Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 374: timely


Elena stepped forward and directly activated her innate skills, and the angel came.

Although the level of the skill is only elementary, it has quickly raised Elena's strength to the level of the pinnacle of the Earth Rank.

When approaching the snow giant, Elena chose a target, and the golden fighting spirit swept up, leaping to the side of the snow giant's neck, and the sword edge slashed, directly beheading the huge head of the snow giant.


Although Elena's high-profile killing method cannot directly change the situation, after all, losing a few snow giant warriors from vassal tribes is not an unacceptable loss for Frederick.

Elena's behavior is more important to boost her own morale and stabilize the front line. As long as the soldiers of the Flying Bear Army are willing to continue to rush to the death fight with the snow giants, they can restrain the snow giant warriors. The system army relieves the pressure.

However, Elena's high-profile actions also immediately enjoyed the treatment of the Titan giants, which attracted the siege of several snow giant warriors, including one of the elite of the earth, and soon Elena's movements were restricted.


Several fanatics looked fearless in the face of the surging snow giant warriors, they did their best to cover for Elena, and did not care about their own lives. Their desperate posture made the snow giant warriors a little scruples. After all, the snow giants are also intelligent creatures, and they are not the kind of kobolds that are especially good at fighting. They also understand the fighting power of these red-clothed bald heads. Although they are not strong, they can indeed be used against them. Inflicting damage, and for a while, the fanatic around Elena also deterred the snow giant.

Even their desperate posture has infected the surrounding Flying Bear Army soldiers. The defeatist escape on the battlefield will affect many people, and the same desperate courage will also infect others. Driven by the fanatics, the first There were some hesitant Flying Bear Army soldiers on the second front, and they rushed forward again without fear of death.

If five are not enough, then ten, twenty, thirty. After paying a lot of casualties, they always have to bite down on a piece of meat from the snow giant.

"Om, hum, hum..."


When the battle was fierce, the Shenwei crossbow, which was hit hard by the stones just now, turned out to be powerful again. Several giant arrows flew towards the snow giant warriors who were raging in the Flying Bear Army, bringing out a large amount of blood. It is not suitable to use long-range means, and it is very easy to accidentally injure one's own people. This kind of accidental injury is easy to damage the morale of one's own side, but because this time it is a tall creature like the Snow Giant who is fighting the Flying Bear Army, and the target is too large. , on the contrary, the Shenwei crossbow has room to play in the chaotic army, and there is no need to worry about accidentally hurting your own people.

I have to say that the ideological work of the Flying Bear Army is still very good. It is not easy to maintain the will to fight when facing a creature like the Snow Giant. These smashed and scattered Divine Crossbowmen and their commanders, Without completely losing the will to fight, the crossbowmen calmed down from the panic after the contact between the two sides. Then they felt guilty, which gradually turned into a sense of shame. Most people stopped running after they recovered. Footsteps, and then quietly touched back under the command of the commander.

That's the scene just now, half of the divine mighty crossbows were showing their power again, causing a wave of casualties to the snow giants.

"Quick, quick, quick! Reload!"

It seemed that they wanted to atone for the escape just now. The crossbowmen who had returned had more energy than before, and quickly reloaded for the second time, even a little faster.

"What did those idiots do! Didn't I let them deal with those big human toys first!"

Frederick, who could see clearly from the rear, saw that the original misfired Divine Mighty Crossbow actually launched an attack and became furious. He realized the threat of this thing from the beginning, and he focused on taking care of it during the first round of stone attacks. Fan.

Because the snow giant's long-range attack method and distance were not predicted, the Shenwei crossbow was placed a little forward, and the rocks thrown from the front row of the snow giant smashed it into pieces.

However, it is obvious that the Snow Giant did not do it completely. After seeing the misfire of the Shenwei crossbow, he did not pay attention to this side. I did not expect these crossbowmen to have such a strong will to fight. .ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм




"Don't mess up, keep loading!"

