Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 413: technology exchange

The light of the teleportation array flickered, and a middle-aged man in a gentleman's dress appeared in front of Asile.

"You said that someone here has made a watch box that is only slightly larger than a gold coin?" asked the president of the alchemy union.

"Yes, president, that genius even produced cheap books!" Asile said in amazement.

Unexpectedly, such a genius could appear in this small Silver Moon Kingdom.

The president nodded and asked again, "Where is that pocket watch box?"

Without seeing this kind of alchemy item with his own eyes, it is really difficult for him to comment.

Asile said respectfully: "It's just outside, in the hands of Clifford, the branch president here."

The president walked out of the teleportation room and came to the living room of the Alchemy Branch, where Simon, Clifford and others were still sitting and waiting.

"Mr. Simon, Clifford Branch President, this is the president of the Alchemy Union, the legendary alchemist Forrest." Assile introduced.

Hearing that the legendary powerhouse was coming, Simon and Clifford stood up quickly.

"Your Excellency President!" The two bowed and greeted each other.

"President, this is the genius I mentioned, Simon Huck, this is the branch president of the Silver Moon Kingdom, Clifford, Mr. Simon's teacher." Axilai also introduced to the president.

The president looked at Simon and Clifford, and finally his eyes stayed behind Simon.

Among all the people present, only he, the legendary powerhouse, could see the blurred phantom behind Simon.

"The phantom protection of the Moonlight Goddess!" The president was a little horrified.

Originally, he wanted to win over this genius, or destroy him if he failed, but now it seems that he can only do things in a proper manner.

The Silver Moon Kingdom is the pasture of the Moon Goddess, where the phantom of the Moon Goddess can become an incarnation at any time.

The incarnation of a god, even a legendary powerhouse like him cannot defeat it.

The phantom of the Moonlight Goddess smiled slightly at the president, and then there was no other movement.

Seeing the legendary strong man staring closely behind him, Simon couldn't help but look at the legendary alchemist while muttering in his heart.

This was the first legendary powerhouse he had seen. He could clearly see him standing there with his eyes, but what he detected with his mental power was nothingness.

Feeling the spiritual power exuded by Simon, Clifford's face turned pale.

This kid is really not afraid of death! Even the legendary strong dare to use mental power to detect at will, aren't you afraid that someone will directly crush you to death?

Oh, he is the Holy Son of the Moonlight Church, that's fine!

"Where is that pocket watch?" The president looked at Clifford.

Clifford's heart skipped a beat, and then he took the watch wrapped in the enchanted light group to the president.

The president saw through the barrier light group and the internal structure of the watch. He was amazed by the operation of the precision parts inside the watch.

"This thing is good, it can be exchanged with cheap books!" The president nodded affirmatively.

Clifford looked happy: "Three master-level alchemy techniques?"

The corner of the president's mouth twitched, and he replied with some heartache: "Yes! What do you want?"

"Master-level magic steel enchanting technology, we need to be strong, light, and tough." Clifford said, suppressing his inner excitement.

The president was a little surprised. Among all the master-level alchemy techniques, magic steel enchanting is the most common and basic technique. What does the Silver Moon Kingdom want this technique for?

Simon's eyes moved slightly, he knew that Clifford should be thinking about himself.

The talent brought to him by the purple light group allows him to master the magic steel enchanting technique very well, but other alchemy techniques are somewhat powerless.

Not counting the things developed by himself, the technology that Simon has mastered so far is basically this magic steel enchantment.

Although he felt a little surprised, the president didn't ask any more questions, and took out three projection stones from the space equipment, and threw them directly to Clifford.

"This is the technology you want!" The president said indifferently.

Clifford took the three projection stones and quickly checked them with mental strength. After confirming that the technology was authentic and reliable, he also handed the watch in his hand to the president.

The president took the watch and started to study it seriously.

"There are also techniques for making cheap books!" Ashley interjected at the right time.

Clifford nodded with joy on his face, handed the three projection stones to Simon, and then walked towards the paper workshop with Asile and Frank.

Cheap papermaking and letterpress were both very simple, and Clifford was not afraid that the two of them would not be able to learn them.

After the three of Clifford left, only Simon and the president were left in the guest room.

The president looked at Simon with appreciation: "Let's talk! Do you want to come and we will always develop!"

Simon shrugged and decisively rejected the president's proposal.

Just kidding, he has no interest in alchemy. The reason why he can achieve success in alchemy is entirely due to Blue Star's knowledge.

