Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 134: new hero

Town Demon Castle, in the afternoon,

Lint made Li Cha a little dizzy with a combination of Corporal Lixian and muscle show, so he went straight to the room arranged by Li Cha,

The maid that Richard himself had not had time to arrange was given priority to Lint. At this moment, Lint had tacitly agreed to serve Richard.

Li Cha, who was in a good mood, went to the school grounds after settling in Lint and inspected the army that had just been reorganized. After all, it was a new army, and he had to brush up on his presence every day.

At this time, there were a total of 30,000 troops stationed in Zhenmo Castle, two flag regiments with a total of 10,000 Flying Bear Army soldiers and a new army from a regiment.

At this time, it is not appropriate to continue to call the newly formed army in the river valley as the new army. After the adjustment of the officers, Li Cha changed it to the Tiger and Leopard Army, which is the name of the army with some oriental characteristics.

Although Li Cha's naming method is a bit out of tune with the Legion naming tradition of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, everyone still follows Li Cha's preference for this kind of trivial matter, and it sounds quite majestic anyway.

"The Tiger and Leopard Army has just made adjustments. There is nothing unusual these days."

"The military salaries have just been released, and the military's morale is very stable, and there will be no accidents."

At this time, Kerry, who had just been promoted to the commander of the Tiger and Leopard Army, was accompanying Li Cha to inspect the troops. The original commander of the Tiger and Leopard Army was a trusted confidant brought by Sol. After the handover, he left with Sol.

Kerry was promoted to the commander of the Tiger and Leopard Army by Richard Rocket.

Quill and Kerry are both native Hunters, early graduates of the Ironwood City official school, and they are absolute confidants.

The talents and talents are all top-notch among the students of the same period, and they have been cultivated by Li Cha. The two are only in their twenties, and they have already reached the peak of quasi-knights.

But even with the talents of the two, if they go step by step, they will have to accumulate at least a few years before they can enter the knight rank, and it is impossible to assume the post of army commander.

After the war, Richard gave the two of them two potions purchased from the market of the Stone Castle. After all, both of them have credit and loyalty.

For Richard, who has advanced to a great knight, the potion bestowed by God is almost useless.

However, Richard's generosity made Quill and moved a thousand thanks.

Compared with the original Jingbei Army, there are also old-fashioned armies such as the Longxiguan Guards of the Western Border Army and the Wangdu Imperial Army.

The Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army, after going through Li Cha's perfect ideological arming and scientific daily training, only need to go through one or two actual combats, and they are definitely not weak in terms of basic soldiers. The bigger gap is still in the strength of the officers. ,

Many of these old-fashioned legions who lead 500 people are already strong knights. Most of the flag captains must be senior knights to serve, and legion commanders are generally large knights.

In the Flying Bear Army and the Tiger and Leopard Army, the general officers are still quasi-knights, and even these quasi-knights have only recently been supplemented by the students in the official school of Tiemucheng, and the level of the army commander is only by Quill. With Kerry, two newly advanced knights, this is also the knight rank that Richard has cultivated over the past few years after removing the relatives of the Hunter family.

Although the strength of the officers is a little weaker, Richard still insists on his own way of cultivating talents, so as to ensure the absolute obedience of the army. Otherwise, with the current strength of the Hunter family, it may be a little bit tricky to recruit great knights, but recruiting some knights to serve No problem at all.

"Is there something missing from the Tiger and Leopard Army?"

After inspecting for a while, Richard found that there seemed to be no supplies to replenish, so he asked directly.

"The armor and weapons are all complete, even better than the Flying Bear Army, as long as the army's salaries and provisions are guaranteed."

Kerry's words are not boasting. Although the Tiger and Leopard Army has not been in the army for a long time, the treatment is definitely not bad.

Although the Hunter Collar has developed well under Richard's management, it is far inferior to the river valleys where industry and commerce are developed.

The wealth of Thor's nobles in the river valley is not bad for the new army equipment. The iron armor on their bodies is no worse than that of the Flying Bear Army, and the helmets are also full iron, not the iron skin like the Flying Bear Army. helmet,

This time, Li Cha was equivalent to picking up a well-equipped army for nothing, and made a lot of money.

When Li Cha was chatting with ordinary soldiers at close range, pulling home, and showing his character who loves soldiers like children, a guard of the city lord's mansion interrupted Li Cha's performance.

"Lord Count, someone who claims to be a court mage is looking for you, and they also claim to have a letter of introduction from Lord Sol."

"Where are the people?"

"It's already at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion."

"Well, I'll be there later."

After finishing speaking, Li Cha turned around and patted Kerry, who was following along,

"Don't relax in training, and tighten the strings. We don't have much time, and we may fight ogres at any time. Hurry up and train the tiger and leopard army."

"Yes, my lord!"

After Li Cha encouraged Kerry a few more words, he followed the guards and left the school grounds.

The town of magic castle said that it is not big or small. Originally, when the town of magic castle was still called Helburg, it was the base of Earl Hull.

As the main city of an earldom, Herborg is naturally not comparable to Hunter's Ironwood Castle and Boulder Castle.

Ironwood Castle and Boulder Castle can accommodate a few hundred people at most. They are typical military castles of knights and nobles. Generally, only noble families and guards and attendants live. There are not a large number of residents.

Richard's Tiemu City also built an outer city around the Tiemu Fort before it could live in more than 10,000 people.

Although the town of Demon Castle is called a fort, it is actually a small town with several thousand inhabitants. In extreme cases, all the troops can be put in tens of thousands of people. However, the original inhabitants broke down the castle with the ogre, and He He The Er family went to disaster together, and now there are no new residents living in apart from Richard's army.

Li Cha’s ambition is also very big, and the Demon Town will still be used as an inner city by him in the end. He plans to rely on the Town Demon Castle to build a big city in the north that is no less than the Snow City, but all of this will have to wait for Li Cha to completely lift it. Only after the threat of the wilderness can be executed.

The distance from the school grounds to the City Lord's Mansion is not far, but within ten minutes, Li Cha returned to the outside of the City Lord's Mansion.

I was seeing an old man with a young boy standing north outside the city lord's mansion, and there were several river valley cavalrymen leading horses.

"The Count is back!"

The guards in front of the door all saluted Li Cha, UU reading www.uukanshu. A few cavalrymen in the river valley responded a beat later and immediately saluted Richard.

After all, they had already seen Richard's majesty before, so they didn't dare to be rude easily.

"Good day, Count."

Although Gandalf is a court mage, the mage of this era has long lost the pride of a spell caster. In the face of Hirano Bo, who has recently gained fame, he is still very conscientious.

However, Li Cha's attention was obviously not on the master.

His eyes were already staring at Luo Lin who was at a loss...

"New hero!"

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