Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 317: port city


After the red dragon breathed a dragon's breath and killed more than a dozen sea patrolling guards who didn't know whether to live or die, the sea clan guarding the clam field also gave up the act of looking for trouble. plate. At sea, they can sneak into the sea to avoid or attack ships, but on land to face the red dragon is a one-sided massacre.

There were three ordinary priests stationed on the island, but after releasing two shower-like water archery techniques towards the red dragon, they were sent away by the red dragon by the way, and the sea clan could not threaten the low-flying red dragon at all. dragon.

After showing off his might on the clam field, he was sure that the Hai Clan had felt threatened. After asking for help from the main army, Li Cha took the red dragon back to the place where it was suggested that the city could be built.

At the beginning, the footprints of the elves were obviously more extensive than Li Cha imagined. The so-called ancient port ruins were only left with ruins. Some of the buildings that were slightly intact seemed to have been transformed by the sea clan into guard posts to avoid the sun. Although the sea clan did not look like vampires. They are equally afraid of the sun, but they don't like the sun either, and they can't stand the long-term exposure of the sun. In order to find out the reasons for the different architectural styles of the royal capital, Li Cha has checked a lot of information on this aspect, and at a glance, he can see the obvious elf style from these ruins. The buildings on this bay should be the elf family of the year In the port built here, the sea clan should also be the servant race of the elves, just like the human orcs.

The surrounding sea warriors have run away, only dared to secretly observe Li Cha and the strong and outrageous red dragon from a far away place. But in fact, Li Cha was a little hesitant.

Placing the main city of the port is equivalent to placing a nail in the heart of the sea clan. It is completely different from the original plan. He does not know how violently the sea clan will react to building a city on this bay, and it will destroy the original plan. His negotiation plan was small, and he would be embarrassed if the sea clan came to the fore and gave him a whole army of one million to attack the city, and directly destroy his newly built port city. In the game, the defenders who destroy the city will automatically get the city, and he doesn't know what will happen if the system city is broken by the natives in reality. Of course, Li Cha doesn't want to try it at all.噺⒏⑴The fastest full text of 祌文んττρs:/м.χ8㈠zщ.còм/

But this kind of ancient elf port ruins are hard to come by. For thousands of years, the elven port ruins that existed on the mainland have disappeared for a long time. You may not be able to find them along the coastline. After this village, you may not be able to find them. There is this store.

Ultimate Hydra, Dragon, Natalis, Sea Clan, Clam Field, Terran Expedition Fleet, Port City.

Li Cha kept analyzing various factors in his mind, and finally made up his mind to take a gamble, betting that the sea clan was not willing to lose this mussel field.

"Confirm placement!"

After making up his mind, Li Cha immediately released the port city, and then what seemed to be a miracle to observe the sea clan from a distance happened. Encircled halfway, half of the city formed half a wharf in the water, and was blocked by an iron gate. It has both the protection function and the operation function of the wharf, and the design is quite clever.

Richard parked the dragon in the open space in the center of the port city and observed the port. The initial building of the port city is not much different from other castles. There is a council chamber that provides some Jinnar every week, and a goddess waterfall. , The name of this building sounds good, but it is actually only a first-level junior soldier camp, which can produce twenty water elves for the lord to recruit in a week.

This thing is cheap, but in terms of combat effectiveness, it is a relatively weak first-level soldier, and it is completely inferior to the castle's spearmen.

Li Cha recruited 20 water elves to do the experiment. These water elves are blue and faint, with a strong human upper body and a fish tail. With the addition of Li Cha's skills, the water elves can barely become elite soldiers. The combat effectiveness of the clan sea guards is comparable, but the more realistic point is that the combat effectiveness of these water elves in the sea will not be affected, but it will help Richard's ambitions for the ocean.

Next, Li Cha went through the list of buildings in Harbour City. There are not many buildings that can be built. A high-level goddess spring can upgrade the water elf to sea elf, and there is a hut, which can recruit the second-level and primary-level harbour forces. Creature lair for class sailors.

Now Li Cha is not short of resources, and has always been a guy who uses resources very willfully. In order to increase some available manpower in a short period of time, Li Cha first built the Sailor's Hut, the second-order primary biological lair of the harbor force, and recruited 15 sailors in it by the way. , The skin on the body is dark, and it looks like it has experienced wind and waves all year round. The water quality should also be quite good. It should not be a problem in a short period of time fighting in the water. On land, it is stronger than the sea guards of the sea clan.

