Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 388: Xiaosheng


This round of counterattacks not only defeated the snow giants in the east, but the snow giants attacking from both wings also retreated disorderly. Thousands of snow giants were wrapped and fled, and they were attacked by dragons, angels, titan giants and champions. The knights chased all the way.

If this number of snow giants still maintain their fighting spirit and fight against them in an organized way, even if they face the heroic and invincible high-level troops with a lot of strength, they will not have the ability to resist, but now they leave their backs behind When the enemy is killed, they are slaughtered like pigs and sheep. The only difference is that the movement of their fall is much bigger than that of pigs and sheep.

"Stop them!"

The speed of the snow giants' escape is definitely not slow. When they are scrambling to start to escape, these snow giants are running at the same speed as the speeding horses, and the normal human army will definitely not be able to catch up with them.

However, those who chased them were not the normal human army. There would never be a dozen giant dragons in the human army, and there were birdmen with wings flying around in the sky. The only champion knights who looked like normal humans. Each of them can also stimulate out-of-body fighting qi, and regardless of body shape, the power of light theory is still higher than that of the snow giant warriors.

Originally, the back team of the Snow Giants was being harvested continuously, and they could not wait to run on a few more legs. As a result, when they returned, the gaps that had been opened were blocked by the remnants of the Griffin Legion, and they lost a lot of money before. The Griffin Legion even organized again to intercept the fleeing snow giants in the outer positions.

"Griffin Legion!"


In the face of the fleeing snow giants, the Griffin Legion once again used the equipment such as the thorns that they had begun to prepare to intercept.


The fleeing snow giant had no choice at all this time. Unlike when he attacked, he could still find a gap. After eliminating the surrounding human soldiers, clear the ground thorns and horses and open the passage.

The snow giants who fled this time are disorganized and disorderly, and they were not so calm when facing the rows of horses and thorns. The Griffin Legion obviously took this situation into consideration when setting up the entire position. The reverse still works.

The snow giants in the front row saw the rows of giant iron horses and a large number of thorns, and the soldiers of the Griffin Legion who were ready to go instinctively wanted to stop, but the snow giants running behind had completely lost their minds, after all The humans behind are still chasing and killing, and no one is interrupted. Those who run too slowly die, and no one dares to stop.

"Don't push, don't push!"


The snow giant in the front row stopped, but was pushed directly into the refusal horse by the back row, who was busy fleeing for his life, and was abruptly plunged into the iron refusal horse.


Because there were too many snow giants running away, the large iron-rejected horses that were specially fixed were forced to the ground. There are still a few corpses that are shaking slightly and even struggling.

But the snow giants in the back row showed no pity for their companions at the moment. Facing the falling and struggling snow giants, not only did they have no intention of rescue, but instead stepped directly on the other side, letting the struggling snow giants pass by. Completely lost life.


Rhodes is still fighting at the forefront. This hero with chivalrous spirit satisfied Richard in all aspects. The only thing that makes Richard feel a headache is that as a commander, Rhodes is prone to wars and starts at any time. Lead the charge.

Just like now, in the face of the fleeing snow giants, iron refusal horses and ground thorns alone cannot effectively stop the snow giants from escaping. They also need the soldiers of the Griffin Legion interspersed to stop them.

Rhodes became the hardest one to kill again, and like a rock, he stopped the snow giants who were squeezed in from the Jumadi stab formation.

"Order Rhodes to get out of the way, and let the Griffon Legion harass from both sides."

The Griffin Legion can indeed cause more casualties to the snow giants, but in Li Cha's opinion, it is not worth it. Even if they rely on the position formed by iron horses and ground thorns, these fleeing snow giants are wading through these After the equipment, it will also cause casualties to the Griffin Legion. It is not a cost-effective thing to block the defeated soldiers, let alone these behemoths like snow giants.

"Spread towards the wings!"

Although Rhodes occasionally came up, but when Richard ordered, he still had the ability to execute, and immediately followed the order to let the soldiers of the Griffon Legion avoid the sides.

