Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 126: anticlimactic

the border of the north and the wilderness,


A thick black smoke was particularly conspicuous, and the burning place was the fortified city-Hellburg that originally stood at the junction of the Northland and the wilderness.


This time, due to the lack of troops of the human coalition, although the ogres did not get any benefit, they could be considered to be able to withdraw calmly. Even many craftsmen were taken by the ogres calmly into the army and retreated to the wilderness together.


Although the human coalition was biting, the ogre army did not divide their troops to harm the castles and villages along the road, but they still ordered to destroy as much as possible when passing through Hearburg.


However, this kind of castle made of boulders is obviously not so easy to destroy.


The tall and strong ogre was busy for most of the day, but only destroyed a few city gates and a small section of the city wall. In the end, he simply poured the oil in the city, ignited a fire, and returned to Grugesh.


"Lord Grugesh, three more tribes have left the team."


"Let them go."


Grugesh seemed to have anticipated this situation, and his reaction was quite calm.


Ogres are, in the final analysis, a primitive system based on tribes. Except for a few who were influenced by Grugesh to develop racial awareness, most of the small tribes were willing to follow Grugesh just for profit.


When it is good, I am willing to follow Grugesh to take some benefits. When it is not good, I naturally want to ensure the independence of my tribe, so as soon as I reach the wilderness, a large number of small tribes leave, and Grugesh does not have the power to win. , Just relying on the legend of a two-headed ogre, it does not have such a good effect.


Grugesh glanced back at Helborough again, and led his army silently into the depths of the wilderness.


This time, he didn't get anything for nothing. A lot of materials and craftsmen can ensure that his direct line tribe grows rapidly. As long as he spends some time in business, he can still slowly annex the other ogre tribes, but humans will not necessarily give him this opportunity...


"Hurry up!"


"Go get some more water!"


Under Helborough, the human coalition finally reached this fortified city that once guarded the wilderness.


The nearly 100,000 army did not confront the main force of the ogres, but started to put out the fire first.


Fortunately, Herborg is mainly made of stone, there are not many inflammables, and there are water sources around.


With no shortage of manpower, the fire that the ogres set before retreating was quickly extinguished.


However, although the fire was extinguished, Helborough was not suitable for a large army to enter at this time.


The coalition forces still set up a large camp in an open space not far away.


This battle was quite anticlimactic. The two sides fought for a long time, but in the end there was no collision of the main forces.


Although the human coalition has achieved its strategic goal, it is actually a shame for Thor.


After all, watching the ogre take the looted supplies and craftsman away calmly, a normal general would feel uncomfortable.


This regret is temporarily difficult to make up for. The long-term battle against the ogres can only rely on the Northland itself. The capital is too far away from the Northland, and the resources and horses dispatched from the capital are all upstream, and the cost is too high.


If it weren't for the pressure of the orcs from the Dragon Breath Pass, perhaps the Golden Dragon Kingdom would be able to grit its teeth and go all out to directly wipe out the ogres in the wilderness.


However, under the circumstance of huge pressure in the east, the kingdom naturally has to give priority to using resources on the more important Dragon Breath.


Unless the ogres swept the Northland and attacked Zhenbeiguan, it would be difficult for the Golden Dragon Kingdom to pay more attention.


Although the war has come to an end for the time being, Saul still has too much time to regret. He still has more important things to do.


At this time, Sol is sitting in the main tent that has just been set up and studying the map. There are a lot of dots on the large map. It should be a territory that can still be used for rewards.


The most exciting time is the reward for meritorious deeds. So many knights without title come to fight the enemy bravely because of their feelings. What they want is real things. The award of military merits and titles is the foundation of the kingdom. I don't pay attention.


Saul pondered the map for a while and then said to the guards beside him:


"Go and ask Richard to come."


"Yes, sir."


Richard's residence was not far from Sol's main tent, and he came to Sol's tent after a while.


"Master Sol"


Richard's etiquette was well done. After entering the door, he saluted Sol, who was still thinking about the huge map.




Sol hummed softly, but did not let Li Cha sit down, as if he was a little absent-minded, Li Cha could only stand quietly and wait for Sol to speak.


"If you were asked to manage the original Hull family's territory, would you be sure to keep the ogres out of the North?"


"Promise not to let Grugesh go any further east."


Sol's question was sudden, but Richard's answer was quite straightforward and confident.


This is really confident self-confidence, with the support of the heroic and invincible army, Richard did not promise Sol a five-year poverty alleviation, and dedicate both heads to the capital of Grugesh, which can be regarded as modest.


It doesn't even take five years to do it.


The original chassis of the Hull family is of course not only the now dilapidated Hull Fort, but also the surrounding area, which is at least three or four times the size of the Hunter's territory, and its population is several times that of the Hunter family.


Although the territory is now dilapidated, the skinny camels are bigger than horses. As long as they rebuild and operate for a while, with Li Cha's management methods, they can at least pull out the elite of a legion.


He would dare to make a promise to completely eliminate Grugesh by cooperating with the system army.


It's just that Sol is obviously not very demanding, just let him block Grugesh.


"If Herburg breaks again..."


"If Herburg breaks again, I will take my head off to apologize."


"it is good!"


With Richard's promise~lightnovelpub.net~ Saul was quite satisfied, but he didn't say much on the spot, and after answering a few more words, he let Richard leave.



A few days later, dozens of officers and knights who participated in the war gathered in the tent.


Everyone had a smile on their faces, and they were in high spirits. Everyone knew that Sol had obtained the authorization of King Renne and could directly award the reward. Now it was time to cash in on his military exploits.


"Gunther, a baron, in the North..."


This time, the ogre moved eastward, and many territories in the northern region were directly beaten into white territory. More than a dozen nobles were immediately extinct, and the territories were directly taken back and assigned to knights who were willing to stay in the northern region to operate.


However, apart from Gunther and a very few people who chose the territory of the Northland, more knights chose the territory on the Central Great Plains.


The knights who choose the northern land can at least get more than ten villages, which is quite generous.


And the closer the territory to the Golden Dragon Capital, the more precious it is.


There is a small village on the edge of the central plain, and there is only one manor to choose from near the capital, and some are in short supply.


After all, the richness of the Central Plains is not comparable to that of the North. There are no knights who want to continue to develop their minds. If they win a title, they are satisfied with the manor around the capital.


"Li Cha, seal the wilderness, and the territory is in the north..."

