Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 543: kill (end)

"What's the meaning?"


After Li Cha finished speaking, the uneasiness in the black-robed angel's heart became more and more intense. This uneasiness prompted him to quickly take action to solve the other party as soon as possible. While speaking, his figure was already solid and he quickly attacked Li Cha.


However, no matter how fast the speed was, it couldn't compare to the speed at which Li Cha raised his hand. A string of incantations that sounded extremely obscure to humans but were extremely clear to the black-robed divine envoy, made him panic.


This incantation is simply a nightmare for the gods and envoys at the end of the elf empire. How many powerful gods have fallen on this ring, and even his master, a **** with a strong life-saving ability, was seriously injured by the ring and fell asleep. One of his divine envoys, He De He, can become the target of this ring. During the Ragnarok period, existences like him are nothing more than shrimps, and the elf holy magician can take care of him.


The approximate meaning of the translation of the incantation is, "Gods should not exist in the human world."




"How could the mad emperor's ring be in your hands!"


The black-robed divine envoy still couldn't believe that the ring would be in the opponent's hand, and the ring that once made the world change color actually appeared in the hand of a "weak" human.




When the black-robed angel's knife tip was about to approach, the terrifying shock finally made him realize that this god-killing ring was definitely a fake. He frantically switched between the physical and the incorporeal, but to no avail, the soul contaminated with divinity had no room to escape under the ring of slaying the gods. Under the impact of the Divine Ring, he disappeared without a trace in an instant, and even his consciousness gradually blurred.




The two shadows merged into one again, and finally fell heavily in front of Li Cha. The black-robed angel also revealed his original face, and his handsome face still had an indescribable shock. It is conceivable that How frightened he was just now, he didn't seem to have any scars on his body, but Li Cha knew that under the impact of the God Killing Ring, this was just a soulless body.


"Using the God-killing Ring is really a kind of torture."


Although Li Cha became the victor again, his condition was not very good. After using the God Killing Ring to deal with the black-robed divine envoy, he didn't even have the strength to lift his arm again, and his head burst like an explosion. The pain hit, making him a little dazed.


Biting the tip of his tongue, Li Cha forced himself to keep a clear head and used all his strength to maintain a standing position.


On the other side, Keshid's opponent suddenly disappeared without a trace. Although he had a lot of wounds on his body, he seemed to be more **** than Li Cha's, but in fact, these injuries were the deepest, but the wounds that were visible to the bones would protect him. As far as the Sword Saint of the Country is concerned, it can only be regarded as a minor injury. It is only a slight injury, and it is far from fatal. After a little bit of fighting qi to seal up a few major injuries, Keshid turned his head and looked towards Li Cha. .


"grown ups!"


After realizing that Li Cha was in a wrong state, Khed quickly rushed to Li Cha's side and wanted to reach out to support Li Cha, but was stopped by Li Cha.


"Don't worry about me, I'm just a little exhausted. If you can still swing your sword, go and help Natalis clean up those shadow assassins."


"Yes, my lord!"


After the death of the black-robed angel, the shadow assassins who had been suppressed by a small number of night angels were quickly defeated, especially after Khed turned around and joined the battlefield, the shadow assassins lost their fighting spirit and were easily killed in Khed. After the two shadow assassins, there were still a few scattered shadow assassins who had to leave the battle despite being injured, and finally got into the shadows to escape.


Creatures like the Shadow Assassin are really troublesome if they want to escape. When they stop attacking, even Khed can't help them.


At this moment, the eldest prince walked to Richard's side and saw that the shadow assassins were running away, the serious expression on his face finally relaxed a little.


"Brother-in-law, are your injuries okay? I'll call the doctor right away."


"No need, I'll just rest for a while by myself."


The trauma on Li Cha's body has long been recovered by the sacred blood bottle. His current weak state is mainly due to the consumption of using the God-killing Ring. This negative state cannot be solved by the brilliant doctors under the Prince.