Without the Griffin Legion, the fallen soldiers of the snow giants quickly used their own flesh and blood to open a road, and even used their flesh and blood to pave the way for the snow giants behind, and the snow giants in the back row stepped directly in front of them. The corpse of the fallen snow giant rushed out of the Griffin Legion's position.

"Griffin Legion, clean up the battlefield immediately and rest in place!"

Li Cha, who was chasing with people, did not forget to give orders in time. The peripheral positions are very important for the defense of Snowfield City. Now many facilities have been damaged by the snow giants. Under the circumstance of when the next wave of the giant's attack will come again, Li Cha first issued an order to let the army seize the time to restore the defense.

Of course, the pursuit here also did not stop. These snow giants are all large experience packs. The experience provided by one snow giant is worth the experience provided by dozens of orc warriors, and the defeated snow giants are no better to kill. Orc warriors are generally difficult. For Li Cha, who now needs a lot of experience to level up, of course, it can't be wasted at all.




Li Cha, who led people to chase behind the fallen soldiers of the Snow Giant, held the Vulcan Sword. Under the urging force of Dou Qi, the tongue of fire spit out seven or eight meters away. With one blow, he killed a fleeing Snow Giant warrior in the back row. The snow giants squeezed forward even more terribly. Many snow giants were pushed to the ground during the escape and did not get up. On the path of the snow giants' escape, some unrecognizable snow giants could be seen lying on their feet. Giant corpse.

"Keep chasing!"

After paying a heavy price, the snow giant who escaped from the thorns of the horses originally thought that he had escaped from life, but the sound of the hooves of the horses was still behind him, and more than a dozen giant dragons in the sky flew directly in the snow. The giant was breathing air, and he was not worried at all that he would be counterattacked by the snow giants. Now these collapsed snow giants could not have the courage to fight back.

"How can humans still dare to chase!"

In the distance, the faces of the three snow giant leaders are extremely ugly now. In their opinion, even if the two thousand pioneers are set back from the east, the casualties should be controlled within five hundred. After a reasonable pursuit, it is not bad that the snow giant warriors can escape back by a thousand at this time.

In their estimation, human beings should only dare to fight in the pile of war tools, at most a dozen giant dragons will continue to attack in the sky, and the ground troops will not dare to continue to pursue, but Richard took the champion knight and The troops of other systems pursued all the way, causing casualties to the snow giants.

"Send someone to meet you!"

"Let the remaining three thousand troops go!"

"We personally brought people over to teach these humans a lesson."

"These humans are too arrogant."

Because this attack was really ugly, and it hit morale too much, the leaders of the three snow giant tribes actually planned to lead people to attack the system army that Li Cha chased out.

"Lean to both sides!"

"Don't attack this formation!"

"Whoever gets close dies!"

Because the three thousand troops had already assembled long ago, after the leaders of the snow giants gave the order to attack and respond, they moved quickly, most of them facing the rout soldiers who came down from the snowfield city and the chasing humans.

Another part of the snow giants separated from the sides, trying to surround the chasing human army. In the eyes of several snow giant leaders, these humans have become arrogant because of the victory of a battle, and they have a posture that they want to fight directly on the ground.

"Wait, if you surround these human knights and those strange giants, don't destroy them immediately, and see if the giant dragon in the sky will come to save them!"

"it is good!"

The snow giant's support force had already set off, but Richard, who led the chase, didn't seem to notice the snow giant's intentions.


Another snow giant fell under Li Cha's sword. These snow giants ran out of the outer position of Xueyuan City for a kilometer, but in this short distance of one kilometer, Li Cha had already slashed four snow giants. Dragons, Titans, and Champion Knights' records, at such a distance, the Snow Giants dropped more than 200 corpses.

But at this moment, the three leaders of the snow giants no longer had the anger just now, but instead looked excited, just trying to keep their composure. It felt like they saw a group of mammoths being lured in while hunting. My own trap is the same, but this time the bait is a little more expensive.

Because their encirclement seems to be almost completed, these guys who chased out dared to chase so deep, if all the dragons chased them, they could only suffer a dumb loss, but the other party also brought a lot of ground troops. Just get ready to pay interest.


