Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 638: Battle of Yelin River (6)

"Huh? Why are humans blowing the horn at this time?" Hearing the long-lasting sound of the horn, the old Khan couldn't help being a little surprised. Could this human army still have a backup?

"King Khan, take a quick look!" A warrior who was watching the surroundings hurriedly handed the binoculars he had seized from humans to the old Khan.

After taking it, the old Khan watched carefully, seeing the billowing dust rising in the distance, and the thousands of human cavalry in the dust, horror and absurdity suddenly emerged in his heart.

how is this possible? how is this possible! It's such a time, how could human beings have a cavalry unit in ambush?

You know, they have sent all their troops to join the battle. At this time, the battlefield is completely in chaos, and there is no way to dispatch manpower to stop this human cavalry.

Moreover, who the **** would ambush soldiers twenty miles away from the battlefield, with a brain hole?

But now, this kind of mind-boggling approach made the old Khan a little scared. The current level of chaos on the battlefield has made the command completely useless.

Forced command will only make your own army more chaotic!

In this situation, they can only pray that either the army on the battlefield can prepare for the charge in time before the arrival of the human cavalry.

Either break through the central position of humans and let the crowded troops be released.

Now most of their forces are crowded together. Once they encounter a cavalry charge, the army will suffer heavy losses and be defeated.

Now that the situation is out of control, the old Khan also feels powerless. All they can do now is pray and resign themselves to fate.

Whether fate is on the side of the humans or the orcs, the answer will be revealed soon.


Behind the Yelin River, the castle of the Sissoko family, Mikil, the acting head of the Sissoko family, looked on the wall with blood surging.

Originally thought that in the face of an army of 200,000 orcs, this improvised army of less than 50,000 was completely vulnerable.

But who would have believed that they were evenly matched with the orcs!

Suddenly, what Simon once said began to flash in Mikkel's mind: "If the battlefield is at a stalemate, only one side needs reinforcements to determine the balance of victory. At that time, you will bet on the fate of the Sissoko family. Lead the remaining soldiers into battle?"

"Sometimes even a mob can win a great victory!"

Mikil gritted his teeth, turned to his retainers and said, "Send an order, call all the soldiers who can participate in the battle, and let's join the battlefield to fight!"

"Master Mikil, do you...do you want to wait and see?" The retainers looked at each other.

The situation on the battlefield is unclear, and if they join the battle at this time, if the army of the Marquis Simon is defeated, then the Sissoko family will be finished.

"Did you see it? Now, if either side receives reinforcements, it is possible to break the deadlock on the battlefield, even though we only have two thousand people, two thousand rabble!"

"But if we can win, no, it will be a great victory, a victory enough to be recorded in the annals of history, enough to be sung by bards!"

"At that time, the glory of the Sissoko family will surely spread throughout the main continent!" Mikkel pointed to the battlefield impassionedly, and said, "As long as we dare to go down and join the battle!"

"This..." All the retainers were in a bit of a dilemma. They weren't guys like Mikil who were in their early twenties, so they couldn't be fooled by such words.

Now that the situation on the battlefield is unclear, the risk of joining the war rashly is too high.

"Enough! A bunch of cowards!"

Seeing the evasive eyes of these retainers, Mikkel immediately shouted sullenly: "Are you still retainers of the Sissoko family? If you don't want to participate in the war, I will do it myself!"

The retainers immediately looked embarrassed. As retainers, it is a great shame to be questioned about their bravery by their loyal lord, even if Mikkel is only acting as the head of the family.

Therefore, all the retainers bowed their heads in shame, knelt down on one knee and said, "I would like to listen to your order, my lord!"

Only then did Mikil's gloomy expression ease, and then he ordered his retainers to straighten out the army, and the heavy gate of the castle slowly opened.


In the central position, watching the human cavalry approaching from a distance, Battelle, who was in charge of the orc command on the battlefield, looked so ugly that he was about to die.

He knew very well that with the current situation of the orc army, what would happen if he encountered a cavalry charge. Fortunately, the place where the human cavalry ambushed was far away from the battlefield, so he still had time to make arrangements.

"Let the left wing adjust its formation urgently to defend against the cavalry's charge, and the others continue to storm the human central position. They must be captured before the human cavalry arrives!" Battelle shouted coldly.

The wolf cavalry below rushed to send messages, and the left wing of the orc army began to adjust its formation with difficulty and began to dig holes in the ground.

This kind of small pothole is the only fortification they can do at present. Apart from ditches and fences, cavalry charging at high speed are most afraid of this kind of small pothole.

Once the horse's hooves step on the ground, even people and horses will be smashed to pieces!

Graton, who stood firm on the last line of defense, also felt the pressure exerted by the orc army. Even if the two wings continued to send reinforcements, the last line of defense was still crumbling.

But the human army has done its best, and there will be no more backers. All he can do is to make the soldiers grit their teeth and stick to it, and the central position must not be broken through!

The cavalry troop was walking fast, approaching the battlefield without haste. In order to save their horsepower, they had to do so.

Otherwise, in the middle of the charge, the horse's physical strength will be exhausted, and it will not be able to cut off the orc army, then this surprise attack will be meaningless.

Although he understood this truth, the slow speed still made Bronco anxious: "Sir Ferry, the central position is about to be breached!"

Sir Ferry replied without changing his face: "Keep the speed, keep the horsepower!"

It is useless to be anxious, they must decide the outcome with one blow, and this opportunity can only be grasped calmly.

Looking at the orc camp, Sir Ferry had a strange look in his eyes. The orc camp does not have any defenders. If they attack there, they will definitely break through in one fell swoop.

If King Khan of the Orc can be killed, it will be regarded as revenge for his relatives.

It's a pity... In that case, the army they put together with great difficulty will be lost forever, so they can only attack the orc army.

"Sir Ferry, the central position has been breached!" Bronco yelled in horror, which immediately made Sir Ferry's heart sink. The worst has happened~lightnovelpub.net~ Looking around, the central position has indeed been breached A gap, the orc army is slowly expanding that gap.

Just like a crack in the dam, if it is not remedied in time, the flood will break the dam in an instant!

"Keep the horsepower and move forward at a constant speed!" Sir Ferry said with a gloomy face. He still decided to block it, so that Simon and the others could fill the gap.

Otherwise, even if they run out of horsepower and rush to the battlefield, they are just going to die.

In the right-wing position, watching the gap in the central position, Grand Duke Gaseppe lost all his strength in an instant, knelt on the ground weakly, his eyes were blank.

The central position was broken, the army was divided and surrounded, and the crowded forces of the orc army were also released. Even if the cavalry troops arrived at this time, they were doomed!

"What's the face, go face the ancient kings!" The dejected Grand Duke Gaseppe put the long sword on his neck.

Unlike other collateral lines of the royal family whose blood has been alienated for a long time, he is the youngest son of the fifteenth king, and he is a direct lineage of the royal family.

If this battle fails, they will lose their last resistance. At that time, the orc army will march straight in, and the Silver Moon Kingdom will surely perish!

Simon's gamble was approved by him, and he must be responsible for it.

"Grand Duke, Grand Duke, no!"

"Yes! Continue to fight, the outcome is unknown! Grand Duke!"

Seeing that Grand Duke Gaseppe was about to commit suicide, the people around hurried over to stop him, but they failed to change his mind at all.

Woo! Woo! Woo!

Suddenly, a thick horn sounded from the rear of the central position, making Grand Duke Gaseppe's eyes widen in disbelief.

This is......