Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 318: Old King's Means (27)

"How many cavalry?" Valery asked with a frown after hearing Sivir's persuasion.

He didn't see just now that the Hood family has a well-organized cavalry team!

"About a thousand people. The Hood family is very smart. During the demonstration just now, they were not allowed to ride out on horses, but in the formation formed by the Hood family, this group of people obviously looked awkward!"

Looking at the Hood family's camp in the distance, Xi Weier said with a stern expression.

In order to allow soldiers with various weapons to cooperate tacitly, the army has a fixed formation and tactics.

When watching the Hood family's army just now, Xi Weier noticed at a glance that a group of people were obviously out of tune with the soldiers around them.

Afterwards, Xi Weier used his imagination and found that if this group of people were riding war horses, the formation of the Hood family would look much more harmonious.

And when the Hood family lined up just now, there was no organized cavalry unit, which was obviously a big problem.

Because even their Hawke family has a light cavalry unit of a centurion.

The Hawke family, which is so poor, can form a cavalry team, let alone the extremely rich Hood family.

Therefore, Xi Weier can conclude that the group of soldiers who looked out of place with the surrounding people must be the hidden cavalry unit of the Hood family.

"One thousand people!", hearing this number, Valery's face was full of disbelief.

The cavalry is the master of the battlefield, and the Hood family has more than a thousand cavalry. How can this battle be fought!

You know, even in a head-on confrontation, the combat power ratio of cavalry and infantry is one to four.

In other words, even in a head-on confrontation, they would need at least 4,000 men to deal with the more than 1,000 cavalry of the Hood family.

As for their Hawke family, there are only 2,500 people now.

"Hey, it seems there is no other way, let's build fortifications!" Valery said bitterly, glancing around at the exhausted soldiers.

The terrain near the capital, except for one side facing the sea, is surrounded by endless plains on the other three sides. The place where they will have a decisive battle tomorrow is naturally also an endless plain.

Under such terrain, if there is no fortification protection, then the Hood family only needs a cavalry charge from the front to completely defeat the Hawke family's army.

They still have plenty of time just to build fortifications.

It's just that tonight, the fighters of their Hawke family can only rest in the open air!

"In order to prevent the cavalry from attacking, three trenches were dug in each direction on both sides and the rear of the army, and fences and piles were nailed on the front, which can prevent the cavalry from attacking and also prevent the arrows shot by the archers."

As an experienced commander, Valery arranged it skillfully.

Although he has the support of the royal family, the strength of the Hood family is too strong. If he wants to win tomorrow, he must not make any mistakes in command.

"Yes", these retainers quickly organized soldiers after receiving Valery's order.

Those who should dig trenches dig trenches, and those who should chop timber chop timber.

Oh, there is no wood near the capital! Didn't you see someone selling it at the gate of Wangdu?

Looking at the merchants who were selling timber, weapons, protective gear, and a series of war supplies at the gate of the capital, Valery was speechless for a while.

These businessmen are really not afraid of death! Make a fortune and send it to the battlefield!

This means that within the Silver Moon Kingdom, two local lords are at war, bound by the king!

If this is really a battlefield in troubled times, these merchants will definitely be robbed!

Moreover, he will catch his own good head!

"My lord, it's not good." Valery, who was thinking about how to fight tomorrow, suddenly heard the flustered voice of his retainers.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that the retainers who were supposed to buy wood returned without success, Valery frowned.

In fact, he had already vaguely guessed what happened.

"My lord, we don't have enough money," the retainer replied bitterly.

For their expedition this time, just in case, Valery asked someone to bring out the only few thousand gold coins left in the Hawke family.

Because they were well prepared before departure, they hardly used the money on the way.

But I never expected it!

They just want to buy some wood from the merchants at the entrance of the capital, and these thousands of gold coins will not be enough!

Originally, one silver coin could buy several bundles of wood, but now it has abruptly increased to ten gold coins per bundle.

And to build a complete fortification on the front, they need at least thousands of bundles of wood!

"I see." Hearing that it was just as he guessed, Valery closed his eyes in pain.

This group of **** businessmen will take the opportunity to drive up prices!

Is it necessary to dig trenches in front of the army to prevent the cavalry from attacking? Although this is feasible, how should they defend against the arrows of the archers on the opposite side?

And once the battle situation turned, they would switch from defense to offense, and the trenches in front would restrict them instead~lightnovelpub.net~ Looking around at the soldiers who were building fortifications, Valery suddenly felt a palpitation.

Could it be that tomorrow, these fighters of the Hawke family will be buried here forever?

If the Hawke family is defeated tomorrow, Valery, who is a nobleman, and the knight retainers of the Hawke family will naturally not be executed by the Hood family.

On the one hand, this is to take into account the rules among the nobles, and on the other hand, it is also possible to ask for a ransom from the Hawke family.

Although the Hawke family has no money now, they can still raise a huge sum of money if they auction off some of their territories.

But for these ordinary fighters who were born as civilians, the Hood family will not be merciful!

Once the Hawke family is defeated, these ordinary fighters will definitely be killed!

Closing his eyes in pain, Valery's brain began to function crazily.

Although he didn't have any special military education, Valery's military talent was much better than those nobles from military academy.

More than ten years ago, Valery, who was still young at the time, saved the lord's coalition army from a desperate situation.

More than ten years later, facing a seemingly hopeless situation, Valery's natural military talent emerged again.

"Unload all the supplies in the open field, push the carriages to the front of the army, and use these carriages to block the Hood family's cavalry and arrows"

A thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and Valery quickly opened his eyes and said.

When they came this time, they used more than forty carriages to transport supplies. These forty carriages were connected in a row, and they could definitely withstand the impact of the cavalry.

Moreover, the archers in the front row can also defend against the opponent's arrow attack by hiding behind the carriage.