Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 534: clear three

"be honest!"

"Squat down!"


"Who told you to talk!"

In Lundinburg, a group of disarmed defenders squatted on the ground, their faces full of unease, while Amin's soldiers looked at them fiercely. The slightest movement of the prisoners of war would immediately attract their bombardment.

This castle, which has been passed down by the Cliff family for several generations, changed its owners within a few hours. The members of the original Cliff family were either killed or captured in the open space in the center of the castle. The defenders who survived the battle were also cleared from the castle by Amin's subordinates at this time.

At this time, most of the people in the castle were driven to the open space in the middle. In addition to the defeated soldiers, the servants of the original Cliff's family were also within the range of custody. All together, there were almost three hundred prisoners concentrated here. , that is, the open space in the center of Lundenburg is large enough to concentrate so many prisoners.

"Have you found the granary in Lundenburg?"

"Report, Mrs. Amin, someone tried to burn the grain in the grain cellar just now, but was stopped by Mrs. Natalis. The grain in the grain cellar is well preserved. According to preliminary estimates, the grain in it is enough for a thousand of us to eat seven or eight. year."

"Oh? Didn't the defenders of Lundenburg collapsed by being killed by Lord Natalis, and who would dare to burn down the grain cellar?"

"It's a few knights, they should be people from the church!"


As soon as he heard the word "church", Amin's face immediately turned cold, as if he was born to be in a rush with the church.

"What about those people?"

"Most of them were dealt with by Lord Natalis and the others, and only one of them broke the tendons and was held together with the defeated soldiers."

"It's a knight anyway, you guys are too rough, go and break his hamstrings together."

"Yes, Lord Amin!"

The officer who reported it immediately led a few soldiers to walk towards the group of prisoners in the middle, without having to scold them. Seeing a few menacing soldiers, the surrounding prisoners instinctively avoided, and the soldiers easily brought out the church knight whose tendon was broken.

"My lord will protect us, and the flexibility of the unbelievers will be poisoned on the walls of the Hell..."


The officers under Amin didn't believe this, and they didn't beep too much. When they pressed him to the ground, they cut off the hamstrings with a sword. This church knight was completely abolished.

After giving the other party a ruthless dismount, Amin walked up to the other party, squatted down and said:

"I ask you to answer. If you want to suffer less, you'd better cooperate."

"What is the purpose of your church's action this time! How many people do you have?"

"The unbelievers will eventually..."


"wrong answer."

Apparently, Ah Xian didn't have the patience to slowly interrogate him, and he punched the opponent in the face. The punch was so heavy that it knocked out several teeth of the opponent.

"I'll give you one more chance!"

"A believer of the Lord of the Rising Sun..."




There is absolutely nothing useful to ask about it. Most of the knights directly trained by these churches are fanatical believers. Ordinary interrogation methods are basically useless. Amin even broke his mouth full of teeth with the hilt of his sword. He kept saying curse words in a vague tone.

"Lord Amin, stop beating and hand him over to our black prison."

Seeing that Amin couldn't ask anything, the people who belonged to the black prison stood up and discouraged Amin. Although Amin was a ruthless man, his ruthlessness was limited to ending the other party's life, not how to torture people. If you want to interrogate, you need a professional person.

Amin now also understands that it is difficult for him. Prying open the mouth of such a die-hard man, he nodded as agreeing to the other party's request. Soon several soldiers came up and took people to a special dungeon in Lundenburg.

However, although Amin's action did not open the mouth of the church knight, he frightened Viscount Cliff next to him.

Although the Cliffs are also believers, they are different from those who have been raised since childhood, such as church knights. Viscount Cliffs has lived a life of high-ranking people in the family since childhood. Although he believes in the Lord of the Rising Sun, he is not so fanatical and threatened with violence. Soon to be cowardly.

After Amin turned his eyes to him, before Amin could speak, he took the initiative to say:

"I said nothing..."


"Viscount Cliff doesn't know anything other than his own mission."

"They're a little like Newman's in the Cliffs' family. They should hoard as much food as possible."

"After all, after being a noble of the kingdom for so many years, the church does not absolutely trust them."

The church knight's mouth hadn't opened yet, but Viscount Cliff explained everything he knew like a bean in a bamboo tube. The people in the black prison were reporting the situation of the interrogation to Amin and Natalis.