Just when they thought they would be able to take the ground troops chased by the other side, a scene that made them drop their jaws happened. More than 20 cavalry companies and three of them disappeared at the same time, and they appeared a few hundred meters away in the next moment. With a dashing turn of his head, he retreated in the direction of Xueyuan City, and the whole process was like a dream.

They thought that human beings were arrogant after a small victory, but they didn't expect that their own arrangements would be like a funny show.

"The ability to suddenly appear on the battlefield! It's actually true!"

Among the three leaders of the Snow Giant Tribe, the other two were dumbfounded. Only the leader of the Snow Kaze Department seemed to suddenly remember something.

The rout of the Yukikaze Department had described to him that the giant human dragons attacked from above their heads as if they appeared out of thin air, causing a wave of huge casualties to the Yukikaze warriors who used a dense formation. He thought it was just that the defeated soldiers did not Pay attention to vigilance. It was only when the giant dragon descended from the sky and raided the illusion that the dragon appeared out of thin air, but now he reacted after seeing that the group of humans who were about to be surrounded a moment ago suddenly broke out of the encirclement. a situation.

"Retreat first and gather the defeated soldiers."

No matter how unreasonable the matter is, it still happened in front of everyone's eyes, and the snow giants had no choice but to withdraw from the attack range of human long-range weapons.

The loss of this attack is not too heavy.

Just when they thought they would be able to take the ground troops chased by the other side, a scene that made them drop their jaws happened. More than 20 cavalry companies and three of them disappeared at the same time, and they appeared a few hundred meters away in the next moment. With a dashing turn of his head, he retreated in the direction of Xueyuan City, and the whole process was like a dream.

They thought that human beings were arrogant after a small victory, but they didn't expect that their own arrangements would be like a funny show.

"The ability to suddenly appear on the battlefield! It's actually true!"

Among the three leaders of the Snow Giant Tribe, the other two were dumbfounded. Only the leader of the Snow Kaze Department seemed to suddenly remember something.

The rout of the Yukikaze Department had described to him that the giant human dragons attacked from above their heads as if they appeared out of thin air, causing a wave of huge casualties to the Yukikaze warriors who used a dense formation. He thought it was just that the defeated soldiers did not Pay attention to vigilance. It was only when the giant dragon descended from the sky and raided the illusion that the dragon appeared out of thin air, but now he reacted after seeing that the group of humans who were about to be surrounded a moment ago suddenly broke out of the encirclement. a situation.

"Retreat first and gather the defeated soldiers."

No matter how unreasonable the matter is, it still happened in front of everyone's eyes, and the snow giants had no choice but to withdraw from the attack range of human long-range weapons.

The loss of this attack was quite heavy. Just when they thought they could take the ground troops chased by the other side, the scene that made them drop their jaws happened~lightnovelpub.net~ more than 20 cavalry companies with three soldiers at the same time. Disappeared, and appeared a few hundred meters away in the next moment. Then he turned his head dashingly and retreated in the direction of Xueyuan City. The whole process was like a dream.

They thought that human beings were arrogant after a small victory, but they didn't expect that their own arrangements would be like a funny show.

"The ability to suddenly appear on the battlefield! It's actually true!"

Among the three leaders of the Snow Giant Tribe, the other two were dumbfounded. Only the leader of the Snow Kaze Department seemed to suddenly remember something.

The rout of the Yukikaze Department had described to him that the giant human dragons attacked from above their heads as if they appeared out of thin air, causing a wave of huge casualties to the Yukikaze warriors who used a dense formation. He thought it was just that the defeated soldiers did not Pay attention to vigilance. It was only when the giant dragon descended from the sky and raided the illusion that the dragon appeared out of thin air, but now he reacted after seeing that the group of humans who were about to be surrounded a moment ago suddenly broke out of the encirclement. a situation.

"Retreat first and gather the defeated soldiers."

No matter how unreasonable the matter is, it still happened in front of everyone's eyes, and the snow giants had no choice but to withdraw from the attack range of human long-range weapons.

The loss of this attack is not too heavy.



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