Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 191: plausible

Although Aragorn was in a spirit state at this time and his figure didn't look very clear, Li Cha could still see the obvious doubts on his face. If he was really Chinese, he shouldn't have this kind of expression, this kind of expression. It's more like he doesn't know what Richard is talking about at all.

It shouldn't be. Originally, based on the previous clues, Li Cha was almost certain that the other party had some relationship with Huaxia. Those Chinese-style buildings with completely different architectural styles and some specious titles gave Li Cha a strange familiarity. sense and discord,

According to Li Cha's investigation and research, the occurrence of these things almost all appeared in Aragon's era, and it was completely based on Aragon's personal preferences. Li Cha was even more puzzled than the other party.

"It's okay, I just think the buildings you like are very similar to my hometown."


When Richard mentioned those buildings, Aragorn was stunned, as if he had remembered something. When Richard mentioned his hometown again, Aragorn's eyes seemed to light up. Bright eyes.

"I am the general of Qingquanguan Town, Da Zhou, who are you?"

Aragorn suddenly changed his serious face, and asked Li Cha in a way of speaking in a manner that sounded very calm from the Golden Dragon Kingdom, but Li Cha sounded quite familiar.

"Da Zhou? Admiral Qingquanguan?"

This does not sound like the big week in history. Anyone who knows a little about history knows that the humanistic architectural style of the Zhou Dynasty is completely different from the ancient buildings we are familiar with now. Even at that time, many building materials were still did not appear,

The Chinese-style buildings that Li Cha saw in Jinlongdu were basically from the Song Dynasty and later, and the style that leaned towards the Ming and Qing Dynasties could never be the style of the Zhou Dynasty.

It should not be the same world, at least not the same world line. After the two of them talked about the same thing as a duck, Li Cha confirmed this matter.

According to what Aragorn said, the customs of the Great Zhou Dynasty he was in were similar to those of ancient China, but the world was at least half the world of high martial arts. Aragorn himself was directly smashed to pieces by the opponent's strongman in the first war, and barely kept it. A little bit of spiritual knowledge came to this world for some reason, and passed the mystery of the womb with memory. When he was born, he turned on the hanging mode, punched the golden dragon and kicked the orc, and even the gods dared to go up.

Although everyone passed by dead, it was obvious that Aragorn's way of wearing was much more vigorous than that of Li Cha, so that Li Cha was embarrassed to say that he died accidentally.

"His Majesty…"

"Hey, it's enough to call Big Brother, we are both grasshoppers on the same rope in the future, why are you polite?"

After the two exposed their deepest secrets to each other, there was no estrangement, because the world culture before the two came to be similar, and even a little feeling that they were the same world.

"Then, big brother, do you see this first meeting?"

Fighting snakes and sticks is Li Cha's specialty. Since you are willing to be a big brother, I can't point out the benefits.

"Cough, do you see how I look like I'm presenting a gift?"

Aragorn was also a little shocked by Richard's rogue at the moment. He had just made some connections, and it would be good to come up. Aragorn had never seen such a direct relationship.

Li Cha glanced at Aragorn, who was in a state of soul, and probably knew that the other party really couldn't come up with anything good, so he asked:

"It's not too much to give a little brother like me a top breathing method?"

"If I'm not wrong, your breathing technique should already be at the top level, and if you practice the Qi Jue, it is also the Lie Yang Qi Jue that can understand the true meaning of the law.

You shouldn't be able to use other exercises. Besides, this kind of thing can't be chewed too much. I don't have much to teach you here except for a breath of flame. "

"Then, as the master of the golden dragon, give me a golden dragon to ride?"

"I, the Lord of the Golden Dragon, fought it out."

"Called out?"

"Well, back then, I sent the patriarch of the golden dragon clan to the kingdom's territory and let me beat him for three days and three nights. A golden dragon in the sanctuary was shaved off half of his body by me, and he lay down on the ground and recognized me as the master. , but also to lead the golden dragon clan to fight for me. I thought that I could not kill so many orcs by myself. The efficiency is too slow. Although these golden dragons are not good at fighting, they are good at bullying the weak on the battlefield. Let him lead the golden dragon to fight for me.

This sanctuary golden dragon can live for thousands of years at least, but now it’s just a few hundred years. If he knew that I had become this kind of virtue, would he continue to recognize me as the master, or would he simply Kill us both? "


This is how the Dragon Knights of the Golden Dragon Kingdom came. After listening to Aragon's story, Li Cha now fully understands the feelings of the Golden Dragon family who do not want to renew the contract. This is completely an unequal treaty signed by the first. It hasn't appeared for a hundred years, and the Golden Dragon has a lot less scruples. This time the breach of contract is also expected, and it has not turned into an attack on the human kingdom, which is the last reverence for Aragorn.

The co-authorship is that the battle between Aragorn and the God of the Rising Sun came suddenly. Aragorn did not have time to leave any information or help before his death. The Jinlong family, who was originally forced to participate in the war, became the great savior of the human race.

And after Aragorn suddenly disappeared, because Aragorn was too fierce before, but this is not a dead body, the Golden Dragon family did not dare to break the contract at will, for fear that Aragorn would come back and settle accounts with them, and the sanctuary was strong The lifespan of the people is also long. Even if humans are considered to be a completely short-lived race, it is definitely not a problem for the strong people who enter the sanctuary to live for hundreds of years. Only recently did I plan to break the contract.

Got to~lightnovelpub.net~ After chatting for a long time, I learned some gossips from hundreds of years ago. By the way, I learned how fierce these half fellows used to be. It seems that there is no benefit at all.

But now this guy has no strength at all, and the troubles on his back are bigger than each other. The God of the Rising Sun, the Golden Dragon family, it is not something that Li Cha can handle now if he just finds a family.

"The only thing I can do now is to teach you the Breath of Fire, if you want to learn it."


Li Cha, who has a system, has never been greedy for more, and in his dictionary, the more the better.

"But now maybe you need to provide me with some magic."

While speaking, Li Cha found that Aragorn's spiritual body seemed to be a little weaker, and the energy of the ring seemed to be unable to hold.

"I'll go back first, and don't bother me again without energy replenishment."

Then Bi Aragorn's spirit body turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared in the ring...