"Is it completely done this time?"


"Well, if you're worried, you can burn the corpse together."


If the other party is the deity of the gods, then Li Cha may still have doubts. After all, his strength is not comparable to the previous two masters of the ring. It may be a little interesting to deal with a true god, but to deal with a mere **** envoy, it is definitely slaughtering a chicken with a bull’s knife. A light touch can split the opponent in half, and there is no chance of survival.


"Okay, come here!"


With a look from the eldest prince, there were soldiers beside him who quickly found a bucket of hot oil and poured it on the corpse on the ground. Then the eldest prince even set it on fire himself, and the fire instantly engulfed the corpse of the black-robed angel. The decent black-robed divine envoy couldn't even leave a whole corpse behind. The king probably wouldn't let it go if he didn't burn him to ashes.


Li Cha stared at the action of the eldest prince in a stunned manner. He just said so, but he did not expect that the opponent's actions would be so decisive, and he even started burning the body on the spot. It can be seen that these shadow assassins and this black-robed angel brought the eldest prince. How much pressure.


It would take a while for the body to burn out. The fire burned a few meters away from the two of them, but neither of them cared much. After confirming the death of the black-robed angel, the eldest prince shifted his target to the shadowy assassins who had just escaped. body.


"Brother-in-law, those monsters that run away are not a small threat. What shall we do next?"


No wonder the eldest prince was in a hurry, those shadow assassins who escaped were a group of bereaved dogs without any threat in the eyes of Richard, but in the eyes of the eldest prince they were a group of sharp-toothed lions, which might have threatened his life.


Of course, Richard would not let a few shadow assassins go unnoticed, and he quickly gave a reply.


"It's enough to start the city's search immediately. I'll let Natalise lead people to cooperate and find that the target is entangled with them. Without the black-robed angel, they can stay in the realm of shadows for a long time."


"That's good!"


"Speed, try to be as fast as possible, otherwise it will be dark, and the night will be their best cover."




"Pass my order, Clys City will immediately close the city gate, search for assassins throughout the city, and report the clues immediately if those shadow monsters are found! The entire army of the garrison will participate in the operation!"


"Yes, Your Highness!"


The eldest prince was also cruel. In the bustling city of Clais, where there was a huge flow of people and trade, he directly issued an order to close the city in order to clean up several assassins, which completely eliminated the last possibility of the other party's escape.

"His Royal Highness, the Ancora family has all been under control. Except for Viscount Ancora who committed suicide, the rest of the family members are under the custody of the Iron Guard soldiers."


Although a more critical battle was going on outside, the hundreds of Iron Guard soldiers who rushed into the Ancora family manor were not idle. The escaped guards and some servants had no chance of resisting the Iron Guard at all. The situation was soon under control.


Viscount Ancora was still on the high tower of the manor with several guards stubbornly resisting, but when he saw the death of the black-robed angel, the shadow assassin fled. After the assassination failed completely, there was no hope, and he jumped off the high platform and fell. Unrecognizable.


"This old dog is cheap."


After hearing the news of Viscount Ancora's suicide, the eldest prince was still angry, and after swearing a few words, he instructed the Iron Guard:


"Confiscated all the property of the Ancora family, counted all their manor and land, and sent all the guards to the mine for mining. All the men of the Ancora family were taken into custody, and they will be taken to Clais City in a few days. The Central District was executed collectively, and all the women were sold to the red house."


With just a few words, the eldest prince decided the fate of everyone in the Ancora family. The Ancora family, who has enjoyed a century of wealth, will now have to pay the price for his greed.


Although the mistakes may only be made by the core few, or even the Viscount Ancora, this era is the most basic operation.


Li Cha did not express any opinion on this. When the northern army suppressed the nobles in the river valley, the methods were not much softer than that of the eldest prince.


