Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 135: Tower Guess

The system's prompt came so suddenly that Li Cha was slightly stunned.

The conditions for being certified as a hero by the system seem to be very harsh. It seems to have nothing to do with strength and race. It should have certain specialities.

Anyway, the only heroes who are certified now are Lint and the half-elf hero who triggered the fortress (elf) main city for Richard.

The main task of this half-elf hero now is to help Richard persuade the half-elf tribe living in the Ironwood to settle in the territory of the Hunter family and to enrich the population for Richard.

After reacting, Li Cha carefully checked the panel of the new hero.

Name: Rollin?? Abel

Race: human

Strength: 0.6

Agility: 1.1

Constitution: 0.6

Spirit: 10.2

Skills: Magic (Basic), Magic Training (Basic)

Specialty: Magic affinity (this is a natural magician).

There is nothing special about Luo Lin's attributes. Perhaps the affinity of magic is a bright spot, but unfortunately, according to what Li Cha understands, there is no magic at all on this continent. Meaning, it has been thousands of years since the decline of magic power, it can only be said that this Luo Lin was born in the wrong era,

Of course, no matter how talented Rollin is, in that era when elves used all living beings as servants, he could at most become a follower or servant of an elf mage as a human being.

What really caught Li Cha’s attention was another prompt from the system:

"Trigger the conditions for opening the tower (Mage) force."

"Will you place a tower (Mage) main city?"

The opening of new forces is what makes Li Cha more concerned.

But obviously, this town magic castle can't put the main city of the tower (mage), and even Richard couldn't think of where the main city of the tower can be put now.

"Old husband Gandalf is the court mage of the Golden Dragon Kingdom. This is the letter of introduction from Lord Sol."

Before Li Cha was stunned for a long time, Gandalf spoke up.

Richard took the letter from Gandalf and invited Gandalf in. When several soldiers from the river valley saw that they had been delivered, they also bid farewell to Richard and Gandalf. Soldiers, of course, will not stay here forever.

After receiving the letter of introduction, Li Cha didn't take a closer look. In fact, without the letter of introduction, Li Cha would not doubt his identity, not to mention a few soldiers in the river valley who were guarding him, the mage's current status and reputation are almost the same as those of Michong. , and no one wants to pretend.

On the way from the gate into the mansion, Li Cha has been a little absent-minded.

He is still thinking about how to release the tower (Mage) main city.

According to the experience of placing the main city of the barrier (elf), in addition to a related hero trigger, there must be a related town or even a village as the basis.

Not to mention the human castle, it is everywhere. The elf barrier took a little effort, but it was released on the ruins of the half-elf village.

But what about the main city of this tower (Mage), do you have to find a Mage City? Don't say that Li Cha has never seen or even heard of this thing.

For a while, Li Cha had no idea in his mind, so he could only

Attention first turned back to Gandalf and Rollin.

Entering the hall, Li Cha sat on the main seat, and at the same time let the two sit down and instructed the waiter on the side to serve tea for the two of them.

Only now did Li Cha have time to carefully observe the two of them. I have to say that the current Mage is really miserable.

Gandalf is obviously a court mage, but he is dressed in a burlap robe, a pair of cloth shoes and a suitcase. Fortunately, he does not appear to be malnourished. Finally, the kingdom retains this position and still provides food.

Compared with the Mage in Li Cha's previous life impression, it is one heaven and one underground, but Li Cha did not despise the other party's meaning, and it is a great thing to be able to persist in magic practice in this era when the magic power has declined to the point of noness. Perseverance man.

"I have read Lord Sol's letter, and I don't know what help you want from me."

Li Cha roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter through Sol's letter. To be honest, Li Cha was also very surprised that the ogre priest could use such a terrifying bloodthirsty technique in this age of magic exhaustion. Li Cha is also very curious about the truth of things that go against common sense.

"I hope that Mr. Richard can send troops to **** us to the wilderness for field investigation."

Although Gandalf could be regarded as a learned scholar, his more knowledge was in magic knowledge and some ancient knowledge. He obviously did not understand the situation in the wilderness, and made a request that left Richard speechless.

You must know that the ogre priest who uses spells is Grugsh, who is now the leader of the ogre clan. the two-headed ogre priest Grugsh,

This is not something that can be done simply by dispatching a capable team, unless Richard launches an all-out war of conquest of the wilderness,

At this moment, even with the addition of Zebul from the Earth Rank, Li Cha is still not sure that he can defeat the main force of the ogres. After all, the gap in basic strength is still too large.

"The wilderness is dangerous, and I have to be responsible for the lives of my soldiers."

Richard did not directly reject it. To say that he is interested in this matter, Richard is much bigger than Sol. Although he and Sol have never seen the power of magic, in comparison, he has lived two lives. Li Cha is still influenced by some previous film and television literature works, and he still recognizes the power of magic.

Just put the difficulty first and see how the opposite Gandalf responds.

Richard's words were a little high-sounding. Gandalf was not good at communication. After this sentence was blocked in advance, Gandalf didn't know how to answer it.

"Or, what can I get for helping you?"

Seeing that Gandalf was unable to react for a long time, Li Cha simply made his words clear.

In the face of Richard's straight ball, Gandalf was in a dilemma. As a mage, he was so miserable, what benefit could he give to a noble of the level of Uncle Hirano?

After thinking for a moment, Gandalf gritted his teeth and said:

"You will have the allegiance of a mage."

Fortunately, Gandalf did not utter the ignorant words of gaining the friendship of a mage.

Li Cha heard that, although he was still satisfied, he still smiled disdainfully, as if he was not interested in it.

This scene fell into Gandalf's eyes and made him a little anxious~lightnovelpub.net~ Thought it didn't impress Richard,

After all, the allegiance of a mage sounds like a joke at this moment. In the eyes of the upper-class nobles, the mage is completely the image of a rice bug.

A rice bug's allegiance?

Seeing Gandalf's face flushed with anxiety, Richard didn't want to embarrass him any more, and simply pointed his finger at Luo Lin.

"Add him."

"it is good"

Rollin: "…"

Although it is not shameful to be loyal to a great noble, but you sold me without asking my opinion?

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