More importantly, his family and friends were all in the Silvermoon Kingdom, and it was impossible for Simon to abandon them and go to develop the Holy Empire with no acquaintances.

"Really? I understand!" Seeing Simon's refusal, the president was not surprised.

From the moment he saw the phantom of the Moonlight Goddess, he knew that this solicitation was destined to fail, and what he said just now was just a fluke.

"In the future, if you have suitable technology, you can continue to contact us. If the technical value is suitable, it is not impossible to continue to exchange master-level alchemy technology." The president said flatly.

Simon was slightly moved, and then took out a small cardboard box from the space ring.

"What do you think of this thing?" Simon showed the match in front of the president.

The corner of the president's mouth twitched, he didn't expect this kid to come up with other alchemy products, he was obviously just saying polite words just now.

"This is?" the president asked doubtfully.

"I call it a match, you see!" Simon took out a match from the matchbox and stroked it lightly on the side of the matchbox.

call! Flames erupted from the position of the match head, and wisps of white smoke rose with it.

The president felt a little strange, took the matchbox and tried it, and stroked lightly on the side, and sure enough, the flame ignited at the head of the match.

"What do you think of this?" Simon asked with some expectation.

Since lighting Clifford's pipe in the Spell Tower last time, Simon has been studying matches since he returned. This portable kind of fire is also quite practical.

"Is there a more convenient fire?" The president frowned and thought deeply.

This more convenient fire is indeed quite practical, but its actual value is actually not great.

He just observed the structure of this match and found that its head was covered with a layer of ghost fire mineral powder, which is poisonous and difficult to produce.

Therefore, he judged that the production cost of this kind of matches was too high, and most commoners could not afford to use them, so they could only be provided exclusively by nobles.

So after thinking about it, the president still shook his head: "It's quite an interesting gadget, but it can only be exchanged for half of the master-level enchanting skills!"

A trace of disappointment flashed in Simon's eyes, and then he took out another pen: "Then what do you think of this?"

When writing with a quill pen, not only do you have to dip the ink every half a line, but the touch between the pen tip and the paper surface is quite uncomfortable.

Regardless of what other people think, Simon has been a bitter quill for a long time.

Therefore, taking advantage of the free time in the third school year, Simon hurriedly produced the pen, which has a unique magic steel over-control ability. It didn't take much effort for him to make this pen.

Seeing this pen, the president's mouth twitched again. Is this guy really so talented? Why are there so many gadgets in one shot?

Pulling off the pen cap, Simon took out a blank piece of paper and began to demonstrate the superiority of the pen.

The president is getting more and more excited, although this kind of pen can only be used by nobles because it is difficult to make and the cost is high.

But that doesn't stand up to its practicality!

Matches and pens, even if these two things can only be used by nobles, it can be regarded as a great progress in alchemy!

Maybe in a few hundred years, these things will become popular!

Don't forget, in the early days, weren't fire sickles, paper, books and quills all things that nobles could use?

The president was silent for a moment and said: "These two things together can replace a technology!"

Simon said cleanly: "Magic steel is enchanted, sharp!"

In terms of magic steel enchanting technology, Simon is also an old expert. Of course, he knows that firmness, sharpness, toughness, and lightness are the core enchanting technologies of magic steel.

The president nodded unsurprisingly, and threw another projection stone to Simon.

After checking that there were no problems, Simon began to explain to the president how to make mechanical watches, matches, and pens.

In less than half a day, the legendary alchemist understood the principles of these items, and Clifford and others also returned here.

Asile and Frank looked depressed, as if they didn't expect the production technology of cheap books to be so simple.

The members of the Alchemy Association left through the teleportation array, while Simon and Clifford sat together to share the spoils.

"Boy, can these three master-level enchanting techniques be handed over to the Alchemy Branch!" Clifford said hesitantly.

The technologies used for the exchange were all provided by Simon alone, so the technologies exchanged for these items should belong to Simon.

The Alchemist Union is just a communication platform, and has no right to demand that no alchemists do anything.

But Clifford still hopes that Simon can provide these technologies to the Alchemy Union, because the Silver Moon Kingdom really lacks master-level alchemy technologies.

Simon shrugged helplessly, and said, "Teacher, on the first day I learned alchemy with you, you taught me that there should be an exchange of equal value between mages. It's fine to hand it over to the Alchemy Union, but you have to pay for it!"

With these precious master-level enchanting techniques, Simon will naturally engage in a wave of technological monopoly. Before he has obtained enough benefits, he will certainly not be so impartial.

"A very reasonable request!" Clifford sighed in relief.

