Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 421: broken village

Text Chapter 421: Broken Fortress

(Wait, I am writing, I will change it immediately after writing)


As early as the day when Li Cha led the army to arrive, he found that the orc commander who was not a good human visitor had already sent a messenger to ask for help from the army of orcs in the back. The orcs in this dense forest had deployed an entire army of troops, and the Wolfshouzhai naturally had a strong presence. backup.

"How did Lord Adlu reply?"

"Lord Adlu let us stick to it for a week, and we will send reinforcements to us later."

"One week? Didn't you clarify the situation on our side? There are more than 20 giant dragons coming from humans. How could we last for a week!"

"I reported to Lord Adru in person. Lord Adru said that he would send someone to confirm that he felt that we were deliberately exaggerating the strength of human beings."



The commander of Wolfshouzhai is obviously a little angry because of the suspicion of the other party, but if he thinks from the other side, he has not seen it with his own eyes. More than 20 giant dragons have actually appeared in front of them, and Wolfshouzhai is already facing a full-scale attack by humans at any time, and the rear is not suspicious of his intelligence.

"There's no time, I'm afraid there will be less luck this time."

"You immediately report to Lord Adlu, and say that the defenders of Wolfshouzhai have been wiped out today. Humans have broken through Wolfshouzhai. Let him prepare early!"

Insert an app: a perfect replica of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi reading.

"Sir, this?"

The words of the orc commander sounded a little inexplicable to the messenger. Although there seemed to be more panicked soldiers in the army, they were still firmly in the hands of the orcs at this time, and there were no traces of war, so how could the entire army be wiped out? what?

But the orc commander didn't give him much time to think about it, and instead ordered loudly:

"Go! You won't be able to leave if it's too late!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Although he still had doubts in his heart, he couldn't ignore the boss's order. When he was yelled at by the commander, regardless of whether the army was lost, he hurriedly agreed and quickly turned around and returned to the original road.

After watching the messenger fly away, the orc commander turned to look at the dense forest below.

Humans have arrived...

"Quick, cut down these trees and move them away."

"Hurry up and pack up an open space and come out!"

Under the urging of Li Cha's "quick success and instant benefit", just after noon, the first legion of the Northern Route Army has followed the kobolds and half-elves who opened the way ahead to the jungle below the Wolfshouzhai. The village is really too close to Dragonscale Castle, which also shows the arrogance of the orcs, who have completely regarded the northern jungle as their own territory.

Now the so-called First Army is the one led by Arcy. After taking control of the army, Richard did not use the previous designation, but based on the general designation of the Northern Route Army, the various armies from the First Army to the Fourth Army were re-designated. Arranged, because Arsi is the oldest, and his legion seems to be a little more elite, he was designated as the first legion by Richard.

The half-elf rangers and 10,000 kobolds under Gru were organized into a task force, and the system soldiers around Richard were directly served as the personal guard flag regiment.

At this time, Li Chazheng and Alxi already had some senior officers standing in the woods below the Wolfshouzhai, looking up at the Wolfshouzhai, which was not far away, through the gaps in the trees.

Just looking at this stockade will make the attackers a little intimidated. Muzhai is located in a relatively high place, leaning against the middle of the mountain. There is only a small open space in front of the village gate for entry and exit, but even this open space is not completely It is flat, but a gentle upward slope. There is also a horse-rejection on the slope. The soil seems to have moved obviously, and there should be a lot of traps.

This Wolfshouzhaika cannot be deployed in such a large army, where large-scale equipment is inconvenient to use, and it is no wonder that the army stationed on the northern front in the past could not win the wolfshouzhai, which was stationed by more than 1,000 people. If it weren't for Richard's more than 20 heads The giant dragon is really a dimensional blow to an orc team of more than 1,000 people, and it will not make the orc commander so desperate.

"General Arcy, are the attacking teams ready?"

"The 5,000 men of the First Banner Regiment are ready for battle."

Although they have just trekked through the mountain road, this legion is of good quality and is still in good condition. There are more than 20 giant dragons to help out, and the morale is also good. It is indeed possible to enter the battle immediately.

"It's just that there is only one way to go up. After the first flag regiment went out, it still couldn't unfold. At most 500 people could participate in the attack at a time."

