Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 707: expulsion

"Your Highness, good news, a civil war broke out in the Silver Moon Kingdom!" A minister sent the frontier emergency report to the regent.

The regent put down the secret letter in his hand and looked up at him: "Idiot!"

The minister was stunned for a moment. After receiving the secret letter, he found that it was a report that the Silver Moon Kingdom had quelled the civil strife. He couldn't help muttering: "How could it be so fast!"

The news spread from the Silver Moon Kingdom to the border of the empire, and then from the border to the imperial capital, without any pause in the middle.

In less than a month, how did the Silver Moon Kingdom calm down the civil strife?

The regent tore the frontier emergency report into pieces: "From now on, all news about the Silver Moon Kingdom will be reported using the teleportation array!"

The minister couldn't help persuading: "All use the teleportation array to report? That's quite a big expense."

The regent looked at him with cold eyes: "Don't question any of my decisions, that King Yinyue is definitely doing something wrong, condemning him in the name of the empire, and ordering him to return the fiefs of the lords!"

The minister was surprised: "What if King Yinyue ignores the condemnation?"

The regent looked out the window with a cold expression: "Anyone who dares to ignore the majesty of the empire must pay the price!"


Cirillo was walking on the road, beside him was the head of the Moonlight Knight Order, Pietro, who was also his master.

The two brought a team of fully armed church knights to a newly built temple in the Temple of the Gods, where the sheriff and city guards had already surrounded.

The church knights of the temples of the gods were waiting in full force, the priest hid in the dark and shivered, and a tense and murderous atmosphere rushed towards his face.

Seeing Cirillo and Pietro walk into the temple, a temple knight asked coldly, "Everyone, what does this mean?"

Cirillo shrugged: "Silver Moon Kingdom does not need two religious forces, so can you please get out of this country!"

The temple knight's face became more and more ugly: "So, you are going to start a religious war! Is this what the Moonlight Church means? Or is it what the king means?"

Pietro slowly drew out the long sword at his waist: "The King of Silver Moon is the Pope of Moonlight, stop talking nonsense, you go or fight!"

The knight of the temple of the gods was not afraid, and drew out his long sword: "This is the temple of the human gods, and the blasphemer can only die!"

Petropin raised his sword in his hand: "If that's the case, then come!"

Cirillo drew his long sword with his right hand and his revolver with his left hand: "Cirello, Commander of the Moonlight Knight Order, please enlighten me!"

The Knight of the Temple of the Gods is waiting for the battle: "The Knight Commander of the Order of the Knights of Glory, the Great Knight of the Temple of the Gods, Regini, will defend the glory of the Gods to the death!"

Pietro stared directly at Regini, not daring to be distracted: "Cililo, take the brothers to deal with the others, and leave this knight commander to me!"

Xi Liluo smiled and said: "Captain, you are so old, you are not afraid of overturning the car? Let me do it!"

Pietro snorted coldly: "Anyway, I am also your master. I am not too old to hold a sword, and I don't need to rely on the kind of alchemy hand crossbow that violates the spirit of chivalry to defeat the enemy!"

Cirillo smiled: "Then I'm leaving, be careful!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his hand and fired a gun. The bullet hit his unprotected face, and a temple knight fell to the ground.

It was like the whistle for the start of the game. With the gunshot, the knights of the Moonlight Knight Order swarmed up and fought with the temple knights.

Pietro made a big stride and slashed obliquely with his long sword, but was blocked by Reggie with his shield.

Then Reggie stabbed straight with his long sword, Pietro immediately withdrew his sword to block, and at the same time made a fist with his left hand to fight back, but Reggie reacted extremely quickly and blocked the blow with his shield again

Two knights with high martial arts skills come and go, and no one can do anything to the other in a short time.

Cirillo on the other side has an overwhelming advantage.

This is just the newly built temple of the Temple of the Gods in the Silver Moon Kingdom. The quality of the knights stationed here is just the same. Except for that Regene, no one is his opponent.

Coupled with the fact that there is a hot weapon in his hand, there are basically no temple knights who can survive a move in his hands.

The security officers and city guards outside the temple started eating melons one after another.

Although they surrounded the temple, they did not dare to intervene in this religious war. They did so only to prevent the fighting from affecting innocent people.

The superb martial arts skills of the church knights made these people call it wonderful, and one of the security officers couldn't help but joked: "This is a religious war? I don't think it's any different from a gang smashing the field!"

The sheriff next to him immediately covered his mouth: "You don't want to die!"

Although in his opinion, this is indeed a gang smashing the ground, neither of these two gangs can be provoked by the sheriffs like them!

The battle in the temple soon came to an end. Cirillo led a group of moonlight church knights, and with extremely small casualties, they eliminated all the temple knights.

Only the knight commander was still fighting back and forth with Pietro, and Cirillo and the others did not intervene, just quietly watching the knight duel from the sidelines.

Although there is not much difference in martial arts skills, Pietro is experienced after all.

Coupled with factors such as being surrounded by powerful enemies and fighting alone, the desperate Reggie could not exert his full strength, and soon fell into a disadvantage. Immediately afterwards, Pietro caught the flaw and killed him on the spot!

At the end of the battle, Pietro's face was rosy, he was sweating profusely, and he was panting ~lightnovelpub.net~ But Cirillo at the side calmly joked: "Master, I said you are old, but you still don't believe it. "

Pietro gave him a blank look: "You are just holding an alchemy hand crossbow, and if you want to fight Lao Tzu with a long sword!"

"Hehe!" Cirillo stopped talking immediately, all his martial arts skills were taught by Pietro, how could he defeat this old man in single combat.

After a few more years, the old man's body functions began to decline, and he might have a chance.

Seeing the priests pulled out from all over the temple, Pietro frowned and asked, "What should we do with these priests?"

According to the rules of religious wars, they must execute these priests, but the current Pope, Simon, who is also King Silvermoon, seems to have other plans.

Cirillo shrugged: "Your Majesty does not intend to completely offend the Temple of the Gods, and we also need a buffer time, so we just need to expel all these priests from the country."

Hearing that they were not going to kill them, the trembling priests suddenly stopped being frightened, and even felt a little complacent.

In the final analysis, priests are the core of a church, and church knights are just guardians, and they die as long as they die, as long as they are fine.

But then, the knights of the Moonlight Church dragged them all out like a dead dog. Anyway, this is not their priest of the Moonlight Church.

After the rebellion was quelled, Simon expelled the temples in the name of the Pope of Moonlight. The knights of the Moonlight Church were like mad dogs, destroying one after another, the temples that the temples had just established.

During this period of time, the sky of the Silver Moon Kingdom was constantly shaking with thunder, as if the human gods were expressing their anger, but none of the thunder fell.

Because... the goddess of moonlight still protects this country.