Li Cha pays more attention to himself at the moment. After the battle, killing a powerhouse in the realm brought him a lot of experience. The direct impact was that his level was finally raised by one level. The attributes have been slightly improved, but after a careful look, the Lieyang Qi Jue that is most important to him is still in a gray state.



Outside the Dragon's Breath Pass


The orc camp stretched for more than ten miles. Overlooking from a high altitude, hundreds of thousands of people performed their duties during the period like ants, pushing siege equipment or preparing for battle, constantly attacking the Dragon Breath Pass.


The orcs have been fighting hard at this main pass for nearly ten days. A large number of siege weapons have smashed the Dragon Breath Pass into ruins.


However, although the main gate of Dragon's Breath Pass looks dilapidated, its main body is not damaged. Dragon's Breath Pass is definitely the strongest gate in this era. It is definitely not something that some trebuchets can knock down. At most, it can cause some skin trauma to the Dragon's Breath Pass. To win the Dragon's Breath Pass, you have to rely on the method of attaching ants to attack the city, and advance a little bit.


Compared with the main pass of Dragon Breath Pass, which was not damaged much, the defenders on the city suffered heavy losses. Human defenders without air superiority could only make up for it with human lives, and soon, the defenders wanted the opportunity to make up for it with human lives. All are gone.


The divine mighty crossbow at Dragon Breath Pass has been exhausted, and when the orcs attack the city next time, they won't even have a way to deal with the white dragon.


However, today, the orcs did not launch a large-scale attack, or because of the continuous battles, the orc army was ready to rest, or the savings were more threatening to attack.


In the orc camp, there is a separate large tent. This tent is located in the central area of ​​the camp, but it is not a handsome tent, but the people living in it, even the chief shaman of the orcs, must treat each other with courtesy.


However, today, there was a loud noise in the tent.


"Adillo! Rune is dead!"


The same elf in a black robe found Adrillo angrily.


"Oh? What's going on?"


"What's going on? Just now, Rune's soul thread disappeared, and Rune's soul was wiped out."


The envoy of the Lord of Shadows is not only Rune who died in Clais City, but also the people who plan to attack the Dragon's Breath Pass by Adrillo's side.


There are not many gods who survived after Ragnarok. In addition to the Lord of the Rising Sun, who was not very conspicuous in the beginning, there are also people like the Lord of Shadows who are extremely good at saving lives.


After the recovery of the magic power, the Lord of Shadow also woke up from his slumber and sent his own divine envoy to come down to the world, but somehow, the envoys of the Lord of Shadow and the Lord of the Rising Sun actually got together at this moment. alliance.


"What explanation do you want?"


"It's you who said that there is no power on the human side that can threaten Rune, so he dared to go directly into the hinterland of human beings to assassinate high-level human figures. With Rune's ability, at least a strong person in the realm of jealousy can make him even soul. There is no escape."


Did Aragorn regain his strength, or did he use the Godslayer Ring again.


Adrillo quickly passed several possibilities in his mind, and the information needed to be further verified.


"My information is not 100% accurate~lightnovelpub.net~ I can only blame him for his lack of strength."




"Do you take our shadow gods as pathfinders?"


"Do you shadow gods always make excuses for their failures?"


The Shadow Envoy took a deep breath, thinking of the requirements in the oracle, he did not turn around and leave immediately, but said to Adrillo word by word:


"Tell me all the information about humans, don't miss it, or I'll leave immediately."



"The mad emperor's ring is in the hands of humans, why didn't you say such an important thing at first?"


"You didn't ask yourself. Besides, that ring shouldn't have appeared on the Central Plains. Now it seems that Rune should have died under the ring's attack."


"Hmph, if there is no order from my lord, I really want to cut off your head and play it as a ball."


The black-robed divine envoy, who was clearly furious, but was restricted by the oracle and had to cooperate with the other party, could only leave the camp with a harsh word in the end.


"These smelly mice living in the sewers really exude a disgusting smell."


"However, everything is for the great Lord of the Rising Sun."




