Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 484: Guild Wars II (wait a minute)

"Sir, the food is ready."

Because he was on an expedition, Li Cha did not bring the royal cook from the North, and he was too lazy to find a good cook for a few days. Anyway, it was not far from Ross. Not bad, Li Cha often comes to eat.

Ross was also used to preparing a meal for Richard. At this time, the waiter was bringing in toasted bread, pepper beef and other delicacies. The bread here is not the coarse-grained black bread that ordinary people eat. It can be used as a blunt weapon when it is cold. The thing is, it is white and yellow in the inside. It is baked with fine grains until it will fit into the white bread. It should be very extravagant to add a lot of fresh milk. Before the waiter entered the door, Li Cha smelled the fragrance of milk.

"Damn, these orcs really know the time!"

"Your Excellency Ross, I'll go take a look first!"

The white dragon on the orc side has already been dispatched. Of course, Richard can't sit here and enjoy the food anymore. He can only go out with Moriel and Natalis, and grab a few pieces of bread from the waiter's plate in front of the door. Swallowing this carefully baked bread, Richard actually swallowed it whole without even smelling it.

Li Cha is a person who loves to enjoy. If conditions permit, Li Cha must live the best life. He will also call honey to chew the bread slowly, but if there is an emergency, Li Cha can also be ruthless. , It is not impossible to eat bran pharynx.

Most of the bread on the plate was grabbed by Richard's hand. At this time, the waiter was a little embarrassed to take it away in front of the door, and it seemed inappropriate to bring it in front of Duke Ross.

Fortunately, Duke Ross didn't feel at ease to continue to sit in this council room at this time. He got up and went out with a few officers, and took out the white bread on the waiter's plate.

In the ordinary offensive and defensive battles on the front line, Duke Ross can still sit in this room with a calm mentality and wait for news from various places, but when it comes to battles with giant dragons or even a higher level, Duke Ross's mentality is not so stable.


More than 50 black spots in the air directly approached the Dragon Breath Pass. A giant like a giant dragon is very conspicuous in the sky, and it cannot be hidden. They have no idea of ​​hiding, and they completely mean to invite battle in the air.


Facing the challenge of the white dragon, the human side had no more choice. Moriel turned into an ancient black dragon in the open space, and rushed into the air with her wings.

"No matter how many times I watch it, it's still hard to imagine that a human can transform into a dragon, General Moriel, is he really a human?"

Moriel never shy away from others when she transforms. Ross and the others have long known about Moriel's abilities. Now Ross won't call Moriel by her name. After knowing that the other party can transform into an ancient dragon, Ross has He took the initiative to put the other party on an equal position with himself, but Moriel generally regarded himself as Li Cha's subordinate, so the seat in the council hall was not high.

The surrounding generals also nodded their heads in agreement. Based on their knowledge, it is indeed difficult to imagine that a person can become a giant dragon.

When these generals looked at the midair with shocking eyes, the other dragons did not wait, and Moriel's roar was also a signal for them to move out.


Several giant dragons around also responded and flew together with Moriel into the air. At the Dragon Breath Pass, there were not many giant dragons under Li Cha who could fight. Eight is not a problem, plus Moriel and a small amount of golden dragons, it is still a bit difficult for more than fifty white dragons.

On the other hand, Natalis was not idle either, and immediately brought the archangel and several archangels to meet Moriel.



The battle in the air entered the bloodiest stage from the very beginning. The dragon, a creature, completely released its tyrannical nature during the battle, and showed the crowd below what is the aesthetics of violence.

From time to time, giant dragons were burned and fell seriously injured by the dragon's breath in the air, and there were also giant dragons that were simply torn apart by violence. After a few pieces fell, such a method of death, even the resurrection of the archangel could not save him.

There is also a poisonous dragon that bites the white dragon with one bite, directly slaps the face with the dragon's breath, burns the white dragon alive in mid-air, and then throws it away. The white dragon that falls to the ground and even the upper half of its body is roasted, and when it hits the ground, more than half of it is black, and it also emits light. It smells a little meaty, but no one dares to take a bite of the meat roasted by the poisonous dragon's breath. The cooked meat is not white, but a strange turquoise color, which seems to be highly poisonous. s things.