After arranging the corresponding positions of these sailors and water elves in the harbor city, the castle can be regarded as a little bit of guarding power. After arranging everything, Li Cha walked into the conference hall with ease, and found a place to lie down in the hall. He fell asleep and fell asleep. The red dragon needs to rest. He has been fighting and rushing all the time during this period of time, and he also needs to rest for a while. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"what is that?"

"I read it right? Humans built a city here?"

That is not to build a city, obviously it is to change a city out of thin air.

The general of the sea clan guarding the clam field is an elderly bloodline warrior. This position is originally a pension position. He has not seen such a scene in the past ten years, and even from the information he knows, there is no such thing. Outrageous things happen.

"General, what are we going to do?"

The sea clan had recovered from the initial shock and began to think about countermeasures. Several sea patrolling guards surrounded the general who was in charge of guarding the mussel field.

"General, do you want to attack?"

"Don't be in a hurry, stare at the castle, watch everyone who goes in and out, and then send someone to report to His Majesty the Sea King."

His responsibility is to guard the safety of the clam field. Humans don't seem to have the stance of attacking the clam field. He doesn't want to take the initiative to stimulate the human beings. Besides, with the weak siege ability of the sea clan, he also looks at the city wall more than ten meters high. There is no idea of ​​going up to try.

In addition, the giant dragon could not be handled by the mussel field guards. It angered the human beings. The giant dragon went to the shoal of the mussel field to plow the ground with its breath, and he became a sinner of the sea clan. What to do, we should wait for the sea king to decide. , it is not his turn to decide such a big matter.

expedition fleet

The sound of fighting has lasted for nearly two days. The sea clan adopted the method of taking turns to attack, and never stopped attacking for a moment. Although Paley and a group of senior human generals have tried their best to let the soldiers take turns to rest, they are really limited in strength and space. Limited, most of the soldiers were exhausted.

"His Royal Highness Paley, in the northwest direction, the Biawa family's boat will not be able to hold it."

"Let them find a way to evacuate to the big ship of the Varaya family, and give up their own ship!"


Paley doesn't care how many warships are lost now. The sea clan's offensive has not stopped for a moment. Not only ordinary soldiers, but also him have always been in a state of nervousness. Now he can only try to delay the time and wait for Li Check out the good news over there.

"Ms. Natalis, what about the other two adults? Can they come out to help?"

Paley asked again reluctantly. The battle strength of the two sky-levels disappeared after disappearing, which made Paley still not convinced.

Natalis still shook her head. The summoned Night Angel has a time limit and a cooldown period. She can't use it indefinitely. It can't be explained to Paley. Ask two questions.


The sea king, who is directing the sea clan to intensify the attack, has an unnatural expression at this time. The sea clan has its own information transmission channel. Through the long voice of the conch, the information can be transmitted far away, and different voices represent different meanings. The sea clan in the mussel field has sent the information through a special conch shell, and now it has passed through the sea king. Just now, a sea patrol sent him the latest news from the mussel field~lightnovelpub.net~ The human dragon knight Really arrived at the mussel field, and also built a city in the mussel field, and built a city in less than a day? What a joke.

If it weren't for the conch's means of transmitting information, which is impossible for humans to grasp, Neptune would suspect that this is fake news.

After confirming the accuracy of the news, Neptune quickly convened the local high-level officials to study countermeasures.

"We should immediately return to the mussel field, and we shouldn't die here with humans. The mussel field is the foundation of our clan!"

"This place is about to be won, first kill all the humans here before going back, or the soldiers' efforts will be in vain!"

"Can you understand something! Kill all the humans here and go back? What if the human dragon knight destroys the mussel farm?"

The Nanfang Clam Farm is one of the important clam farms of the Hai Clan. Every year, one-third to one-quarter of the new Clan members of the Hai Clan come from the Nanfang Clam Clan.

"I suggest that we can talk to humans. We don't actually need to fight to the death with humans."


Sea King waited for the people below to quarrel for a long time, and finally got an opinion he wanted to hear, and immediately nodded in agreement.

Since the human dragon knights have all gone to the mussel field, what are they going to fight? The most important thing at present is to protect the mussel field first.

"Then stop the attack first, and send a clan member who knows a little about humans to talk to humans."

"Yes, Your Majesty."