Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 459: enclosure(5)

The defense line on the east side planned by Simon, here are two mountains that go straight into the sky, and there is a gap in the defense circle. As long as this gap is blocked, the barbarians can be blocked from the defense circle.

However, this gap is so big that the three sections of the city wall on the southern defense line are not as long as this gap, which is more than 30 kilometers long!

Looking at such a long gap, Simon was also silent for a few seconds. Such a long line of defense, even if it is built with reinforced concrete, will probably be a huge project.

"How, do you want to continue?" Deborah was expressionless, looking at Simon unsurprisingly, wanting to see how he would respond next.

After a few seconds of silence, Simon pointed to the eastward direction of the gap and said, "Let's go further east and see if there is any suitable place to build a defense line."

Deborah nodded silently, and followed Simon to continue to explore the east. He knew that Simon would not turn back until he hit the south wall!

The endless plain, after passing the gap formed by the two mountains, is the endless plain, until Simon and others saw a towering mountain range with no peak and no end.

"This should be the Gru Mountain Range. Are we going in?" Deborah asked solemnly.

The Gru Mountains are a virgin land that humans have never set foot in, and maybe someone has set foot in it.

Just like the first king of the Silvermoon Kingdom, the demigod Amilcare, but since this mountain range has not been developed by humans, it means that it is very dangerous inside, quite dangerous, so dangerous that the demigod is unable to control it!

"Let's go in and have a look around, so you have a bottom line in your heart!" Simon stared at the mountains and said in a deep voice.

A group of people were about to enter the mountains, and with the shelter of Simon's spell, even if some barbarians walked past them, they would turn a blind eye to them.

At the moment when he was about to enter the Gru Mountain Range, an inexplicable sense of horror suddenly appeared in Simon's heart, making him feel as if he was facing an ice cave.

"What's wrong?" Cirillo and the others asked when they saw Simon stop at the front.

"You can't go in. My spiritual sense tells me that we will all die if we go in!" Simon said with an ugly expression.

He is now a master mage. There are not many things in this world that can make him feel dangerous, but none of them can be matched by ordinary people!

Cirillo, Squirrel, and Quick Arrow, the three of them were terrified. They also thought of this problem. In name, this mountain range belongs to the Silver Moon Kingdom. It was only because it was too desolate and dangerous that pioneer knights were allowed to come. Open up territory.

But in the Silver Moon Kingdom, in the pasture of the Moonlight Goddess, how could there be an existence above mortals.

"Hey, let's go back! As you can see, after passing that gap, there is an endless plain, until this mountain range, we can't build a defensive circle!" Deborah sighed.

Simon ignored him, looked at the majestic mountain range in silence for a moment, and then said, "It's just a gap of more than 30 kilometers, I can plug it!"

Deborah didn't speak anymore. He felt that Simon was already crazy. It would be good to build a castle well and develop steadily. To build a defense circle with such a large project volume, isn't it just looking for trouble?

The group returned to the gap, and under the guidance of Deborah, Simon manipulated the earth element again to create a long trench to serve as a signpost for the future construction of the city wall.

Because there is only one section of the city wall, and the terrain is fairly flat and open, it only took three days this time to form the trench.

The defense line on the north side, after arriving here, Deborah immediately exclaimed: "My God! This is perfect! As long as those gaps are blocked, this will be a perfect defense line!"

Here, the continuous mountains have created more than a dozen natural gaps of different sizes, and each gap is very small. If a city wall is built, the total length may not exceed ten kilometers.

However, Simon objected to Deborah on the spot: "It won't work here, let's move on!"

Deborah's face darkened for a moment, and she looked at Simon with an unfriendly expression: "So, you have to implement everything I object to, and you have to oppose everything I agree with?"

Simon looked back at him with deep eyes, and asked, "Do you know where you are worse than Mike?"

Recalling those days when he was defeated by Mike, Deborah showed displeasure, and replied: "He has a better background than me, and I am no worse than him in terms of resourcefulness!"

Simon glanced at him lightly, and said with a sneer, "Hehe, that's true. In terms of resourcefulness, you are indeed on the same level as him, but it's the same background that limits your vision and makes you always stupid!"

"How stupid am I!" Deborah was furious. He hated idiots the most, and now Simon looked at him the same way he looked at those idiots.

Simon pointed to a gap with a solemn expression, and said: "So many gaps! We must divide our troops to garrison, but the new army has just been established, and many soldiers and officers are not familiar with the system and don't understand it.

Gathering together for training and living, you may not see any problems, but once the troops are divided, it will only collapse the discipline that the new army has cultivated with great difficulty, and the entire new army will collapse in an instant! "

The angry look on Deborah's face gradually disappeared~lightnovelpub.net~ After thinking about Simon's words carefully, he found that he couldn't refute them. There are more than a dozen gaps here. If each gap has to be guarded separately, it will inevitably increase the difficulty of management. .

The new army was just established, and there were not many officers who could be trusted in their hands, that is, Alyosha, Blood Wolf and others brought back by Simon from the capital, as well as the retainers and children of the Hawke family.

In fact, the grassroots officers of the new army are all veterans who have been forcibly promoted. If they have only been trained for five or six months, they can still be called veterans!

The training time for these forcibly promoted officers was too short. Simon and the others were completely unfamiliar with these people. Although they had already promoted those honest and honest people as much as possible, their loyalty was still not guaranteed.

Let these officers lead troops to garrison one place alone, not to mention Simon, the lord, even Deborah himself is not at ease.

Continue to go north, and after walking into this mountainous area, there are always rugged mountains and hills. Seeing Deborah, he frowned.

In areas that have not yet been reclaimed, this terrain is not suitable for humans to station for a long time, because the roads here are rugged, communication with the outside world is not smooth, and supplies are difficult to send in.

And the most important point is that this is an unexplored wasteland. Beasts, mosquitoes, barbarians, etc., may kill the human beings stationed here.

"Hey!" Simon's eyes lit up when he saw a terrain.

It was a natural line of defense divided by cliffs and high mountains. As long as a fortress was built at a certain point, the entire line of defense could be controlled.

The Jiange is towering and towering, while Cui Wei, one man guards the gate, and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it!

Unexpectedly, this line of poetry naturally appeared in Simon's mind, which is just right for this kind of terrain.