Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 60: Death Trial

"Uh, that's the military order dictated by the Grand Duke." Bronco, who has been in the officialdom all year round, saw Simon's plan at a glance, so he blocked Simon's questioning as soon as he opened his mouth.

The dictation means that there is no official document, which means that it is impossible for Bronco to produce any substantive evidence.

The military order is even better, which means that Simon has no right to know what the Grand Duke has confessed.

"Hehe", Simon "sneered" twice. At least Bronco felt that Simon was sneering, but if Bronco had stayed on Blue Star, he would understand what this "hehe" meant.

"Everyone, your Captain Bronco, you want to ~ woohoo," Simon yelled at the soldiers who were resting, but before he could finish his words, Bronco covered his mouth.

"What are you looking at? This noble young master and I are just chatting about gossip." Bronco glared at the soldiers who turned their eyes over one after another.

Although they were curious, the soldiers still turned their eyes away. Although they were the second and third sons of the noble family.

But Bronco is also the real deal, never on the battlefield over the fortress, the knights who have been promoted after battles, even their father dare not offend him easily, and on weekdays, Bronco drills them, they are not tempered at all. No.

Bronco and Simon sat there, staring at each other. Bronco was really speechless. He had never seen such a difficult opponent before, and he was a **** child.

"Okay, I'll say, but you promise, you can't say it." A few minutes later, Bronco was finally defeated by Simon's "small-eyed offensive".

If this stalemate continues, it will really be night. If you enter the Valdai hills at that time, even a fool can see that there is a problem, let alone these professionally trained fighters.

Bronco motioned Simon to sit down, and then he leaned close to Simon's ear and whispered: "This group of knights has never experienced actual combat. I want to take this opportunity to let them accept the baptism of actual combat."

"No way," Simon felt a little bit pained, he didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

If they were really attacked by barbarians, it would be okay for the knights to say that they had received military training after all, but what would they do with these helpless young masters?

"Do you have to go in at night? Is it impossible for barbarians to attack during the day?" Simon knew that if Bronco was determined and wanted to go in at this time.

Then he must have no way to stop it. After all, Bronco is the leader of this knight order, but he is still trying to make the last struggle.

"You don't know, the savages are very timid, if a large group of us go in during the day, they will definitely hide.

It must go in at night, so that the savages will think that this is a good time to attack our group of people, so they will be lured out of their nests," Bronco analyzed to Simon.

"Then can you guarantee our safety?" Simon asked what he cared most about.

If it weren't for them being protected by this knight order now, and everyone's safety was linked together, then Bronco would train soldiers and take care of Simon's shit. He didn't have the time to take care of this kind of thing.

"Of course, you are all juniors that the Grand Duke is more concerned about. How could I put you in danger? This time I will protect you all the way. With me as a master fighter, don't you feel relieved?"

Bronco glanced at Guy and Deborah, who were taunting each other, and then said solemnly.

"Then~, alright!" Simon was still a little reluctant, but Bronco had already talked about this, and he could only trust Bronco, the leader of the Knights who seemed very powerful.

"Well, please keep it a secret!" Bronco specifically reminded Simon before leaving.

"Understood," Simon nodded with a grim expression.

Simon was not that stupid. Offending the leader of the Knights who escorted them would do him no good at all. Besides, even if he told about it.

The warriors of the Knights still had to obey Branko's orders. They were regular soldiers, not the lord's private army or mercenaries. Even if Branko asked them to die, they had to grit their teeth.

Because Bronco is their regiment leader, his orders are military orders. If they are not implemented, they will be charged with disobeying military orders, which will bring shame to their entire family.

After the soldiers rested, Bronco gave an order, and the whole team started to march again. The soldiers did not have any objections. This was their first mission. Everyone was very excited and wished they could reach their goal immediately. land.

Danger? Hehe, they are the Knights of the King's Wings~lightnovelpub.net~ One of the three legendary knights in the kingdom, they are well-equipped and well-trained, so what if they are in danger?

Every fighter in the knight order is full of confidence, thinking that let alone those weak and scumbag barbarians, even if they encounter orcs, they can still easily defeat them.

These warriors of the King's Wing, singing the glorious war songs of the past, step by step into the death trial created by their leader.

In the carriage, Simon was cleaning a short sword. He was still a little worried, so he borrowed a short sword from Bronco for self-defense, and Bronco generously lent it to Simon. Anyway, he had a lot of weapons on him. The short sword is basically useless.

The brilliance of the sun gradually dimmed, and the brilliance of the goddess of moonlight began to shine on the land. The gods were not to be outdone, and they shone the kingdom of God in the sky one after another, forming a vast starry sky that was rarely seen on the blue star.

At this moment, Simon and his party have already penetrated into this area called the Death Hill. To be honest, this hill is very large and the terrain is rugged.

Even if Simon and the others move at full speed, it will take at least a day and a half to get out.

"Leader, let's camp here," the deputy head of the Knights chose a relatively flat place, and said to Bronco cautiously.

According to the general establishment on this continent, regardless of mercenaries and private soldiers of the nobles, they are different from the regular army in that they have various establishments, and the establishment of the regular army is basically unified.

According to the establishment of the King's Wing Knights, ten people make up a small team, and one person is the captain; fifty people make up the squadron, and one person is the squadron leader; The regiment is equipped with a head and a deputy head.