Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 496: Battle situation mutation

   Chapter 499 Changes in the Battle Situation

   "What! The Dragonscale Castle is lost! What did Akka do for food? A flag regiment didn't defend for a day?"

   "I also sent him more than 1,000 wolf cavalry soldiers, even if a 100,000-human army besieged me, I wouldn't lose the Dragonscale Castle in one day!"

   "Where's the Akka? I'm going to kill him!"

   "My lord, the leader of Akka Banner should have died in battle. The person who reported the letter said that the Dragonscale Fortress was completely occupied by humans, and almost no defeated army escaped."

Just finished commanding a siege, and seeing the hope of breaking the city, Xi En, who was about to step up the attack again, suddenly got a piece of news that made him almost unsteady. The Dragon Scale Castle was lost. The army of more than 100,000 people was not only cut off from logistical supplies, but also cut off the back road. Although he had been difficult to conquer the human city, the losses were a little big, but his mentality was still stable, because he had the initiative and could not break the dragon. In Yicheng, he can take people from Dragonscale Castle to retreat to the northern jungle, or even back to the eastern plateau.

   Now that the Dragonscale Castle has been recaptured by humans, his army is surrounded by humans, and he cannot move forward or retreat.

   "Control the messenger first, and the news of the breach of Dragonscale Castle will not be leaked for the time being."

   "Yes, my lord!"

  The fact that the back road is cut off can't be kept for a long time, but at least before he makes a decision, the military's heart must not be disturbed.

   "Immediately summon the army commander and above officers to discuss matters in the big tent!"

   "Yes, Sir Sean!"

Soon, more than a dozen senior orc officers came to Sean's tent. At this time, they also got the news of the fall of Dragonscale Castle, and their faces were a little bad. Sean temporarily kept the ordinary soldiers but he couldn't hide them. high-ranking generals.

   "About the fall of Dragon Scale Castle, everyone already knows that, even if the army's food is saved, it is only enough for a week to use the food and grass of Dragon Scale Castle, and we will soon run out of food."

   "My lord, no matter how the Dragon Scale Castle fell, our top priority now is to regain the Dragon Scale Castle, otherwise we will always be surrounded by humans, and there is a possibility of annihilation at any time."

"Sir, in addition to Dragon Scale Castle, there is another place where there is food and grass. As long as we can get the Dragon Wing City in front of us within a week, the city is full of food and grass stored by humans, and behind the Dragon Wing City is the most abundant food production for humans. The Great Plains, take down Dragon Wing City, and we will not be short of food no matter what."

   "Dragon Wing City is not easy to fight. In the past few days, the siege has not made any progress except for the loss of troops and generals. Can you guarantee to win Dragon Wing City within a week?"

"There's no guarantee whatsoever about the war, it's just a bet, it's just the size of the chance of success. Although we have suffered a lot from the siege in the past few days, the pressure on human beings is also great, and although the food has only been prepared for a week , but if we start to reduce the food ration a little at this time, our food can last for ten days, and it is not impossible to win Dragon Wing City in ten days."

"This is taking our more than ten legions to risk. I don't agree with this plan. Sir Sean, humans just took the Dragonscale Castle by surprise, and there should be not many troops. The safest plan for us at this time should be to return to the division immediately. , it only takes three days for us to return to Dragon Scale Castle, the defense of Dragon Scale Castle is far less than that of Dragon Wing City, we can completely recapture Dragon Scale Castle first and then reconsider."

"Even if the Dragonscale Castle is recaptured, the food there is likely to be burnt by humans long ago, and the consumption of this back and forth will still support us to continue to attack the Dragon Wing City. The efforts during this period of time are all in vain. "

   "Sir Sean, you have given an order, this time I will personally bring the soldiers of the 5th Imperial Guard Corps up, and promise to take down the city wall!"

After knowing that the Dragonscale Castle was lost, the senior generals of the orcs also had differences on the next actions. Some people wanted to be aggressive and just take it as a sinking boat. Take down Dragon Wing City before running out of food.

