Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 272: Plug-ins show their prestige again

In this world, everyone's life is not equal!

If these low-status guards directly shot and killed noble children like Simon, then needless to say, they would definitely be pushed out to take the blame in the end.

After all, neither the Hawke family behind Simon nor the Grand Duke Gasepe behind Guy can be easily settled by the Hood family!

Therefore, compared to losing a few guards, it is a better choice for these people to be able to take down Simon and others without hurting their lives.

Among Simon and the others, only Harris had a longbow in his hand, and Harris didn't have many arrows with him.

Therefore, after knocking down about ten guards, Simon and the others lost the ability to suppress them remotely.

Seeing that the archers on Simon's side had run out of arrows, the guards of the Hood family, who were carefully avoiding the arrows, immediately put down all their defenses and rushed towards Simon and the others like a pack of hungry wolves.

However, Gay and the others did not feel alarmed when they saw the guards of the Hood family rushing up again.

Because, behind them, stood an intermediate mage!

"Fireball Technique", after Simon had accumulated power for a long time, he condensed three fireballs above his head in one breath.

"No, there is a mage!" After seeing the fireball condensed above Simon's head, the commanders of these guards were horrified.

In such a densely populated situation, the destructive power that a mage can exert is no joke.

"Rosan Tudan", seeing that Simon's fireball was about to launch, the commander of the guards quickly shouted to a person beside Lauren.

"Understood, counterspell." A man dressed as a mage beside Lauren pointed the short staff in his hand at Simon.

Then, a burst of mana pulse shot at Simon from the staff.

If this mana pulse interrupts Simon's spellcasting, then Simon will fall into a brief mana disorder and temporarily lose the ability to cast spells.

If they really lost their magic support, then Simon and the others would definitely fall into an absolute disadvantage.

But unfortunately, the situation did not develop according to the commander's expectation.

The moment the mana pulse emitted by the Hood family mage hit Simon's body, a purple light flashed in Simon's soul.

Then the mana pulse that should have interrupted Simon's spellcasting was directly broken down into spiritual power.


Seeing this mana pulse being disintegrated by the purple light cluster, Simon immediately cheered in his heart.

After the sorcerer next to Lauren appeared, Simon's heart was actually chilled.

Because as long as you are a normal mage, you will inevitably counter this spell with spells.

Before, Simon dared to cast spells so recklessly because he thought that there were no mages in the hands of the people brought by Lauren.

If he knew in advance that the other party also had a mage, then Simon wouldn't dare to cast spells like this!

But what people didn't expect was that the purple light group that Simon thought was useless could break down even the mana pulses sent by other people.

If it is true that this situation is not accidental, then Simon may be able to walk sideways in the future.

It is because of the existence of the spell counterspell that the combat power of the mage will be greatly weakened.

If a mage is not bound by this spell, then on the battlefield, this mage can easily kill a lot of enemies.

like this~

"Fireball", as Simon shouted, three big fireballs above his head immediately flew towards the Hood family guards who were rushing towards Simon and the others.


With the sound of three explosions, the thirty or forty guards who rushed up were blown to pieces in an instant.

At least twenty guards were directly killed because of this.

And those guards who survived were also frightened, and fled back to the ranks of the Hood family.

It was as if the more people gathered, the more at ease they would be!

"What, it's impossible." Seeing that Simon had successfully cast the spell, the mage who released the counterspell was stunned.

You know, the chance of a counterspell failure is almost one in a thousand, and today he was unlucky enough to encounter it once.

"Luo Sang Tudan, what's going on?"

Sure enough, the commander who was defeated due to the bombardment by Simon's fireball technique grabbed the mage by the collar when he came back.

And judging from the commander's appearance of wanting to eat people, he should be very angry about this situation.

If it wasn't for this stupid mage's mistake, how could they have lost so many brothers!

The more than 20 people killed by Simon, plus the dozen people shot down by Harris~

In other words, they lost more than 30 soldiers, but they didn't even touch the collars of Simon and others.

"This, I can't do anything about it! After all, counterspells will indeed fail."

Seeing the commander looking like he wanted to tear himself apart, the sorcerer whose collar was pulled up quickly defended~lightnovelpub.net~ Okay, Knight Strand, I really don’t blame Rosanna for this Your Excellency Tudan, it should just be our bad luck.

You lead people to organize another attack! Presumably this time, the **** like Simon are not so lucky."

Seeing that Simon and the others didn't kill them, instead, their own people started fighting among themselves, so Lauren could only frowned and comforted them.

"Hmph, you'd better not make any more mistakes this time." Hearing his young master's consolation, the commander's anger calmed down a little.

He loosened the collar of the mage, and then the commander began to appease the panicked guards.

They didn't even touch the opponent's collar, and they lost more than 30 soldiers on their side.

It has to be said that this is undoubtedly a very heavy blow to the morale of these guards whose thinking is still in the era of cold weapons and whose combat depends entirely on momentum.

More than 50 family guards in good spirits were selected again, and then the commander started the second round of attack.

"Don't maintain a dense formation, spread out"

Seeing that the soldiers of the second wave of attack were still in the form of a combination of teams, advancing towards Simon and others, the commander quickly roared.

These people were originally the private army of the Hood family. After receiving Lauren's order, they were temporarily transformed into family guards.

As far as the army is concerned, being able to maintain a dense formation all the time must be a well-trained performance.

But when there is a mage on the opposite side, and they may continue to cast spells, they still have to maintain their usual combat habits. This can no longer be described simply as an idiot!

"Fireball Technique", seeing the second wave of guards rushing up, Simon looked relaxed, and once again condensed three large fireballs above his head.