken their share.

The current two thousand gold coins ~lightnovelpub.net~ belong to Cirillo and others who have not been allocated the treasure.

Of course, Mike and the others who stayed in the town will also get their share.

Although they didn't contribute much during the adventure, they also made a lot of contributions to the logistical support of Simon and his party during the two or three months of adventure.

In the end, Xirillo and others who participated in the adventure were allotted at least two hundred gold coins.

Mike, Deborah, Chiya and others who did not participate in the adventure were all allocated at least more than 120 gold coins.

With such a huge amount of wealth suddenly obtained, Simon's friends, as well as the guards led by Cirillo, suddenly burst into smiles.

If it is an ordinary mercenary, after getting so many gold coins, Simon and others can directly disband the mercenary group, and then go back to their own homes to live their own lives.

But unfortunately, Simon and others are not ordinary mercenaries, so Simon still stays in the adventure town.

It's just because, after drinking the enlightenment potion of the barbarians, everyone's strength has increased explosively.

So Cirillo decided to give Simon and the others a special training to help them control their own power faster.

In the empty yard, Guy and Harris held unsharp long swords and surrounded Cirillo who was holding a wooden sword.

Simon, on the other hand, hid behind Guy and the others, releasing spells at any time to support Guy and the others.

Seeming to have found a flaw, Cirillo suddenly felt the wind under his feet, and flashed in front of Harris in an instant.

The figure of Cirillo suddenly appeared in his eyes, Harris was startled at first, and then swung the long sword in his hand involuntarily.