   And other officers, still tend to be conservative, first go back to the division to retake the Dragonscale Castle, take back the back road, and then consider whether to attack.

In all fairness, both ideas have their reasons. If you continue to attack Dragon Wing City regardless, as long as you win the game, the whole game will be alive. It doesn't matter if Dragon Scale Castle is still there, but if you can't win it. , the result was only one, the whole army was wiped out.

Returning to Dragonscale Castle is a bit more conservative. Although the plan is much more stable, it means that all the previous efforts have been abandoned, and it will be difficult to launch a new offensive in a short period of time, and the success of this plan is still based on them. On the basis of being able to successfully retake the Dragon Scale Castle, if you can't take it down, the result will be the same as if you can't take down the Dragon Wing City.

   "Okay! Stop arguing!"

  Xian was a little upset listening to the arguing of his subordinates, and waved his hand to stop their arguing.

   The orc army is strictly disciplined, and the ranks of the army are strict. As soon as Sean showed impatience, the orc officers who held two different views did not continue to argue, but each stopped to give Sean a salute.

   "Lord Sean please decide!"

No matter how lively they said, it was only Xi En who made the final decision, but Xi En was actually hesitant. He didn't want to give up the Dragon Wing City in front of him, and he was a little worried about the way forward. To win the Dragon Wing City, that is to take the lead in breaking the dragon. For the orc kingdom with heavy military exploits, this kind of credit is enough to raise his prestige to the top, and it is difficult for him to give up.

   But now the back road is cut off, if he can't win it, the more than 200,000 elites plus himself will be smashed into this Dragon Wing City.

  After thinking about it, Sean came up with a "best of both worlds" solution.

"First hide the news of the loss of Dragon Scale Castle, slowly reduce the food ration, try to keep the food for a few more days, and strengthen the offensive for the next three days, and strive to win Longyi City, if you can't take Longyi City within three days, We will return to the Dragon Scale Castle immediately, we only need three days to return to the Dragon Scale Castle, and there is still time to retake the Dragon Scale Castle."


After listening to Sean's idea, the generals below looked at each other. The idea seemed to be okay at first glance. Only one orc officer felt that something was wrong. It seemed that both methods were used, but in fact, the two ends were very hard. It is possible to lose both.

Maybe, if you enter, you won't be able to take down Dragon Wing City, and if you retreat, you won't have time to retake Dragon Scale Castle. It stands to reason that Sean is also a veteran of the battlefield, so he shouldn't make such a mistake. Fighting is a big gamble. You should do your best, how can you disperse the power yourself, but now Sean is completely like a gambler who has been fascinated by his eyes. He has already passed through the northern dense forest, broke the Dragon Scale Fort, and attacked the dragon. Yicheng had been in the city for a few days, and it was about to break the city. He immediately retreated. He was not reconciled and had to gamble again.

   Before waiting for the officer to persuade, Sean issued the final order.

   "The next round of the main attack will be fought by the Fifth Army, go down and prepare, and prepare to attack immediately."

   "I'll prepare more torches later. The night attack can't be stopped. The night attack is handled by the Sixth Army. Now the Sixth Army will rest first. For these three days, I will attack the city day and night!"

   "Yes, Sir Sean!"

   Seeing that Sean's determination has been made, the officers who wanted to persuade just now can only nod and obey the order, and can only hope that Sean's high-pressure attack day and night can break the Dragonscale Castle within three days.

   "Go down and prepare!"

   "Yes, my lord!"


  Longxiguan is the main gate, and Li Cha has continued to recuperate in the courtyard these days. A banner regiment of soldiers from the Western Frontier Army surrounded the city lord's mansion.

After a period of recovery, Li Cha finally regained the ability to walk, at least he can walk around the yard without the support of Moriel and others, but it is still a long way from the recovery of combat power, and the meridians on his body are still damaged. The state, the muscles are also very sore, and it is impossible to run the fighting qi at all. The backlash of the magic potion is too strong. If it is possible, Li Cha hopes that there will be no chance to use this potion again.

