Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 320: go home

The dragon boat only took a second to remember Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

Richard is saying goodbye to Paley and the others. After Natalis brought 5,000 elites to the port city, Richard and Paley boarded the way back. The follow-up work will be arranged by Paley. Families, and some refugees who lost their homes during the war will be stunned by the fleet to the port city to become new residents. The entire port city should be able to accommodate 20,000 to 30,000 people, but given the size of the island of Haizu Clam Field, it can actually accommodate more. It is not a big problem to have hundreds of thousands of people, but in order not to stimulate the Hai people for the time being, the planned immigration will not exceed 20,000 people.

"Brother-in-law, be careful all the way, leave the port city to me."

"I will handle the affairs of the port city for your lord."

In addition to Paley, there is also Paul who is newly invested in Richard's command. This hero who is good at sea combat and has certain coordination and management skills is indeed a rare talent. Some of them are overkill, and it is foreseeable that the importance of the Kingdom's navy will continue to decline. Judging from the current situation, apart from Paley, the Kingdom's officials will probably not invest a penny in the navy.

Under Richard's persuasion and inducement, Paul quickly made a choice. On the one hand, the powerful marquis in the kingdom can be said to be in full swing, on the other hand, the fleet is getting less and less attention. As long as he still has some ambitions, it is not difficult. make a choice.

Richard will not take Paul with him on his return trip for the time being. He will assist Natalis in managing the port city here. He also has the task of preparing a fleet for Richard. The peace of the ocean is half of his credit. Soup, Li Cha wants to eat that too.

For the far north, the current port city is no different from an enclave, and he can only rest assured that he must leave a fighting force like Natalis. With her here, it can effectively deter the sea clan, It can also make some southern nobles stop thinking about the port city, including Paley, which is also within the scope of this shock.

As for whether it was worth it to contain such an important fighting force as Natalis for an enclave, he thought it was worth it after careful consideration by Richard.

A port city is an existence that cannot be lost. From a distance, it will be Richard's tentacle to move the south, and even like the elves in the past, it will serve as the foundation for controlling the sea clan.

From the current point of view, under the current cooperation with Paley, Richard can make tens of thousands of jinnars every month, but this is obviously far from enough. Compared with the economic and maritime trade income of the entire South, that amount of money is the most. It was considered that he had taken a sip of soup. Now that Li Cha had come, how could he be satisfied with having a sip of soup. He was a top meat eater on the Golden Pagoda of the kingdom.

With this contribution to the expedition to the sea clan, in addition to the remuneration of 200,000 jinnars promised by Paley, Richard also ripped a mouthful of trade benefits from the mouth of this group of southern dignitaries, and part of the share was divided. Given to Li Cha, this part of the benefit has to be watched.

The current arrangement is also temporary. Natalis's force is an absolute deterrent, but Natalis's management ability can only be said to be average, normal level. Paul is stronger than her, and there will be middle-level managers from Ironwood City in the future. The affairs officers came to the south one after another to help Natalis manage the port city and trade together.

Li Cha waved to the people on the dragon boat, and then drove the red dragon to set off. The ultimate Hydra was adorned in the sea and left with Li Cha. After more than ten days of recuperation, the Hydra finally recovered. Even the heads that were bitten off by the deep-sea giant whale grew back, which made Li Cha have to sigh about its powerful life ability.

The dragon boat and a few warships are still some distance away from the mainland, but Li Cha can't wait to sail back slowly. The days away from the Northland have been long enough, and he feels a little uneasy in his heart. Starting from the stomach, after leaving the sight of the dragon boat, he used teleportation to start the mode of high-speed travel.


The dark cloud of war once again shrouded the Ironwood City, and the traces of the orcs once again appeared on the edge of the Ironwood Forest.

The elves of the city in the forest found the vanguard of the orcs in Ironwood City. This time the orcs did not remember to attack, but instead built a huge advance base in Ironwood City. It was impossible for more than 50,000 orcs to rush out. They were logging and building camps in the forest and making roads, as if they were preparing for a long war.

"General Geert, the scouts found signs of human army activity at the edge of the Ironwood."

After a long and arduous march, the orcs finally crossed the snowfield and entered the ironwood forest. However, even with the help of the snow giant and the **** Adriro, the non-combat attrition was still very serious. Nearly 5,000 orc warriors stayed on the snowfield forever. , Nearly one-tenth of the non-combat attrition, even if the orc commander has a certain amount of mental preparation, he can't help but feel the pain.

But Geert couldn't care less at this moment. The troops had rested for two days and established a basic camp, so it was time to move.

"Pass my order, let the vanguard battalion fight first, and if the humans they face are not strong, they will be eliminated. If there are too many human forces, let them hold on."

The vanguard battalion is an elite army of orcs. Although the number is only 5,000, all of them are veterans who have fought **** battles at Dragon's Breath Pass and have performed well. Geert took them to the front and sacrificed a bull's knife as soon as they came out.

"Second Legion, detour in the southeast direction, try to bypass the frontal human army, and attack from the rear flank of the human, our side will delay the human army." Starting www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

"The Third Corps, as a reserve army, is always ready to support the Vanguard Battalion."

"Yes, General!"

The orcs are extremely confident in the face of the human army in the field. Even if Geert received the information that the human army has nearly 60,000 people, he still pushed the 5,000 pioneer battalion to the front. He did not want to fight. A simple rout battle, since humans dared to leave the city to fight, he didn't want to put any of them back, he tried to fight a down-to-earth annihilation battle.

"Lord Moriel~lightnovelpub.net~ The orc army has moved."


At this time, Moriel was leading the two ordinary legions, the Silver Wing Legion and the Dragon Legion, and almost half of the system army under Richard to confront the orcs.

Not to mention the strength of the system army, in terms of the number of strong people, the strong men above the knight rank possessed by the system army completely crushed the orcs on the other side, and the ordinary indigenous legions also changed a lot.

The most obvious is the change in equipment. In the past, Richard considered financial issues. Hunter's family had limited financial resources, so he needed to consider the cost-effectiveness of the equipment. However, since the Hunter family has gradually expanded, the update of military equipment is also underway. Steady progress.

Originally, the standard configuration of the Hunter family's subordinate army was a cloth armor plus group armor, an iron-bone animal skin helmet, a standard machete and their respective main weapons.

Now from the Dragon Army, the configuration of turtle back armor and heart armor has been added on the original basis, which is basically double armor, and the protection ability is greatly enhanced. Impact damage from certain blunt weapons.

The helmet was replaced with an animal skin lining, the outer metal structure, and a neck guard shawl chain armor was added. The overall protective power was greatly improved compared with the previous one, which made the finances that were already well-off a lot tighter. Iger I lost a lot of hair because of this.

There are also many updates on the weapons. The machete has been replaced with a more practical armor-piercing hammer. This kind of weapon with a front cone and a rear hammer is more suitable for dealing with heavy armored units such as orcs. The spear head has also become sharper. A posture that is about to break armor.

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