It's a pity that Viscount Cliff obviously doesn't know much. It's all about the situation that has been discovered in the black prison, the specific arrangement of the church, and which nobles have colluded with the church. He has no idea at all.

"Forget it, don't delay here any longer, take a break and go to Mossburg!"

This kind of intelligence competition in the dark is not something that Amin can intervene now. Now, according to Li Cha's order, it is his current task to find out several suspected objects around him.

"Then, what about these people in Lundenburg?"

Speaking of this, Amin's face became cold, and he said lightly:

"Since it's colluding with the church, let's not leave one."

"Those prisoners of war and servants in the castle should all be peasants from the Cliff Territory..."

The officers on the side frowned when they heard Amin's order. Amin didn't mean to deal with only the Cliff family, but to deal with all the prisoners of war and the servants in the castle. There were more than 300 people. what.

Except for a few tyrants, most of them are actually a little bit incapable of killing prisoners on a large scale, especially those of the same race. This officer is often in a prosperous and stable core site like the Central Plains. Longxiguan or the kind of soldiers who kill all the year round in the West, although they are trained strictly under Amin, they rarely see blood.

In the face of Amin's order, he hesitated for a while, and tried to persuade him. It was rare for Amin to not give an execution order this time, but to explain a little.

"The followers of the Rising Sun Cult are difficult to identify, but they dare to fight against the kingdom's orders and still guard the castle. These prisoners of war must be mixed with many followers of the Rising Sun Cult."

"Besides, the Cliff family has believed in the Rising Sun Sect for several generations, but no one reported it in the territory. It was only recently that the church's frequent activities were caught by the black prison. Don't these people in the castle know about it?"

"We can let them curse the **** of the rising sun together, if true believers should..."

"Hehe, this is the difficulty of the Rising Sun Sect."

Before the officer could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Amin. Obviously, Amin had a deeper understanding of the church.

"In the rules of the Rising Sun Sect, you can pretend to surrender in the face of a strong enemy. Even if you insult the gods, you can be forgiven. If it was as simple as you think, the church would not have existed for so long."

The Church of the Rising Sun can survive under the continuous suppression of the kingdom. In addition to its profound background, its flexible canons also played a big role. When the kingdom was most severely suppressed, some devout nobles hibernated, like Ke There are definitely more than one family of the Lifu family that has been hidden for generations. Even the top Houmen living in the capital have hidden Fang followers, let alone this place.

"Execute the order."

"Yes, Lord Armin"

"Also, question my order, this is the last time."

As soon as the officer turned around, he heard Amin say something leisurely behind him, and a cold sweat broke out from behind him. He had just eaten the guts of an ambitious leopard, and even questioned Amin's order.

After Amin finished speaking, he not only said yes, but he moved a little faster, and quickly led a group of soldiers to execute Amin's orders.

Natalis, who was on the side, watched the whole process with a cold eye, without saying anything, just said after Amin made a decision:

"Move faster. Although we broke Lundenburg quickly, the movement was still a bit loud. Be careful they run away."

Natalis was indifferent to Amin's killing. An undead creature would reject killing, but she was afraid that Amin's extra actions would delay the business.

"Don't worry, the nobles will not give up their castles easily."


The captured soldiers and the servants of the castle brought Amin's men together, and these disarmed men were no different from lambs to be slaughtered at this time.

Several lined up soldiers first surrounded them~lightnovelpub.net~ and then began to charge under the commander's order. The soldiers armed to the teeth easily wiped out all the people whose hands were tied.

Some people in the crowd begged for mercy, some yelled, and some finally stopped worrying about exposure at the last moment, and began to shout the Lord of the Rising Sun. In the end, only screams remained. After the soldiers made up their swords one by one, there was no sound, and the whole process did not exceed. half an hour...


Just when Amin led the people to kill, the bustling Clais city still maintained its apparent calm.

Although the war is unfavorable at the Dragon Breath Pass, civilians have the longest time to get news in this era. Although the tax burden has increased, most people have not yet realized the crisis is coming, and they are still repeating their day-to-day life, but undercurrents under this calm But it has been surging.

"Human cities are really rough..."

A handsome "human" is standing on the street of Clais City at the moment, looking around curiously. In the eyes of most people, this person seems to be a farmer who entered the city from a rural farm. Rice City's bustling fans dazzled...