Moriel and Natalis, who are already considered pseudo-sacred generals, have achieved their own achievements. The ancient black dragon transformed by Moriel directly tore off the wings of a white dragon and caused it to fall, even the dragon breath. are not used yet.

And Natalis used a more labor-saving method, appearing directly on the neck of the white dragon like a ghost, and the Leng Yue scimitar cut half of the neck of the white dragon as soon as it passed. It wasn't on the neck, but the white dragon was obviously not in this category. The white dragon whose throat was cut by Natalis also didn't last long and began to plummet.

However, the number advantage of the white dragons is too great, especially since there are still a few ancient white dragons in the white dragons with good combat power, it is not so easy to solve them easily. In the end, it's still down here.

Li Cha did not move at this time, but looked at the air in a state of preparation, because at this time neither the holy white dragon nor the old orc made a move, he and the holy dragon could only wait, they were the only ones who could check and balance the other holy level Existence, there will always be consumption when a shot is made, and the party who shoots early will fall into the lower end, but the situation in the sky doesn't look good. Ross and others also saw the dilemma in the air and looked at Li Cha frequently.

"If the dragon knights are willing to fight, perhaps this is not the case in the air."

Watching the battle between the giant dragons in the sky, a senior officer next to Ross felt this way. Although the four dragon knights can no longer be used as a force to determine the general trend, they can still be used as a weight on the balance of war. At this time In the battle in the sky, the dragons and angels on Richard's side were only slightly disadvantaged. If four dragon knights participated in the battle, they might be able to turn the situation around.

Unfortunately, when the officer said it, he shook his head. How can the giant dragons from the Golden Dragon Clan contract be compared with the giant dragons under Li Cha? It is now approaching the end of autumn, and these giant dragons are about to leave. It's time, everyone can't be cowardly, and they don't want to take the risk of casualties. Even the ground troops have to be coaxed before they are dispatched. How can I want to participate in such a tragic battle in the air.

Duke Ross did not answer, but just watched the battle in the air like Richard. Duke Ross looked calm, but he was actually very nervous. The orcs on the ground were stronger. If the advantage in the air was lost again, this dragon would I'm afraid it won't last even a week.

In addition to being ready to join the war at any time, Li Cha was also concerned about a certain treasure on his body.

"The Cursed Helm of the White Dragon

Level 1: (10/10

"The Cursed Helm of the White Dragon (Upgradable

"The cursed helmet of the white dragon has been upgraded enough with the soul of the white dragon, and a resentment seems to have materialized from the helmet."

"Whether to upgrade the cursed helmet of the white dragon? (Warning: After the cursed helmet is upgraded, it will cause a stronger mental shock to the wearer, please choose carefully.

The Helmet of Curse of the White Dragon is a growth treasure. In addition to adding a small amount of attributes, the Helmet of the Curse of the White Dragon can mainly summon a white dragon to fight, but the cooling time is slightly longer. The help is not big, this thing is not even a sky-level combat power, Li Cha is not in a hurry to use it, but wants to wait for it to be upgraded before using it.

The upgrade of White Dragon's Helmet of Curse is also very simple. It is upgraded by constantly absorbing White Dragon's grievances and turning White Dragon's resentment into a form of energy. It doesn't need to be killed by Li Cha himself. He died within ten kilometers. The white dragons are automatically absorbed by the helmet. According to Richard's observation, about two or three white dragons can improve the progress of the helmet upgrade.

In the last battle, the white dragon's grievances absorbed by the white dragon's cursed helmet accumulated most of the progress for the helmet upgrade. At this time, there were more than ten white dragons planted in the sky. After the helmet absorbed the souls of these white dragons Completely accumulated enough white dragon souls needed to upgrade.


The Helmet of Curse of the White Dragon is a treasure with negative effects. Its negative effects will expand as the treasure is upgraded, and even the system has given a warning, but Li Cha doesn't care about this. The so-called spiritual pollution is fundamental Can't really have enough influence on him, or that sentence, a white dragon alive as a saint-level powerhouse can't hurt him, even if he is a dead white dragon.

"Roar! Roar!"

When Li Cha confirmed the upgrade, the White Dragon Wraith, who had been suppressed before, began to act like a demon again, and the shrill dragon roar sounded in his ears as if it was about to demand his life.