As long as there is a channel to obtain these technologies, it is not terrible to pay a small price. What is terrible is that you are not even qualified to pay a price in exchange for the technology.

"The master-level alchemy technique is priced at 3,000 gold coins each within the association. Is it okay for our three techniques to be priced in the same way?" Clifford asked.

Simon smiled mysteriously, and then took out four projection stones: "It's four technologies!"

Clifford's eyes widened.


Walking out of the mage tower, Simon rubbed his eyes tiredly.

After returning from the alchemy branch that day, Clifford led him straight into the operation room of the spell tower, insisting on using these four techniques to make a knight suit.

That is, full-body plate armor, long swords, Luan-shaped shields and knight spears.

In the Silvermoon Kingdom, these master-level equipment are pitifully small, less than a hundred pieces in total, and most of them are left over from the elf period.

If they are carefully maintained and kept tightly sealed when not in use, under ideal conditions, these enchanted weapons from the elf period can be used forever.

But unfortunately, the ideal state is a minority after all.

When the Silver Moon Kingdom was first established, there were nearly a thousand pieces of these master-level equipment, but now only one-tenth of them survived.

The other small part was obtained from other countries, such as the Holy Empire.

However, these countries not only block master-level alchemy technology, but also strictly control these master-level weapons and equipment. It is basically difficult to obtain these weapons and equipment.

Obtaining these four enchanting techniques now just solved a major problem in the Silver Moon Kingdom.

And this time Simon helped Clifford, and also got a surprise,

That is the Silver Moon Kingdom, which actually has a master-level alchemy technique.

Mercury's blood is an extremely versatile enchanting material. It can be said that as long as there is this thing, it can completely replace the enchanting potions in this world.

All types of enchantments can be enchanted with this blood of mercury.

Before the elves withdrew from the Silvermoon Province, they burned most of the master-level enchanting techniques, and this technique of making Mercury's Blood was rescued by the Silvermoon Kingdom at that time.

Knowing the existence of Mercury's Blood, Simon suddenly realized.

For each master level enchanting technique, if there is no corresponding enchanting potion production technique, it will be the same as having only bullets without a gun, and you can only stare blankly.

He said why didn't Clifford replace it, what about the master-level enchanting potion making technology?

It turns out that Silvermoon Kingdom has a solution to the enchanting potion!

In addition, because of the principle of equivalent exchange, every time Simon learns enchanting skills, he has to pay for it!

So this time when Clifford bought from Simon, the four master-level alchemy techniques naturally took 12,000 gold coins out of his pocket.

And Simon also spent 3,000 gold coins to purchase the production technology of Mercury's Blood from the royal family.

The method of making Mercury's Blood is to use sulfur and mercury to refine it in a closed furnace with an appropriate heat, and use a special technique to render it with magic power during the refining process.

Add part of pure water to the refined red powder in proportion, and then stir it into a mud with a suitable consistency. The final thing obtained is the blood of mercury.

Uh, does it sound familiar? Simon also looks familiar when he looks at the blood of mercury.

What the hell, isn't this cheating blood of mercury the same as the cinnabar on the blue star?

In addition to the need to use special techniques for magic rendering, the production of the blood of mercury, not to mention the same as the production of cinnabar, can only be said to be the same.

"So, is there a reason why Taoist priests on Blue Star used cinnabar to draw talismans?" Simon thought tiredly.

Simon actually benefited the most from getting the blood of mercury, or the method of making magic cinnabar.

In his previous studies, he basically never learned how to make enchanting potions because he disliked them for being too troublesome. All the enchanting potions he used were bought from Clifford.

This time, he got this magical cinnabar that can replace all enchanting potions. Simon will not have to worry about how to make enchanting potions in the future.

And because of the purple light cluster, Simon can create metal substances out of thin air, and things like mercury are of course no exception.

Although the mana accumulated in the body of a high-level mage can only allow him to condense a substance the size of a melon seed each time, won't the number of times increase?

Anyway, it doesn't cost money to absorb magic power, so if you can save a little bit, it's a little bit!

In terms of being stingy, Simon has brought his realm to the extreme.

Not only that, the superb magic rendering technology brought by the purple light group also allows Simon to produce the highest quality magic cinnabar every time.

It can be said that this blood of mercury is tailor-made for Simon, and it is not an exaggeration!

"Yo, what are you thinking?" A show hand slapped on the shoulder, causing Simon to stagger and almost fell to the ground head-on.

Simon stabilized his body and turned his head to look, and found that it was indeed a certain kawaii princess.

