Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 309: Old King's Means (18)

"What, the royal family wants our two families to lead the battle!" In the castle of the Hood family, the Marquis Hood, who was full of anger, grabbed the king's special envoy by the neck.

As the second largest lord of the Silver Moon Kingdom, he didn't need to give face to the king's special envoy.

"Master Marquis, it's useless for you to be angry at me, this is what His Majesty the King meant!", being strangled by Marquis Hood, the king's special envoy struggled in pain.

Ma De, it's really bad luck for eight lifetimes, to be given this job!

For them, the king's special envoys, the most annoying thing is dealing with the Hood family and the Sissoko family.

As the special envoys of the king, no matter where they went, they were well served by others.

But for these two big families, sometimes they don't even sell the face of the king, and they are even said to be special envoys of the king.

So every time they received missions related to these two big families, these envoys of the king would look bad, just like the envoy of the king now.

"Humph", after hearing the king's special envoy's begging for mercy, Marquis Hood pushed with his right hand and loosened the king's special envoy's neck.

Marquis Hood also knew that it was useless to vent his anger on this person. After all, even if he got angry again, could he kill this person directly?

Kill the king's special envoy today, and the king will lead someone to kill you the next day!

"Our dear His Majesty the King, do you have anything else to say?" Glaring at the King's special envoy, Marquis Hood asked through gritted teeth.

The original plan of their Hood family was very similar to that of the Hawke family on the other side. They wanted to make matters worse and then let the royal family intervene.

After all, for such a trivial matter, it is really not worthwhile to take the 23,000 members of the Hood family and the 20,000 members of the Hawke family to fight each other.

But the current situation obviously exceeded their Hood family's expectations. The royal family actually allowed the two of them to lead their own troops to fight.

He also said that for the sake of fairness, under the witness of the two major legions of the royal family, let them lead troops to fight near the royal capital.

Ah bah, I think your royal family just wants to take this opportunity to mess with me!

Leading the second largest family in the Silvermoon Kingdom, Marquis Hood was not a fool, and he was faintly aware of the old king's plan in an instant.

Although he didn't know what that old **** was secretly doing to their Hood family, but Marquis Hood was very sure that that old **** was definitely secretly messing with their Hood family.

But then again, the momentum of the two families is so loud now.

Mad, the loudness is a bit too much, this must be the old bastard's tricks.

Under such circumstances, when the nobles of the whole country are waiting to see a good show, if the two of them dare to persuade now, then you will see if they will be laughed to death in the next few thousand years.

Just as the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, the trouble has reached the point where the two of them can't hold back at all.

So even if he knew that the old king was secretly tripping them up, Marquis Hood would have to grit his teeth and tearfully lead the Hood family into the fire pit step by step.

Seeing that the king's special envoy had nothing else to say, Marquis Hood told the king's special envoy to leave immediately.

After the king's envoy left, looking at the empty study, Marquis Hood lit a pipe, and the light in his eyes kept flickering.

The matter has come to this point, and it is too late to back down, so I can only bite the bullet and go see what the royal family wants to do.

He has already understood the strength of the Hawke family very clearly these days.

He still doesn't believe it, just based on the members of the Hawke family, could it be that their Hood family will overturn at the hands of the Hawke family?

In the palace, in the king's study.

"Your Majesty, you are looking for me." The Crown Prince pushed open the door of the study and walked in with a solemn expression.

With the help of their royal family these days, the news that the Hawke family and the Hood family are going to war is spreading more and more widely.

The Silvermoon Kingdom has not fought a war for a long time. In order to satisfy their curiosity about war, nobles from all over the kingdom rushed to the capital to watch this good show.

And in order to deal with these nobles from all over the country, the crown prince and the defense team of the capital are busy.

After all, in this world, there are not many good nobles who are willing to obey the law!

"What's going on with the Hawke family?" Leaning on the wooden chair behind the desk, the old king asked lightly.

The king's special envoy has been sent out for many days, and the Hawke family should have received the news long ago. According to his estimation, the reaction of the Hawke family will be sent back to the capital these days.

And according to the Hawke family's reaction, it's time for him to make a plan for the next step!

"Well, there is no specific news from the hidden guards, but according to some gossip, Earl Hawke has prepared a private army of 2,500 people and is preparing to rush towards the capital."

Standing neatly, the crown prince reported the news he had heard.

"Gossip?" Hearing what the crown prince said, a few black lines appeared on the old king's forehead in an instant~lightnovelpub.net~Made, there is no news from the royal guard, where are the others? The gossip, could it be that their information transmission speed is faster than that of the royal family?

"Okay, I see. When there is specific news from the hidden guard, you will report to me immediately." With a wave of his hand, the old king asked the crown prince to step down again.

Picking up the wine glass on the desk casually, the old king took a sip, and then sighed heavily.

Difficult! Although it was gossip, the old king knew in his heart that the Hawke family could mobilize only so many troops.

As for the Hood family, even if a considerable part of their troops were entangled, they could at least mobilize 8,000 people.

Although the troops on the Hawke family's side are all veterans who have experienced battles, this cannot make up for the huge difference in numbers.

If he wanted the Hawke family to win, he had to continue to weaken the Hood family's combat power, and also increase the Hawke family's combat power as much as possible.

Thinking of this, the old king sighed heavily again.

I hope that the Hawke family can win, and don't be put down by the Hood family in the end.

If that's the case, I'm sorry for him dragging his old body to think hard every day.

In the alpine castle, in the banquet hall, the maids and waiters are cleaning up the leftovers on the banquet table. Valery just hosted a banquet here, and all the lords who came to help.

Although the king has ordered that other families are not allowed to participate in this matter, the money collected by these families before will definitely not be refunded to the Hawke family.

After all, the little money of the Hawke family is enough to make them strong. If they really want to fight, that little money is not enough at all!