Suddenly, Li Chabei pulled into a world full of wind and snow. This is Bailong's favorite environment. White dragons appeared on the surrounding ice wall. They were watching and approaching Li Cha. Almost all of the white dragons only have some flesh and blood on their bodies, and some of their internal organs are still exposed like a resurrected corpse dragon. If normal people want to see this scene, I am afraid they will lose half their lives.

It's just that Li Cha understood that he was still in the main pass of Long's Breath Pass, how could he have come to this place similar to the snow field.

"Hmph, hallucinogenic? It's more tricky than before!"

"I want to see how you dead dragons are going to embarrass me with a holy rank."


Li Cha didn't want to be entangled in this relief, so he shouted angrily and took the initiative to face the corpse dragons. When Li Cha leaped into the air, the picture began to blur and finally shattered, and Li Cha's consciousness returned to reality. in the world.

Although the illusion created by the cursed helmet of the white dragon was terrifying, it was not enough for a determined person like Li Cha, but Li Cha broke free in a few seconds.

The almost substantive grievance on the helmet made the people around him feel uncomfortable instinctively. Several officers, including Duke Ross, couldn't help but look at Richard, and they felt a little chill inexplicably.

Fortunately, this feeling disappeared in just a few seconds, and returned to normal the moment Li Cha opened his eyes.

At this time, Li Cha could not pay attention to other people's questioning eyes. His attention was attracted by the promotion of the White Dragon Cursed Helmet. The helmet that could only summon a white dragon had a qualitative breakthrough after the upgrade. There is no change in the added attributes, but the improvement in summons is too great.

"Two ancient white dragons, it should be enough."

After muttering to himself, Li Cha immediately activated the ability to summon the ancient white dragon. Two ancient white dragons appeared from the sky over a thousand meters, first two inconspicuous little black dots, and then they turned into two hideous ancient white dragons .

The appearance of two ancient white dragons made Duke Ross and others nervous. At this time, they can also distinguish the difference between ordinary dragons and ancient dragons. Knowing that ancient dragons are stronger than ordinary dragons, they are already weak at this time. Two more ancient white dragons appeared on the other side, which made it even worse.

On the other side, the holy white dragon Amos, who had never participated in the battle in the air, also found these two ancient white dragons that suddenly approached. It felt a little strange about the appearance of these two clansmen. After all, it was clear how many clansmen he brought to the war. , these two ancient white dragons are definitely not among the clansmen he brought to the war.

Even when the other party got closer and closer, Amos felt a little strange. This should not be the ancient white dragon in the clan. He knew most of the clan members, and the ancient white dragons were all familiar. This strangeness should not be ah? Is it the clansmen who have never returned from outside.

In the hesitation, Amos did not stop the two ancient white dragons from entering the battlefield at the beginning~lightnovelpub.net~ The other white dragons in the slaughter did not notice these two "same race".

The two ancient white dragons first mixed into the battle group under the command of Li Cha, and then approached the two ancient white dragons respectively.

Because they are both white dragons, the two normal ancient white dragons did not raise their vigilance at all, and the two ancient white dragons commanded by Li Cha took advantage of this, almost sticking to the other two ancient white dragons in the sky.

Something was wrong. The movements of the two unfamiliar ancient white dragons were too strange, and Amos had already noticed that something was wrong.

But before Amos could react, the wailing of two ancient white dragons rang out in the air at the same time. They never thought that they would be suddenly bitten on the neck by their fellow clan behind them, and then spit dragon breath against their heads and came up With such a ruthless and deadly attack, the two defenseless ancient white dragons lost their fighting ability in an instant.

This change made the other white dragons stunned for a moment, and even hesitant to fight with the enemy on the opposite side. There are traitors inside, and no one wants to be suddenly attacked by the friendly army behind him during the fierce battle.

However, the ancient white dragons summoned from both ends did not hesitate, and continued to attack the next target. Several white dragons fell from the sky, and Moriel also took the opportunity to launch a counterattack with the few remaining giant dragons in the sky. Under the circumstances, the situation turned over in an instant, and the sudden change made the spectators a little bit confused.

Ross and the others who were watching the battle below were all startled, and no one expected this situation to occur, and the white dragon suddenly killed each other.

At this time, Li Cha didn't even have time to explain their confusion to them. He just held the hilt of the Vulcan Sword tightly. The change in the sky made Amos unable to collapse.