Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 540: high cost

Consciousness gradually returned to the body, Simon opened his eyes, and saw the alchemists who were gnashing their teeth, wishing to swallow him alive.

On the high platform watching the battle, the old king, the crown prince, Viscount Doyle and others all looked dignified and unbelievable.

One to thirty-four, but in the end it almost wiped out the entire United Fleet. The performance of this Dreadnought battleship far exceeded their imagination.

"Hmph!" The alchemists who were losers all looked at Simon resentfully, then snorted coldly, and left the sand table room without hesitation.

Alchemist is a profession that focuses on knowledge and technology.

In the words of the Blue Star, they are pure science and engineering men. Although there are also situations of seniority and intrigue, the overall atmosphere is not bad.

At the very least, although it barely won the victory of the simulated naval battle.

But these alchemists knew in their hearts that, as Simon said before the war, in front of the Dreadnought, the warship they designed was rubbish.

In the face of absolute facts, messing around will only make one lose face, and therefore, these people will leave without hesitation.

The old king sat on a chair and was carried to Simon by four burly knights, followed by the crown prince, Viscount Doyle and others.

Needless to say, the crown prince, after the old king realized that his time was numbered, he would always be by his side no matter where he went, and the power in his hands began to be gradually transferred.

The appearance of Viscount Doyle is even more inevitable. As the commander-in-chief of the royal fleet, no one can judge better than him which warship is more worthy of the royal family.

"It's a very nice warship, how much gold coins do you want?" The old king blinked and said straight to the point.

This simulated naval battle has completely become a special show for the Intrepid. After seeing the excellent performance of this warship, how could he see other warships in his eyes.

Although Dreadnought was obviously expensive at first glance, but he knew Simon very well, and this kid would never do things that he was not sure about.

The royal family had previously released rumors that the amount of this bidding was 1.2 million gold coins, so Simon would definitely not design a warship with a budget exceeding this figure.

"Well, 1.2 million gold coins!" Simon replied firmly.

"One million, no more." The old king looked indifferent, and cut off the budget of 200,000 as soon as he opened his mouth.

A look of embarrassment suddenly appeared on Simon's face, and he hesitated and said, "Is this... a little too little? As you know, the cost of building an alchemy warship is very high..."

"If there are only one million gold coins, I won't even be able to recover the cost!"

The old king stared into Simon's eyes with great interest, and said teasingly: "One million gold coins, this is also my bottom line, I can make almost the same amount of money, so it's fine, there's no need to push too hard."

The corners of Simon's mouth twitched. Dealing with a shrewd man like the old king was really difficult.

The royal family lacks sea power, so it must want the warship Intrepid, but Simon's new law leader is short of money, so he must swallow the bidding gold coins.

The man is affectionate and the concubine is interested, so there is no way this deal will collapse...

But this involves another situation. The royal family is now in a state of distress and urgently needs the Dauntless.

Although Simon's side is not urgent, he has too much involvement with the royal family. His mother is a collateral member of the royal family, his great-grandfather is also the grand duke of the royal family, and he has a royal princess as his lover.

If under such circumstances, if you keep biting your tongue, you will inevitably be suspected of taking advantage of the fire, and you will be complained by those close to you for no reason.

After all, if the Dauntless is really built, Simon can really make a lot of money!

So, less than 200,000 is less than 200,000!

"Well, Your Majesty, if you pay for it, you will pay for it. After all, it is a national crisis, so it should be regarded as an advance dowry to the royal family." Simon said helplessly.

"Hehe!" The old king and the crown prince rolled their eyes at the same time, this kid is such a bastard, he actually wants to take part of the dowry at such a time.

After asking for warmth, the old king and crown prince left the shipyard. After all, a kingdom has a lot of things, and they can't spend it here all the time.

The most important thing at this stage is to deal with the people in many port towns, and the second is to fool other countries and spend a lot of money to encircle and suppress the Sea Clan.

As the saying goes, one person drinking urine is urine, and three people drinking urine is wine.

Silvermoon Kingdom has suffered such a heavy loss, how can other countries think about it?

Hehe, what happened this time, even the Holy Empire, had to make them shed a layer of skin.

This time, the navy of the Silver Moon Kingdom was seriously injured, but other countries remained in their original state. If they could not restore their strength as soon as possible, it would only cause heavy losses to other countries.

After all, only when the strength in your hands is in line with the overall national strength, can everyone maintain a happy appearance!

Clifford and Viscount Doyle stayed at the shipyard, and Simon had something to do with them.

"Teacher, I need the shipbuilders and workers of the entire shipyard to build the hull of the Intrepid first. In addition, I also need to find the magician with the highest level of drawing magic circles in the Silver Moon Kingdom. Can you please operate these?" Simon said with a look on his face. asked solemnly.

In dealing with interpersonal affairs, he is only half-baked. In addition, the gap between the model and the entity is greater than the gap between the instant noodle packaging advertisement and the reality.

In the next period of time, he must continue to optimize the Intrepid to make it more realistic.

And make advance plans for other aspects, it is impossible to be distracted to deal with these chores.

Therefore, the best option is to outsource and let his teacher Clifford run it for him.

As the most prestigious alchemist in the Silvermoon Kingdom, Clifford has an extraordinary network~lightnovelpub.net~ No problem, I also want to modify the Valiant Singer, so we just happen to deal with these problems together. Clifford agreed without hesitation.

It is impossible to support the entire navy of the Silver Moon Kingdom with only one warship with excellent performance.

Therefore, no matter how amazing the Dreadnought's performance was, the old king had no choice but to show a tough stance and arbitrarily cut off Simon's budget of 200,000 gold coins, leaving it to Clifford to transform the Valiant Singer.

The difficulty of transforming a warship is far less than building a warship out of thin air, let alone a warship like the Intrepid, a sea supremacy class.

Clifford did have enough energy to help his student with some small matters.

Of course, you have to pay!

"Your Excellency Doyle, is that **** Guy okay!" Simon asked the question in an affirmative tone, as if predicting that Guy's little life must be not bad.

"Hmph! Of course it's okay, not only okay, but also very good! As soon as I landed, I ran home to make out with my wife and children!" the Viscount Duoyi said angrily.

In all fairness, at this critical time when the navy had just suffered heavy losses and people were panicking, it was obviously a little unreasonable for Guy, the second officer of the flagship of the First Fleet, to run home to hug his wife and children as soon as he landed.

If it weren't for Guy being the son-in-law of the fleet commander, he would have been beaten to pieces by the sailors long ago.

Even Viscount Doyle couldn't stand this approach, and really wanted to slap this son-in-law a few times.

"Uh, alright!" Simon felt a little guilty as sweat dripped down his forehead.

Every trace of worry about this scumbag is a humiliation to this world!

"Next, I need to send a letter..." Simon's eyes looked in the direction of the new leader, with some expectation in his eyes.