The snow giant who reacted to the Shenwei crossbow again soaked sporadic stones, and some unfortunate crossbowmen were still smashed to the ground, but the effect of this sporadic attack was obviously not as good as the previous hundreds of boulders. of pressure.

When someone fell, someone made up for it. The operators of the Shenwei crossbow kept reserve personnel during training, so as not to make the Shenwei crossbow unable to function after a few fells, the crossbowmen continued to finish under the pressure. filling.


"Om, hum, hum..."

After working hard for a long time, the Shenwei crossbow showed its power again, several giant arrows flew out, and three more snow giants were hit and fell to the ground.

"General, the casualties of a few tribal warriors are a bit heavy, should we let our backup..."

"No, wait a minute."

Although the Shenwei crossbow re-emerged, the firing frequency of these Shenwei crossbows was too slow, and there was still a half probability of being missed. Although it could cause some casualties to the snow giants, it could not change the situation of the entire battlefield. Second, because of the initial mistakes, Shenwei The crossbow was also damaged in half, causing less damage to the snow giants.

However, because the population base of the snow giants is too small compared to humans, losing one more will make people feel a little distressed, so another general of the snow giants will propose to Frederick to send a reserve team. It can still be maintained. In addition to the fact that they have a lot of strong combat strength and a large number of cannon fodder with firm will to fight, there is also a very important reason that some of the elite snow giant warriors of the Snow Wind Tribe are still fighting and not advancing.

As long as these Yukikaze elites use their full strength, they will soon be able to break through the enemy's front line, and after tearing a hole, they can completely destroy those giant crossbows that are not a small threat.

It's just that Frederick is still waiting. When Elena plays the last card, and the battle has reached this level, it's not time to feel sorry for the casualties and population. Continue to play, and the first one can't bear it. It is still human, and the seemingly stable front is actually maintained by even Elena who has personally stepped forward to fight. As long as the forces invested by both sides continue to fight, it is still only time for the Front of the Flying Bear Army to completely collapse. It's just a problem, he has to force out the human trump card first.

Things like war can sometimes easily turn into a game of seeing who has the most cards. Those who can save their cards to the end are likely to be the final winners. In Frederick's view, the flankers are not bad. The bigger warhorses and the dwarfs wrapped in iron are the last cards of the opposing humans.

Although Frederick didn't know anything about the human army, he didn't know everything. At least he knew that these knights had the ability to easily kill ordinary snow giants, and some of them were too slippery to deal with. Reserve team.

"Da da da…"

Finally, the champion knights approached the battlefield from the flank. The six heavy-armed champion knights rushed out with a mighty force. The soldiers of the Flying Bear Army, who knew their strength, had hope on their faces. After these powerhouses who have the ability to kill the snow giant warriors alone take action, it should relieve them a lot of pressure.

The other half, Frederick found that the human tin knights he had been waiting for a long time also had a smile on his face. The smile on the huge face turned out to be a bit simple and honest. Kind of cruel.

"Let the warriors of our tribe get ready to attack, wait for my order to start the attack!"

"Yes, Lord General!"

"These humans are trickier than I imagined, but they will still be defeated by us."

"It's because the general is wise and commanded properly."

Although Frederick didn't know anything about the human army, he didn't know everything. At least he knew that these knights had the ability to easily kill ordinary snow giants, and some of them were too slippery to deal with. Reserve team.

"Da da da…"

Finally, the champion knights approached the battlefield from the flank. The six heavy-armed champion knights rushed out with a mighty force. The soldiers of the Flying Bear Army, who knew their strength, had hope on their faces. After these powerhouses who have the ability to kill the snow giant warriors alone take action, it should relieve them a lot of pressure.

The other half, Frederick found that the human tin knights he had been waiting for a long time also had a smile on his face. The smile on the huge face turned out to be a bit simple and honest. Kind of cruel.

"Let the warriors of our tribe get ready to attack, wait for my order to start the attack!"

"Yes, Lord General!"

"These humans are trickier than I thought, but they will still be defeated by us."

