Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 264: birthday gift

The golden wheat collar of the Hood family has the most fertile land in the entire Silvermoon Kingdom, and even the Silvermoon kings of all generations have coveted this territory.

In a huge bluestone castle, the Hood family, marked by ears of wheat, lives here.

On this day, amidst a hasty knock on the door, Lauren, the young master of the Hood family, slowly opened his eyes from the big velvet bed.

"Hmm~", pushing away the two naked maids in the bed, Lauren first yawned, and then asked dissatisfiedly: "Who is it!"

"Master Lauren, the Earl is looking for you." After hearing Lauren's question, there was an angry voice from outside the door.

"Well, I'll go over right away." When he heard that his father was looking for something to do with him, Lauren, who was dissatisfied, sobered up instantly, and then immediately woke up roughly, the two maids lying in his bed.

Served by two naked maids, Lauren quickly put on her aristocratic dress, and then adjusted her posture with the help of the maids.

Opening the door, Lauren, with a bright smile on his face, saw the retainers of the Hood family, Knight Raura, waiting at the door.

"Knight Raura, I'm ready, take me to see my father!" Lauren said with a smile to the expressionless family knight.

"Well," Raula nodded expressionlessly, and then led Lauren to a study in the castle.

"The Earl is waiting for you inside." After speaking respectfully to Lauren, Raura consciously waited in front of the study door.

"Yeah," nodded kindly to Raula, and then Lauren took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door in front of him.

"Enter", a serious voice came into Lauren's ears from the study.

Calmly pushed open the door, and after entering the study, Lauren said shyly, "Father, what do you want?"

"Your grandfather's birthday is coming soon," said the middle-aged man sitting behind the desk, putting down the quill in his hand.

Lauren immediately understood what his father meant, so he replied, "Father, I understand."

After confirming that his father had no other orders, Lauren turned and walked out of the study. After closing the door, Lauren sighed heavily.

Although he is the direct heir of the Hood family, his grandfather is the lord of this huge territory. Members of other branches of the Hood family are all spying on the position of the heir.

If Lauren can't keep Marquis Hood satisfied, then Lauren doesn't have to be the heir.

You know, Luo Lun's father is not only his son, if Luo Lun can't perform well all the time, then his father doesn't mind letting other sons take the top.

Just like the point mentioned just now, Lauren's father is already partial to himself, the eldest son.

"Grandpa's birthday~" After returning to his room, Lauren couldn't help thinking, what gift should he give to surpass other juniors in the family?

"Gulaimo, go and call Ballanta and the others." After thinking about it in the room, he couldn't think of any good ideas, so Luo Ren simply began to summon the dog-legged servant.

It didn't take long for Lauren's henchmen to gather here.

These henchmen of Lauren are all descendants of the retainers of the Hood family, and their gathering around Lauren represents the attitude of some retainers in the Hood family.

"Hmm~" Seeing his dog legs, they all came in response to the call, so Lauren nodded in satisfaction. It seems that the loyalty of these people is still not a problem.

"My grandpa's birthday is coming soon. What do you think is a more suitable gift?" Lauren asked, frowning as he walked around the room.

After hearing Luo Lun's inquiry, the gangsters exchanged faces at first, and then began to discuss.

They were not stupid either, and they all knew in their hearts that the birthday gift from Lauren had to overwhelm the other young masters.

But the gifts that Lauren could find, the other young masters could basically find as well.

So after discussion and discussion, these dog legs still failed to come up with any creative ideas.

Until, a dog leg casually mentioned: "I heard that there is an old mercenary in the adventure town, and he got a well-preserved elven long sword."

Adventure Town, in the courtyard where Simon and others lived.

"Too slow" "Fuck"

"Too slow" "Fuck"

"Too slow" "Fuck"

Cirillo held a wooden sword and beat Simon and others up and down.

"It can't be done, it can't be done, let's take a break!" Simon, who was covered in bruises and purples, said while sitting on the ground and panting heavily.

On the ground around Simon were Guy and others who had already been beaten to the ground.

"Damn it, it's not scientific"

Guy lay on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face, then struggled to climb up to Simon's side and said, "Obviously he has suppressed his strength to mid-level fighters~lightnovelpub.net~ Why are we still beaten so badly by him!"

"This shows that you are still not good at practicing!", Simon gave Guy a white look, and then very consciously removed himself.

"Wori, the feeling is as if you are not lying on the ground." Sure enough, after hearing Simon's evasion of responsibility, Guy also complained to Simon with blank eyes.

"Hehe, I'm a mage, and I'm not good at melee combat. If you can stop him, I promise I can get him down." Pointing to Cirillo who was sitting in the middle of the yard, Simon said stubbornly.

"Hehe, just blow it!"

At this time, Harris also struggled to climb up to Simon, and then said with disgust: "The spell you cast has never touched his clothes!"

"Hey, hey, is that my problem? If you could restrain his movements, wouldn't I have hit him a long time ago?" Simon, who had no sense of shame, evaded again.

"Hehe", upon hearing Simon's prevarication, Guy and Harris looked directly at Simon again and rolled their eyes.

After getting along for such a long time, they understood Simon's attitude towards mistakes.

Acknowledging mistakes, it is possible to correct mistakes, but never admitting mistakes.

In short, no matter what the problem is, it will never be the wise leader of the mercenary group, Simon Hauke, who is at fault.

Yes, that's what you say if someone asks you!

The above two sentences are the brainwashing thoughts that Simon instilled in Guy and others.

But, it's a pity that Guy and the others simply don't like him.

"Hey, have you rested? Come back after resting"

Seeing Simon, Guy, and Harris start spraying each other, Cirillo, who was sitting in the middle of the yard, stood up and said.