Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 217: Management and Dinner

By the afternoon of the second day, after a day and night of chasing and killing, almost no trace of the ogres could be seen in the core area of ​​the wilderness. With a lot of experience, Li Cha is too far away from leveling up. Maybe it is time to level up again before he returns to hand in the quest this time.

There are still many kobolds surrendering on the spot in the wilderness. Compared with ogres, Richard is more tolerant towards these kobolds. Liberate places like mine quarry.

The key is not so tyrannical, although the head is iron, but as long as they are subdued, the loyalty is okay, and it is much easier to manage than the ogre. Therefore, under the order of Li Cha, as long as the kobold does not actively attack the human army, this is also the case. No killing of kobolds was carried out, which also led to the fact that in addition to the kobolds who escaped, there are tens of thousands of kobolds as prisoners in the entire wilderness.

"Don't move! Whoever runs will die!"

In a fence in the wilderness, there is a large group of kobolds squatting in darkness. This was originally a fence used by ogres to keep livestock, but now it is used by the soldiers under Richard to temporarily imprison the kobolds.

With the kobold's civil engineering ability, if you really want to run, these fences can't stop them, but the kobolds have long been frightened at this moment. Humans bared their teeth. After all, although they are iron-headed, they are not fools. Even the original masters, the powerful ogres, will kill this group of humans at this moment, how can they dare to resist.

In addition to some human soldiers guarding, there are also some kobolds helping to manage. Haba, wearing a blue uniform, is now standing proudly in front of the group of captured kobolds.

Compared with this group of dirty kobolds, the neatly groomed Haba has an unparalleled sense of superiority in front of them. Even if Haba himself was just a slave digging foundations not long ago, it does not affect his current status in the same clan. Show off in front of you.

"I am the kobold Qianhu official appointed by the great Pingyehou Li Cha, and I will also be one of your officers in the future.

Being a dog for Mr. Richard is ten times better than doing things for a vulgar ogre. No, at least a hundred times. As long as you work hard, you can be like me, eat enough food every day and wear good clothes. in a separate room..."

Haba was on the side, using a language that human soldiers could not understand, murmured to appease the kobold in the enclosure. Facing the arrogant Haba of his fellow clan, he turned his head from time to time, nodding and bowing to the soldier who was staring at it. She looks like a slave, but it makes the other kobolds in the fence envious.

The difference between Haba and them is not as simple as washing and putting on some clothes. During this period of time, Haba ate well and slept well, and occasionally mixed with the soldiers. The oil is much brighter, and life is much better than these kobolds who follow ogres.

When the lecture was almost over, Haba also stopped and followed a few soldiers to leave. There is a celebration feast tonight. Haba and several dog managers are eligible to participate under Richard's note, and they almost have to prepare.

Arranging the Habalai kobold captives here to meet several times a day is naturally what Richard meant.

Manage kobold slaves, give some hope, and set up a few examples of a good life. Li Cha will still do things like hanging carrots. It can not only kill his spirit of resistance, but also make him work harder than pure violence. Squeeze is much more useful.

As night fell, the bonfires of the large groups were lit, and the atmosphere in the middle of the wilderness became very warm. Even though the air was still filled with the smell of blood, many ogre corpses had not yet been buried, but who cares?

Soldiers happily slaughtered cattle and sheep, set up cauldrons, and prepared a big meal. As a soldier under Li Cha, although he could manage enough food and occasionally see oil and meat, it was impossible to eat meat all at once. , but Richard, who had seized a large number of cattle, sheep and livestock today, was very arrogant once, and let the soldiers open their mouths to eat meat today.

This victory is of great significance. It can be said that in addition to the capture of a large amount of materials, the rescue of the population and the improvement of Richard's personal upgrade, it also has great strategic significance. The threat of ogres in the western part of the territory has basically been completely eliminated, and the entire wilderness has become Richard. It's only a matter of time before the power's back garden,

As long as it is well managed, the meat supply in Richard's territory can at least increase several times, not to mention the various possible mineral materials, just a magic crystal mine is the lifeblood that is inseparable now.

Having won such a significant victory, most of the celebration banquet is also due.

In addition to the soldiers in the camp being in full swing, Richard's Chinese army tent is still very lively. In addition to Ron, Quill, Kerry and other senior senior officers who are eligible to be seated, there are also newcomers such as Elena and Hardman. Face, there are almost a dozen people sitting in the tent,

Unlike the soldiers outside, the senior officers in the central army tent naturally did not have to handle the food themselves. At this time, there was roasted lamb that was charred outside and tender inside. Into everyone's nose, leading people to move their index fingers.

It's just that Li Cha in the main seat didn't move, and no one below moved the food on the plate, all waiting for Li Cha to speak.

Li Cha, who was sitting on the high seat, lifted the wine bowl in front of him and gestured downward. Everyone below, including Elena, raised the wine bowl at hand as if they had been rehearsed by the Buddha.

"In special times, we will let everyone use tea instead of wine first. Don't dislike it~lightnovelpub.net~ No drinking during wartime is the rule set by Li Cha. He can't break it and slap himself in the face. Celebrate the achievement. The wine bowls at the banquet were filled with only weak tea.

Fortunately, none of the generals below are addicted to alcohol, and they will not have any dissatisfaction with the use of tea instead of wine during the war. Cha drank all the tea in the bowl in one gulp, then put the bowl aside very proudly, and even felt like drinking wine.

Maybe for most of the people sitting in the tent, what they drink is not important, but who they drink with is the most important. If necessary, some of them can even accompany Li Cha to get drunk with a few sips of tea. Feel.

"This time everyone has made a contribution. According to the rules, the rewards that should be given will only be more or less this time."

"Thank you, Lord Marquis."

Richard's image in Hunterland is that of a lord who will do what he says. Of course, everyone will not doubt Richard's promise. Some of the more impatient people start to calculate how much land or what more they can exchange for their merits this time. Good practice.

"Fill this cup again!"

Although the banquet and dance were not arranged, the atmosphere of the banquet was pushed to a climax by the reward promised by Richard. In particular, Hadman, who had just joined the party, was even more excited to chat with many people at the banquet, trying his best to integrate into the whole.

The banquet in the big tent of the Chinese army lasted for nearly two hours, and when Li Cha was about to go out to inspect the entire camp, the atmosphere gradually cooled down...

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