"Yo, long time no see!" Simon greeted uncomfortably.

The relationship between the two is too ambiguous, but they have not been able to confirm their relationship. Now Simon is also very entangled in what kind of posture he should use to meet the princess.

"Hmph, what are you talking about! I haven't seen you for several months since the last party, where did you go?" Irina said softly.

Simon squeezed out a wry smile with some guilt: "Ahaha, I've been in the operation room of the college's alchemy workshop all the time!"

"Hey, what have you researched again, can you let me have a look?" Irina brushed her long pale golden wavy hair and said playfully.

Simon silently took out the matches and pen, and handed them over.

When making these two things before, he made more than a dozen copies at once, and now they are all piled up in the space ring and have nothing to do.

The match was struck across the matchbox, and flames burst out from the head, which made Erina's eyes shine. She was even more amazed at how the pen was used.

"Then, it's the old way, confiscate it!" Irina smiled, and put the things in her pocket very naturally.

Not paying attention to this kind of thing at all, Simon walked side by side with Irina silently.

"By the way, after the last party, is Xi Ludi okay?" Maybe feeling a little awkward in the atmosphere, so Simon asked casually.

Seeing Simon mention other women, Irina seemed a little dissatisfied, pouted and said, "Hmph, what can happen to her! The Queen's Banshee is not screaming for nothing, I think she is just pretending to cry."

"Heh!" Simon shook his head helplessly, all of them have a lot of fuel-efficient lamps!

"By the way, what do you think about Guy and Alicia?" Simon asked casually again.

Erina gave Simon a blank look, you have time to care about their affairs, why not think about how the two of us will develop in the future!

"Xiludy didn't like Guy in the first place. She was just playing with Guy before. On the contrary, Alicia, I think she really likes Guy!"

Erina shrugged helplessly, and gave her own opinion.

Simon was thoughtful: "So, you are supporting Guy and Alicia!"

Erina immediately glared at him: "I didn't say that! Don't talk nonsense!"

If Xiludi knew that she, the eldest sister, supported the third son in robbing her man, then Xiludi would have to tear her apart.

Simon nodded and didn't say anything more. She knew that Irina was sandwiched between the two girlfriends, so it should actually be quite embarrassing.

One is a real girlfriend, but she just plays with Guy and doesn't want to develop further.

One is a cross-talker. Although he has a relationship with each other at the back, he has a true relationship with Guy.

No matter which one you support, it will hurt the feelings of the three sisters.

"Actually, the best solution is for Xi Ludi to withdraw voluntarily!" Simon gave his opinion.

Irina shook her head tiredly, and sighed: "Impossible, Xiludi has a very domineering temper, although she doesn't really like Guy, but during the relationship between the two, she will never let other women **** her." Get involved, especially the woman who gets involved is a good sister whom I have known for more than ten years."

Simon was also a little speechless, the relationship between the three of them was really bloody.

"In that case, the three of them can only spend their time like this?" Simon asked again.

As the actual leader of the group, he must of course care about ~lightnovelpub.net~ the relationship status of the titular boss Guy.

Irina nodded: "That's right, actually, when I went to comfort Xiludi that day, she told me that she was going to fight back, and told me not to intervene to help Alicia!

In the days to come, either Alicia could not survive the counterattack and left the field sadly; or Xiludi suffered setbacks and went back to find new prey. "

While speaking, Ai Ruina had already quietly held Simon's arm.

"Let's not talk about that, let's go eat!" Irina said, holding Simon's arm.

Simon looked up and found that they had already walked outside the college, and in front of them was the high-end restaurant where they often gather.

The corner of his mouth twitched and he asked, "Just the two of us?"

Erina nodded shyly: "Just the two of us!"

Simon's heart trembled and he felt a toothache. Isn't this just a date?

Unable to resist Irina's coquetry, Simon followed her into the restaurant together.

After asking for a luxury box, Irina ordered a bunch of luxurious dishes, and the two chatted while eating.

Her Royal Highness kept teasing Simon, and Simon was like a stubborn rock, open to the wind and rain, but he was unmoved.

Simon's faint resistance made Irina feel a little disappointed.

Hastily ending this fake lover's date, Her Royal Highness walked out of the private room holding Simon's arm.

Just at this time, the door of the private room diagonally opposite opened, and Guy and Alicia came out, their eyes met, and the scene was a bit awkward for a while.

"Gada!" The private room next door was also opened, and Xi Ludi and Harris also came out.

The six people looked at each other, and the atmosphere of the scene was almost stagnant!