This is the disgusting thing about the terrain of Wolfshouzhai. The terrain in front of the gentle **** is not suitable for the army to expand. Coupled with the refusal of horses and the inevitable traps, 500 people are dispatched to attack at a time. There are no large-scale equipment, and it is basically nothing to die. the difference.

"It's okay, get the hook ready, just lift a few ladders, and get the first flag regiment ready to fight!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Seeing that Richard was so confident, Arsi stopped persuading him, and immediately went to the First Banner Regiment to start selecting the first 500-strong first-boarding team.



"Humans are coming!"

"Prepare the crossbowmen!"

Following Li Cha's order, a group of people who had already prepared for the first time rushed out from the woods and rushed towards the high wolfshouzhai. Emerging from the top, a sharp arrow was aimed at the human soldiers who launched the charge, just waiting for them to come within range.

Due to the terrain, human soldiers basically only have flying hooks as a climbing tool, and at most a few simple ladders. If they rely on this level of equipment to attack the city, I am afraid that they can only rely on the corpses to level the gentle **** to attack the city wall. go up.

But obviously, although Li Cha was in a hurry to prepare to spend the night in Wolfshouzhai, he did not let them go up to die.

Immediately afterwards, orders were given to Gru and Moriel at the same time.

Admired, Gru immediately took his nearly 300 phantom shooters out of the jungle, and without any warning, began to shoot arrows at the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai.

According to the Phantom Archer's rate of fire, accuracy, and arrow power, ordering them to fire in a salvo would be a waste. The free-play Phantom Archer is more lethal.

"Whoosh, whoosh" arrows flew towards the wall of Wolfshouzhai.

Three hundred phantom archers fired a salvo, which was no longer a simple suppression effect on the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai, but almost emptied the orc crossbowmen who were still waiting for the soldiers of the first banner regiment to approach, except in time. Aside from a small number of orc soldiers who were shooting dead ends, after the phantom archers fired the third arrow on average, there was not a single standing orc on the wooden wall. , This round of shooting by the phantom shooter killed hundreds of orcs, and even the orcs on the wooden tower who were in charge of watching the enemy did not escape, and fell down after being shot.

The heroes of the system are very calm in the face of the Phantom Archer's results. After all, the generals of the same era, who have never heard of the names of Gru and the Phantom Archer, and many of them have fought side by side with the Phantom Archer. of. Sir Murak whistled cheerfully, as if to celebrate the achievements of the Phantom Archer.

On the other hand, Kuz, Arsi and the others looked completely dumbfounded.

Admired, Gru immediately took his nearly 300 phantom shooters out of the jungle, and without any warning, began to shoot arrows at the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai.

According to the Phantom Archer's rate of fire, accuracy, and arrow power, ordering them to fire in a salvo would be a waste. The free-play Phantom Archer is more lethal.

"Whoosh, whoosh" arrows flew towards the wall of Wolfshouzhai.

Three hundred phantom archers fired a salvo, which was no longer a simple suppression effect on the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai, but almost emptied the orc crossbowmen who were still waiting for the soldiers of the first banner regiment to approach, except in time. Aside from a small number of orc soldiers who were shooting dead ends, after the phantom archers fired the third arrow on average, there was not a single standing orc on the wooden wall. , This round of shooting by the phantom shooter killed hundreds of orcs, and even the orcs on the wooden tower who were in charge of watching the enemy did not escape, and fell down after being shot.

The heroes of the system are very calm in the face of the Phantom Archer's results. After all, the generals of the same era, who have never heard of the names of Gru and the Phantom Archer, and many of them have fought side by side with the Phantom Archer. of. Sir Murak whistled cheerfully, as if to celebrate the achievements of the Phantom Archer.

On the other hand, Kuz, Arsi and the others looked completely dumbfounded. Admired, Gru immediately took his nearly 300 phantom shooters out of the jungle, and without any warning, began to shoot arrows at the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai.

According to the Phantom Archer's rate of fire, accuracy, and arrow power, ordering them to fire in a salvo would be a waste. The free-play Phantom Archer is more lethal.

"Whoosh, whoosh" arrows flew towards the wall of Wolfshouzhai.

