Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 313: Old King's Means (22)

Hearing that Grand Duke Gasepe was talking about business, everyone at the banquet table immediately fell silent, including the retainers of the Hawke family who were eating and drinking.

They just don't care about etiquette, and it's not that they don't understand the rules at all.

Now that Grand Duke Gaseppe wants to talk to their lord about business, how could they be stupid enough to make another noise.

"Confidence? Hey~, you won't know until you fight!", shaking his head with a wry smile, Valery sighed.

But judging from the number of people on the surface, their Hawke family must not be able to defeat the Hood family, but the two armies are fighting not just based on the number of people.

Weapons and equipment, personnel morale, combat experience, and battlefield command are all the keys to victory or defeat.

If wars are only based on the number of people, then there will be no wars in this world. Before the war, the two sides will compare the numbers of the two sides, and the winner will be determined!

In addition, the Crown Prince sent a letter saying that the Hawke family will definitely win this time, but so far, he has not felt any movement from the royal family.

Therefore, regarding this battle, Valery himself had no idea.

"Oh, that's it!", looking at Valery, who had no idea in his heart, Grand Duke Gaseppe pondered for a while.

Originally, the development of this matter was very normal. It was a dispute between the two juniors, and finally turned into a struggle between the two families.

Until the two sides start to win over allies, the development of things is normal!

The only strange thing is that the attitude of the royal family is always erratic!

However, at the stage when the two sides began to show off their muscles and show off their momentum, trying to get the royal family to intervene, the king's order completely confused him.

Allow the two families to lead troops to a duel in front of the capital? Could it be that his old brother king is really too old, so his spirit finally became a little demented.

Or, his brother the king wants to take this opportunity to secretly mess with a certain family.

Want to clean up the Hawke family? But the Hawke family and the royal family have no enmity!

Want to engage the Hood family? But the strength of the Hood family far exceeds that of the Hawke family!

Forcibly arranging such a battle, what is that His Majesty in the capital thinking!

"Well, don't worry too much. Your Majesty in the capital must have his own considerations when he wants your Hawke family to fight the Hood family."

Raising the wine glass towards Valéry, Grand Duke Gaseppe said with a relaxed expression.

He had a deep understanding of the methods of his brother the king in the early years, and he did not believe that His Majesty would become an old fool in this matter.

"Oh, of course, even if there is no special assistance, I believe that the soldiers of our Hawke family will definitely make the Hood family suffer a lot."

Facing the toast of Grand Duke Gaseppe, Valery, the chairman on the right, also raised his glass confidently, and saluted Grand Duke Gaseppe at the main seat.

The most important thing among the nobles is the interests. As long as they grasp the two words of interests, they will naturally be able to determine the position of some people.

Since their establishment, the Hawke family has been helping the royal family to guard against the barbarians in the Gru Mountains, and has never had any conflicts with the royal family.

And the mistress of the Hawke family is a genuine royal collateral nobleman.

Therefore, in this matter, the royal family can only get close to their Hawke family, and it is impossible to play tricks behind their backs.

But the Hood family is different. As one of the largest families in the Silvermoon Kingdom, the Hood family doesn't care about the face of the royal family.

If we don’t mention the events of the previous generations, we will only mention what happened in the old king’s generation.

Without the permission of the royal family, the Hood family and the Sissoko family joined forces to form an aristocratic council without authorization, intending to strive for more power in the kingdom.

To be honest, it was a miracle that this incident did not kill the old king on the spot. Valery thought it was a miracle.

Because it is so obvious that the northern lords are going to fight the royal family.

Let's talk about the current matter, without mentioning the cause and process of the incident, just mentioning the fact that the Hood family sent troops to surround the royal town is enough to make the old king hate the Hood family to death!

On the other hand, what about the Hawke family?

Knowing that the magistrate must have accepted bribes, knowing that he would be caught by the Hood family when he walked out of the town, and knowing that the power around him was completely worthy of the magistrate, Simon still walked out of the town "abiding by the law".

Such a Hood family who does not give the royal family face at all, such a law-abiding Hawke family, which side the royal family will lean towards, even an individual can figure it out!

Of course, the most important thing was the letter sent by the crown prince. That letter made Valéry confirm that in this matter, the royal family was punishing the Hood family.

Turn your gaze back to the Hood family.

With the threat of punishment from Marquis Hood, the retainers of the Hood family prepared their army that night.

And in the early morning of the next day, the camp was set up in a hurry, and 8,000 people rushed towards the capital slowly.

Whoever arrives at the battlefield designated by the king first will be the first to build a camp and build temporary fortifications. This will undoubtedly greatly increase their chances of winning~lightnovelpub.net~ Although compared with the Hawke family, the Hood family's territory is farther away from the king's capital. Closer, but their army is also larger than that of the Hawks.

If the normal marching speed of the 2,500 members of the Hawke family is 20 kilometers per day, then the marching speed of their Hood family is only 15 kilometers per day.

And coupled with the slow preparations before, they set off a few days later than the Hawke family, so it is really hard to say which of the two families will be the first to arrive at the battlefield.

With so many troops deployed by the family, Marquis Hood will undoubtedly serve as the coach of this expedition.

In order to hone his successor, Marquis Hood also brought Count Greta over.

So, without the suppression of his grandfather and father, Lauren, who stayed in the castle, started to jump again.

"Geta", Simon sat cross-legged on the bed, closing his eyes and meditating. The iron door in the room was once again opened by Lauren.

Walking into the room, looking at Simon who still closed his eyes and calmed down, a nameless anger surged in Lauren's heart.

Why! Why is this kid still so calm at this point.

Why! Why can't he defeat this kid's will no matter what means he uses.

Asking his subordinates to bring a wooden chair, Lauren, who was restless, sat on the wooden chair, quietly watching Simon sitting cross-legged on the bed.

And Simon has never paid attention to Lauren since he entered the door, as if Lauren didn't exist at all.

Simon closed his eyes tightly, his expression was flat, and he didn't know what he was thinking at the moment.

Lauren leaned on the wooden chair with his legs crossed, watching Simon sitting cross-legged on the bed without saying a word.

The two sides confronted each other silently.