   "Lord Richard, just received a report from the wind bird, General Gru has recaptured the Dragonscale Castle again, and the orc army that broke into the north line has been confined between the Dragonscale Castle and the Dragon Wing City."

   "Good Gru, his appetite is really not small, the more than 200,000 troops of the northern line of orcs are afraid that they are going to die."

Compared with the suspicions of Ross and others, Li Cha absolutely believed in Gru's ability, and he was able to fight with the soldiers of the system he stayed on the northern front. As soon as he heard that Gru had retaken the Dragonscale Castle, he knew that Gru's The plan was successful, and Gru was not satisfied with just blocking the orc army in the northern jungle outside Dragonscale Castle, but wanted to introduce the other party and swallow it whole.

   "It's been a few days since I last saw Lord Ross."

   "Lord Richard, this happens to be the fifth day."

"Okay, send someone to tell Lord Ross that the Dragonscale Castle has been recaptured. If there is no accident, he will be able to hear the news of the victory on the northern front in a while, so he doesn't have to worry about the northern front anymore. Take a good look at the Central Army and the Southern Front."

   "Yes, Mr. Richard!"

When it comes to the battle in the middle, I have to mention Tai Ze, who has been commanding the army on behalf of Richard. At this time, because of Tai Ze's excellent command, no one dares to question him without Richard's endorsement. The Ling defense line is about to make him play out. All kinds of magical routines are used by the orcs, making it difficult for the orcs to make any progress in the Dongling defense line.

It's just that the strong military strength of the orcs does not only launch an attack at one point. Although Dongling is a main attack point for the orcs because of the terrain, the orcs can't stand their individual combat strength and the strength is strong enough. It is completely more blossoming in the attack. Although there was no breakthrough here, Ze Ze made progress in other points. In order to avoid being attacked by the orcs on both sides, Tai Ze had to give up the Dongling line of defense and retreated to the second line of defense after he overshadowed the orcs in the final retreat. go.

The stronger Taize's ability, in addition to his own prestige, Li Cha is becoming more and more mythical. Not only does he have two outstanding generals, Moriel and Natalis, but he can also recommend any general. Level.

Of course, these prestige are just icing on the cake for Richard. The key is to take good care of his injuries. Now everyone, including Ross, is generally a little optimistic. Because of the withdrawal of the white dragon, there are times when Moriel brings the dragon with him. After helping out on the front line, the defense line of Long's Breath Pass was fairly solid.

   But Li Cha is very clear that the Lord of the Rising Sun will never just watch the orcs stop and the dragon's breath pass. The current calm may be holding back some conspiracy.

   It's just to be clear, all Li Cha can do now is to recover his vitality and be ready to run away at any time.


   Two days have passed, and Richard is still living a leisurely life of eating, sleeping, drinking tea, and walking every day, while the battle in Dragon Wing City has entered the most intense stage.

It was still late at night, but the screams of killing around Longyi City seemed to disperse the dark clouds in the sky. A large number of torches illuminated half of the night, and a large number of orc soldiers held torches and continued to move towards Longyi City. Launching an attack~lightnovelpub.net~ This is already the third night, and Dragon Wing City is still motionless. After going back and forth, in fact, even Sean had already noticed that something was wrong, as if the other party was hanging him on purpose. The defenders in Longyi City have always had spare strength, and they want to drag this orc army in Longyi City all the time.

He just wanted to understand, but Sean didn't want to admit it. On the third night, he made a desperate arrangement. The three army commanders led the team to launch an attack in turn, and he directly led a brigade composed of samurai to follow the army. Launched an assault, trying to overwhelm the humans on the city in one fell swoop.


  The siege army approached the city wall of Longyi City again, a large number of long ladders were placed on the battlements, and the passage of Jinglan was placed on the front of the city with a "bang"...

   "Samurai camp! Follow me!"


  In the dark of night, the orcs protector of the country, Xien, led the selected 200 orcs warriors to jump up the city wall of Dragon Wing City with the army...



   (end of this chapter)