Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 675: Great Patriotic War (1)

"Wow, it's really a big formation!" Seeing the dense army of orcs across the bank, Siegel couldn't help but exclaimed.

Just as Harris predicted, after constant testing, the orc army attacked again, and the number even exceeded 300,000.

And that's not all. According to intelligence, there are 100,000 orcs stationed in the north to guard against reinforcements from the empire.

The high-level officers of the new legion knew that the Red Scorpion Khanate alone would not have the ability to mobilize a war of this scale. It must be the orc kingdoms behind it!

"What's the situation now?" Simon teleported through space and hurried to the south bank of the Yelin River.

"The orcs are still camping, and it may take a few days before they launch an attack. Do we need to launch a sneak attack?" Harris asked calmly.

"No, the new legion is not good at attacking. It's better to catch them by surprise when the war starts!" Simon shook his head and rejected the proposal.

Defending according to the river and fighting across the river are completely two concepts, and the melee combat capability of the hot weapon army is relatively weak, and the casualties of the active attack are too large, which is not worthwhile at all.

"Do we have reinforcements this time?" asked Boulder, the deputy commander of the First Army.

Logically speaking, since the orc kingdoms behind the Red Scorpion Khanate made a move, the allies of the Silver Moon Kingdom would also make a move, otherwise why would they join the Holy Alliance of Humanity.

Moreover, the joint battle of the orc nations is likely to be led by the orc royal court, and the Holy Empire has to make a necessary response.

Soldier against soldier, general against general, everyone has to deal with opponents of the same size, and the same is true at the national level.

"I have already asked the empire for help. There may or may not be reinforcements. We must be prepared to win the war alone." Simon shrugged helplessly.

The ambiguous attitude of the empire gave him a headache, but foreign aid is an external force after all, and it is best for them to rely on their own strength to win.

And he had never relied on other people's ideas before, and all his preparations were aimed at winning the war alone.

The only change now is that there are more people on the other side... that's all.

In a certain barracks of the First Army, the Seventh Company was setting up a defense line, and a soldier who was digging a trench asked, "Squad leader, how do you think we should fight this battle?"

Bram moved the ammunition box to the designated location, and replied casually: "It's very simple, they wade in from the other side of the river, aim at them and pull the trigger, and then we will win this war."

The young soldiers laughed out loud, but it seemed that they were not worried too much about this war.

One of the soldiers even said with a smile: "I heard that as long as we kill more orcs this time, our military rank will be promoted very quickly. It would be great if we can be promoted to an officer. By that time, we big soldiers can also be powerful for a while."

Although the new regiment treated the soldiers well, but I was afraid of comparing goods, the officers were treated better than the soldiers, and it was more face-saving to say it.

Many people look forward to the outbreak of war, and then get promoted through military merits. These soldiers and squad leader Bram are also one of them. After all, who doesn't want to be a hero?

"Yeah, I hope I can be promoted to an officer this time!" Touching his corporal rank, Bram also expressed emotion.

Although he was awarded the rank of non-commissioned officer by virtue of his outstanding performance, and the treatment was higher than that of ordinary soldiers, but after all, no officer sounds more prestigious.

If he can be promoted to an officer this time, he will propose to Bessie when he returns. Of course, the premise is that he can survive the war.

"Hello, company commander!" The soldier who was chatting nonsense suddenly caught sight of a figure and stood up nervously to salute.

This is a state of combat readiness. If they are caught lazy, at least they will be kicked, not to mention that their company commander is not an ordinary person.

Mikil, who wore the rank of captain on his shoulder, walked over with a sullen face, and then glanced at Bram: "If you can win this war by aiming at the enemy and pulling the trigger, why do we need to build fortifications?"

As a person who personally experienced the Battle of Ye Linhe, he knew better than anyone how nonsense the contents of those knight biographies were.

If it is easy to win a war, become a hero, and win a beautiful woman, then Ye Linhe Battlefield shouldn't be Shura Hell.

