Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 549: new hero

   Chapter 552 New Heroes

   Still waiting until the sky gets dark, the dilapidated tavern lights up dimly again, and finally has a feeling of popularity.

  Richard walked into the tavern, observed the guests at the tavern this time, glanced over, and seemed to know that Richard did not like to recruit heroes from the evil side. The guests in the tavern looked normal, at least they were humanoids.

   There were three tables of guests in the tavern this time, one table was two crusaders drinking, the other was a human in gray linen, and the last table was a middle-aged man in light blue armor.

When Li Cha swept the middle-aged man, he knew in his heart that there should be another good hero this time, because the middle-aged man barely covered his appearance, with a generous national character. The face and brown beard are neatly trimmed. Although he is middle-aged, he is definitely an old handsome guy. Although the blue mail on his body and the long sword on his waist are not gorgeous, but look carefully at his delicate appearance. Workmanship knows that it is not ordinary.

After   's eyes stopped on the other side for a few seconds, the message appeared in his consciousness, sure enough.


   Race: Human

   Level: 22

  Strength: 34

  Agility: 30

   Constitution: 35

  Spirit: 22

   Specialty 1: Ballista

  Christine will bring a rune ballista in the battle phase. If the town has a blacksmith shop, the number of rune ballistas will be increased by one, and the damage will be greatly increased.

   Specialty 2: Artillery Specialization

  Christian is very good at commanding large-scale remote equipment. Under his dispatch, the accuracy and efficiency of remote equipment will be greatly improved.

  Skills: Money Management (Advanced), Offense (Advanced), Defense (Advanced), Logistics (Advanced), Breathing (Master), Qi Qi (Advanced).

  Treasure 1: God-given feet

  At the end of the weekend, if the hero equipped with this treasure is in the town, the town's level 2 unit production will be +5.

  Introduction: A magical treasure, if you collect five pieces, you can get divine artifact and divine feet.

   Treasure 2: Dark Sword

  The attack strength and agility of the hero increase by 2, and the attack of the soldiers under his command increases by 3. Combine one of the four components of the Cursed Treasure Armor.

  Introduction: Christine defeated an evil death knight and seized the Dark Sword from his hand.


  Hero Profile: Christine is not only a heroic knight, but also a great explorer. Before joining the Erathia army, his footprints have traveled all over the land of Enlos. In the army, he won the respect of everyone with his excellent tactical skills, and made great contributions to the restoration of Erathia.

  Christine is willing to serve the wise and always compassionate lord. (With the favor of Asha and Elrath, there is no difficulty in recruiting heroes like Christine.)

Christine, an old handsome guy, also appeared in the tavern. When Richard used to play Heroes, he liked to take Christine in the early stage. For nothing else, he brought a ballista with a value of 2500 in the early stage. advantage.

   And what impressed Richard was Christine's standard Chinese character face. When he didn't read the plot carefully to understand the background, Richard even thought that the other party was a character like a king.

Looking back at the hero itself, because Richard's current level has increased, the initial level of the hero refreshed by the tavern has also increased, and the basic level is already above level 20. From the perspective of Christine's attribute skill data, it is different from the one just now. When he was recruited, Gru was the same, but his level was slightly higher than Gru, and his potential was slightly weaker.

   Of course, everyone who can become a hero is the best of heaven, and it is not reasonable to compare people with legendary heroes like Gru.

  Christian's personal strength is probably at the mid-level in the sky, which is comparable to the seventh-tier arms. Considering the advantages of being a hero, he should be stronger in actual combat.

   There is not much shortcoming in all aspects of skills, and he should also have good combat command ability and internal affairs ability.

Although there are some changes in the hero's characteristics compared to the game, it still retains a part of it. At least the specialties are still on the ballista. The rune ballista in the original blacksmith shop is actually a bit tasteless. Slightly stronger, the rate of fire is several times that of the Shenwei crossbow, but the number is always one, and small-scale battles are not needed at all.

   Now Christine can increase the number of system rune ballistas by one and greatly increase the power and accuracy, which may be used to threaten the opponent's high-end combat power.

   As for the latter speciality, it is even more interesting. He is proficient in long-range warfare equipment. Ballistas and catapults can be regarded as long-range warfare equipment. Although these things are powerful, everyone knows what their shortcomings are.

The accuracy is low, and the reloading speed is also slow. Most of the time on the battlefield, it is a deterrent force, or it is used to hit fixed targets. what a crucial role.

  Christine's specialty can improve the accuracy and attack efficiency of this type of equipment. Next time, if you hand over the countless divine crossbows and catapults to the opponent's command, maybe it will be able to play a miraculous effect.

And the treasure brought by the other party is even more interesting. The weapon of a knight of a castle (human race) force turned out to be a black magic sword, or the trophy of killing an undead knight hero. I don’t know if it was Luo from that time and space. Germany.

The other god-sent divine feet, although not high-level, is quite practical for Li Cha. The output of the second-level arms in towns has been increased by five, which has fully increased the output by half. Although the second-level arms are average in combat power, they must What is the second-level arm, the second-level arm that the castle can recruit every week is the sharpshooter, and Gru has the ability to upgrade the sharpshooter into a phantom shooter. This does not need to be rounded up, it will be equivalent to five more phantoms per week. A powerful weapon like a shooter. This low-level treasure actually produces more benefits than many high-level treasures.

   Not to mention that the Heaven-sent Treasures are still a series. After collecting five pieces, the production of all-level arms will increase, which is definitely a huge temptation for Li Cha, who is currently severely understrength.



Of course, Richard's attention also attracted Christine's attention. The other party turned his face, Zhenghai and the observing Richard had four eyes facing each other, but Christine did not feel that Richard's attention was offensive at all, but gentle. A smile expresses goodwill.

  Richard also naturally stepped forward, ordered a glass of wine and sat in front of Christine.

   "Introduce yourself, King of the North of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, Guardian of the North and the Valley, Richard."

  Richard did not want to show off these titles by himself, but he knew that in order to recruit talents, first of all, let people have a place to be useful, and show the strength of their territory, which will make most heroes a little interested.

   But Christine found a bright spot in Richard's title.

   "A king lord in a kingdom?"

   "I sit side by side with the king."

   "The high lord and the king sitting side by side are not a good sign."


  Christian put it very bluntly, the great lord and the king are on an equal footing, it is most likely that the powerful ministers are in the center, and the decline of the royal family can only make a scene.

  According to the next development steps, either the big nobles simply rebelled and seized the throne, UU read www. Either uukanshu.com is cleaned up by the royal family, there is basically no second possibility, and it is just another human civil war.

But the situation of the Golden Dragon Kingdom is special now. King Ren has no time to take care of him as a powerful minister. The other party is uniting all the forces that can be united to resist the orcs. The struggle for power is already a matter of going back. After all, the struggle There is also a struggle for power, let the orcs wipe out the human beings, everyone is still fighting for air, Ren is a ruler with a very normal mind, and it is impossible to entangle with Richard on these matters.

   "It may not be a good sign on weekdays, but who cares about this now? The human kingdom is almost over."

   "Oh, what's going on?"

  Richard's words successfully caught Christine's attention, waiting for the other party to take the initiative to ask, no need to add oil and vinegar, only to say the actual situation of the current war situation, Christine frowned and clenched his fists.

  He directly substituted himself into the battle to restore Erathia, and the orcs are the evil alliance.

Originally, Li Cha had the favoring effect of Asha and the Dragon of Light. It was a very simple matter to recruit a hero of the same family as Christine who was inclined to order and kindness. Recruited Christine to his subordinates.

   (end of this chapter)