Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 438: new army training

"Throw away all your armor, weapons, shields, and the horses you brought over. From today onwards, you don't need them anymore!" Simon said to the group of people in front of him.

Not only those retainers and children, but even Harris, Alyosha and others brought by Simon from the king's capital, were completely confused now.

Without weapons, shields, and armor, what will they use to fight in the future?

"In the future, the new army will distribute standard weapons to everyone, and will also distribute armor and war horses to the corresponding officers. The rags on you can be thrown away.

Of course, if you feel distressed and uneasy, these things of yours can also be kept in the Alpine Fort. If you think you need them in the future, then feel free to come to the Alpine Fort to get them.

Now, obey your lord's orders, and cast aside this rags of yours! "Simon said to a group of people with a straight face.

Out of trust in Simon, Harris acted first, took off his saber and leather armor and threw them aside, and the four of Alyosha followed closely behind. The protective gear and other things were thrown aside.

Simon nodded in satisfaction, then took out the notebook he had prepared and distributed a copy to everyone present.

"This book contains the organizational system, military regulations and disciplines of the new army, as well as the training subjects of the new army. You are the backbone officers of the new army in the future. Words, listen carefully, I will firmly remember every word in my heart." Simon glanced at everyone sternly.

After everyone got the book, they quickly flipped through it and checked it. On the cover of the crude book, there were only four big characters "New Army Ethics". When they opened the first page, there were three items listed in it, namely, the discipline of the new army, and the discipline of the new army. Organizational framework, and new army training subjects.

A group of people wanted to continue reading, but Simon immediately stopped them: "You will read this book when you are free. Now I will start training you. Everyone put away the book and start lining up!"

Everyone hurriedly put away their notebooks, and then stood there with a dazed look on their faces. They didn't know what queuing was, or in other words, except for some well-disciplined troops, most of the soldiers and fighters in this world didn't know how to line up. neatly lined up.

Seeing them all standing there in a daze, Simon felt tired for a while. It seemed that he still had a long way to go to reproduce the army on Blue Star!

Then, Simon began to teach these people how to line up. Some of them had more or less military literacy. These people learned very quickly. In less than half an hour, the fourteen people except Harris followed the The teams divided by Simon before were divided into two rows and neatly arranged in front of Simon.

As the platoon leader, Harris stood alone at the head of the first row.

"Very good, remember where you are now. Every time you gather in the future, you have to line up like this." Simon said solemnly: "Next, we will start the first training, queue discipline, that is, you From now on, you must abide by the rules when you line up!"

The first one is to stand at attention in the queue, and don't give me so many little tricks.

The second rule is to keep quiet in the queue and not to speak casually.

Article 3: In the queue, if you want to talk or do other things, you must call the report to ask for instructions, and you can do the corresponding things only after you get permission.

Fourth, in the future, whenever you call your name, you must call it loudly.


Just reading the queue discipline, Simon talked for more than an hour, and Harris and others listened with swollen heads and dazed faces.

In their impression, isn't the army just a group of people gathered together, and then following the command of the commander, they pick up weapons and fight with another group of people? How come there are so many rules.

"Okay, you all have to keep in mind what I said above. It's all in the book. If you don't remember it, go down and read it. Do you have any questions?" Simon smiled slightly He looked at the people who were completely confused.

Compared with the loose military discipline in this world, the discipline of Blue Star's modern army is definitely enough to make one's scalp tingle. It's normal for this group of people not to understand.

But it doesn't matter, Simon doesn't need to tell them too much, these things must be contacted over time to feel its true meaning.

"Well, Lord Simon, I have a question." Maslan said timidly.

Simon stared at him immediately and said, "Maslan!"

Ma Silan stood there for a moment, wondering why Simon called his name at this time.

Simon's face turned cold, and he said, "Do you know what mistake you made?"

Maslan's face was blank, and everyone was also blank. They didn't know what was wrong with the behavior just now. Only Harris and Deborah showed thoughtful expressions.

Seeing that everyone was at a loss, Simon said with a straight face: "First, if you want to speak in the queue, you must shout a report; second, those who serve in the army must call their corresponding official positions, You can’t just call me other messy titles; third, you have to call out your name aloud, you don’t even remember any of these things, it seems that you must have a long memory!”

Simon raised a straight face~lightnovelpub.net~ and raised a finger with his right hand: "Everyone, run three laps around the Alpine Fort for me!"

Everyone stood there in a daze, still unable to recover.

Simon's eyes narrowed immediately, and several **** of fire appeared beside him out of thin air: "Why, do you want me to ask you to improve your memory? Why don't you hurry up and run for me!"

Harris was shocked, and quickly took the lead in running. Under the deterrence of Simon's fireball, the others had to follow suit.

The alpine castle is not big, it can only accommodate two to three thousand people at most, but the alpine castle is not small, at least these people ran down three laps, except for Harris, Blood Wolf, Alyosha and others who are already high-level fighters, The other retainers and branch children were all out of breath.

"Assemble!" Looking at the scattered resting crowd after the run, Simon immediately shouted with a straight face.

Hearing the sound of assembly, Harris and the others who had received military academy education immediately reacted and returned to their positions, while those who had not received military academy education, especially the gang leader Blood Wolf, who was already used to being loose, were grinding. After dawdling for a long time, I returned to stand in the queue.

Simon shook his head helplessly, and said, "How slow, it seems that I still don't have a long memory. Everyone, run three more laps!"

"Ah~~" Everyone pulled out a long voice weakly.

"What? Have an opinion?" Simon looked at everyone coldly.

"Well, Sir Simon... Oh no, Commander Simon, can you let us rest for a while?" The two branch children with the weakest physical strength asked with a wry smile.

Simon shook his head sullenly, and said, "In the queue, you have to make a report before speaking. It seems that your memory is really bad, six laps!"

"Ah!" The scream pierced the sky of Gaoshan Fort.