If there is no psychological preparation, how should soldiers face the scene of corpses strewn all over the field and blood flowing like rivers?

"It's my fault, Your Excellency, Company Commander!" Bram immediately replied with a straight posture, relying on his experience of being reprimanded in the past, only in this way can he avoid being reprimanded.

"Well, let's continue to build the fortifications. Remember, the more prepared you are, the greater your chances of surviving on the battlefield."

Seeing Bram's appearance, Mikil couldn't reprimand him any longer, and after saying a few words in a pretentious manner, he went to inspect other places.

A Marquis of the kingdom will naturally not be treated the same as ordinary civilians.

Although he joined the new army at the same time, Mikil's promotion speed was very fast, and he became the company commander in just two and a half years.

However, the new legion was also the trouble he had imagined. If he wanted to be promoted quickly, ability, qualifications, and connections were all indispensable.

For Mikil, who had graduated from the military academy and was still the first in grades, he naturally has the ability. In terms of relationships, the Sissoko family has also helped him get through.

But in terms of qualifications, there are still flaws.

Even relying on the title and the relationship network of the Sissoko family, none of the high-level officers of the new regiment dared to challenge the king's authority and promoted a recruit who had been in the army for two and a half years to a school-level officer.

Therefore, in order to restore the glory of the family as soon as possible and get a faster promotion opportunity, he must perform better than everyone else, and he must not stop for a moment.

After Mikkel left, Bram and the soldiers next to him stuck out their tongues at Mikkel's back.

For civilians like them, or even guys from poor backgrounds, the rapid promotion speed of this soldier in the same period is simply desperate, and no one does not envy them.

But what about envy? He is a majestic Marquis of the Kingdom, and he is already very good if he doesn't become a general right away, so what's the use of being envious?

Shaking his head, Bram led the soldiers in his squad and continued to build the fortifications.


The north of the Yelin River has completely become the territory of the orc army. Countless camps are camped here. Among them, in the most eye-catching tent, Batu is hosting a banquet for the generals in the army.

"Come~lightnovelpub.net~ do it!" Everyone raised their horn cups at the same time and drank it all in one gulp.

Breathing out a mouthful of alcohol, Batu took the opportunity to say: "The two armies are fighting, which warrior is willing to take the lead?"

As soon as this remark came out, the camp suddenly became lively, and many orc generals from other Khanates volunteered to volunteer for fear of being robbed of credit by others.

This time when they came to support the Red Scorpion Khanate, the orc royal court promised a lot of benefits. Iron ore, food, land and the qualification to study secret arts in the royal court were all worth their lives in exchange for their clansmen.

On the other hand, the generals of the Red Scorpion Khanate seemed a little silent, and very few people took the initiative to ask for battle, not because they were timid to fight, but because of the order of King Khan Batu.

After arguing, in the end, Wu En from the Iron Ax Khanate won the qualification to lead this time with a bigger fist than the others.

Batu raised his glass to congratulate him, and asked, "I don't know how you plan to fight Wun Warrior?"

The burly Wu En glanced around with contempt, and buzzed: "How else can we fight? Of course, we should rush over and chop off their heads with an axe. We used to do this in the Canglong Kingdom!"

Batu was speechless, and couldn't help persuading him: "Silver Moon Kingdom and Canglong Kingdom are different. They have very powerful alchemy weapons."

Wu En looked disdainfully at the generals of the Red Scorpion Khanate: "The warriors of our Iron Ax Khanate are different from your warriors of the Red Scorpion Khanate. There is nothing to be afraid of mere alchemy weapons."

The orc generals of the Red Scorpion Khanate were a little annoyed, but Batu put him down with a cold look. He smiled and toasted: "Okay, then I'll look forward to it. The Warriors of Wuen have won the flag. I salute the Warriors of Wuen!"

"To the warrior of Urn!" The other orcs in the camp, either disdainful, resentful, or contemptuous, toasted again with their own ghosts.