Three hundred phantom archers fired a salvo, which was no longer a simple suppression effect on the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai, but almost emptied the orc crossbowmen who were still waiting for the soldiers of the first banner regiment to approach, except in time. Aside from a small number of orc soldiers who were shooting dead ends, after the phantom archers fired the third arrow on average, there was not a single standing orc on the wooden wall. , This round of shooting by the phantom shooter killed hundreds of orcs, and even the orcs on the wooden tower who were in charge of watching the enemy did not escape, and fell down after being shot.

The heroes of the system are very calm in the face of the Phantom Archer's results. After all, the generals of the same era, who have never heard of the names of Gru and the Phantom Archer, and many of them have fought side by side with the Phantom Archer. of. Sir Murak whistled cheerfully, as if to celebrate the achievements of the Phantom Archer.

On the other hand, Kuz, Arsi and the others looked completely dumbfounded. Admired, Gru immediately took his nearly 300 phantom shooters out of the jungle, and without any warning, began to shoot arrows at the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai.

According to the Phantom Archer's rate of fire, accuracy, and arrow power, ordering them to fire in a salvo would be a waste. The free-play Phantom Archer is more lethal.

"Whoosh, whoosh" arrows flew towards the wall of Wolfshouzhai.

Three hundred phantom archers fired a salvo, which was no longer a simple suppression effect on the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai, but almost emptied the orc crossbowmen who were still waiting for the soldiers of the first banner regiment to approach, except in time. Aside from a small number of orc soldiers who were shooting dead ends, after the phantom archers fired the third arrow on average, there was not a single standing orc on the wooden wall. , This round of shooting by the phantom shooter killed hundreds of orcs, and even the orcs on the wooden tower who were in charge of watching the enemy did not escape, and fell down after being shot.

The heroes of the system are very calm in the face of the Phantom Archer's results. After all, the generals of the same era, who have never heard of the names of Gru and the Phantom Archer, and many of them have fought side by side with the Phantom Archer. of. Sir Murak whistled cheerfully, as if to celebrate the achievements of the Phantom Archer.

On the other hand, Kuz, Arsi and the others looked completely dumbfounded. Admired, Gru immediately took his nearly 300 phantom shooters out of the jungle, and without any warning, began to shoot arrows at the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai.

According to the Phantom Archer's rate of fire, accuracy, and arrow power, ordering them to fire in a salvo would be a waste. The free-play Phantom Archer is more lethal.

"Whoosh, whoosh" arrows flew towards the wall of Wolfshouzhai.

Three hundred phantom archers fired a salvo, which was no longer a simple suppression effect on the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai, but almost emptied the orc crossbowmen who were still waiting for the soldiers of the first banner regiment to approach, except in time. Except for the few orc soldiers who were shooting dead ends, after the phantom archers fired the third arrow on average, there was no one standing orc standing on the wooden wall. ~lightnovelpub.net~ At first glance, this round of shooting by the phantom shooter killed as many as a hundred orcs, and even the orcs on the wooden tower who were in charge of watching the enemy did not escape, and fell down after being shot.

The heroes of the system are very calm in the face of the Phantom Archer's results. After all, the generals of the same era, who have never heard of the names of Gru and the Phantom Archer, and many of them have fought side by side with the Phantom Archer. of. Sir Murak whistled cheerfully, as if to celebrate the achievements of the Phantom Archer.

On the other hand, Kuz, Arsi and the others looked completely dumbfounded. Admired, Gru immediately took his nearly 300 phantom shooters out of the jungle, and without any warning, began to shoot arrows at the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai.

According to the Phantom Archer's rate of fire, accuracy, and arrow power, ordering them to fire in a salvo would be a waste. The free-play Phantom Archer is more lethal.

"Whoosh, whoosh" arrows flew towards the wall of Wolfshouzhai.

Three hundred phantom archers fired a salvo, which was no longer a simple suppression effect on the orcs on the Wolfshouzhai, but almost emptied the orc crossbowmen who were still waiting for the soldiers of the first banner regiment to approach, except in time. Aside from a small number of orc soldiers who were shooting dead ends, after the phantom archers fired the third arrow on average, there was not a single standing orc on the wooden wall. , This round of shooting by the phantom shooter killed hundreds of orcs, and even the orcs on the wooden tower who were in charge of watching the enemy did not escape, and fell down after being shot.

The system heroes were very calm in the face of the Phantom Shooter's results, after all, the same

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