"It's because the general is wise and commanded properly." Although Frederick didn't know much about the human army, he didn't know everything. At least he knew that these knights had the strength to easily kill ordinary snow giants, and they were a little slippery. It's hard to deal with it if you don't slip, so he specially reserved a reserve team for this.

"Da da da…"

Finally, the champion knights approached the battlefield from the flank. The six heavy-armed champion knights rushed out with a mighty force. The soldiers of the Flying Bear Army, who knew their strength, had hope on their faces. After these powerhouses who have the ability to kill the snow giant warriors alone take action, it should relieve them a lot of pressure.

The other half, Frederick found that the human tin knights he had been waiting for a long time also had a smile on his face. The smile on the huge face turned out to be a bit simple and honest. Kind of cruel.

"Let the warriors of our tribe get ready to attack, wait for my order to start the attack!"

"Yes, Lord General!"

"These humans are trickier than I thought, but they will still be defeated by us."

"It's because the general is wise and commanded properly." Although Frederick didn't know much about the human army, he didn't know everything. At least he knew that these knights had the strength to easily kill ordinary snow giants, and they were a little slippery. It's hard to deal with it if you don't slip, so he specially reserved a reserve team for this.

"Da da da…"

Finally, the champion knights approached the battlefield from the flank. The six heavy-armed champion knights rushed out with a mighty force. The soldiers of the Flying Bear Army, who knew their strength, had hope on their faces. After these powerhouses who have the ability to kill the snow giant warriors alone take action, it should relieve them a lot of pressure.

The other half, Frederick found that the human tin knights he had been waiting for a long time also had a smile on his face. The smile on the huge face turned out to be a bit simple and honest. Kind of cruel.

"Let the warriors of our tribe get ready to attack, wait for my order to start the attack!"

"Yes, Lord General!"

"These humans are trickier than I thought, but they will still be defeated by us."

"It's because the general is wise and commanded properly." Although Frederick didn't know much about the human army, he didn't know everything. At least he knew that these knights had the strength to easily kill ordinary snow giants, and they were a little slippery. It's hard to deal with it if you don't slip, so he specially reserved a reserve team for this.

"Da da da…"

Finally, the champion knights approached the battlefield from the flank. The six heavy-armed champion knights rushed out with a mighty force. The soldiers of the Flying Bear Army, who knew their strength, had hope on their faces. After these powerhouses who have the ability to kill the snow giant warriors alone take action, it should relieve them a lot of pressure.

The other half, Frederick found that the human tin knights he had been waiting for a long time also had a smile on his face. The smile on the huge face turned out to be a bit simple and honest. Kind of cruel.

"Let the warriors of our tribe get ready to attack~lightnovelpub.net~ Wait for my order to start the attack!"

"Yes, Lord General!"

"These humans are trickier than I thought, but they will still be defeated by us."

"It's because the general is wise and commanded properly." Although Frederick didn't know much about the human army, he didn't know everything. At least he knew that these knights had the strength to easily kill ordinary snow giants, and they were a little slippery. It's hard to deal with it if you don't slip, so he specially reserved a reserve team for this.

"Da da da…"

Finally, the champion knights approached the battlefield from the flank. The six heavy-armed champion knights rushed out with a mighty force. The soldiers of the Flying Bear Army, who knew their strength, had hope on their faces. After these powerhouses who have the ability to kill the snow giant warriors alone take action, it should relieve them a lot of pressure.

The other half, Frederick found that the human tin knights he had been waiting for a long time also had a smile on his face. The smile on the huge face turned out to be a bit simple and honest. Kind of cruel.

"Let the warriors of our tribe get ready to attack, wait for my order to start the attack!"

"Yes, Lord General!"

"These humans are trickier than I thought, but they will still be defeated by us."

"It's because the general is wise and commanded properly." Although Frederick didn't know much about the human army, he didn't know everything. At least he knew that these knights had the strength to easily kill ordinary snow giants, and they were a little slippery. It's hard to deal with it if you don't slip your hands, so he reserved a special reserve for this.