Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 568: development and situation

(Wait, there are repetitions, write and modify)

The sun hangs high in the sky, and the air is still a little humid because of a spring rain. Early spring was originally a season of revival of all things, but there was a lifeless scene around the Dragon Breath Pass.

This lifelessness is literally lifeless, the village burns to the ground, there are looted orcs and human civilians who are killed at will, the bones are exposed in the wild, and there is no rooster in a thousand miles, which is probably the scene.

Although the top orcs want to adopt a certain soft-hearted policy towards humans to reduce the difficulty of marching, how can the millions of orc soldiers who are red-eyed be easily controlled, not to mention ordinary orc soldiers, just some senior orc officers They couldn't help but take the lead in looting and slaughtering. The hatred between the two sides could not be controlled by a single sentence. The top orcs could only barely control the order of some big cities and ensure the safety of some human nobles who had taken refuge in the orcs. They still have to use these people. As an example, to recruit more human nobles.

Facts have proved that this method of the orcs works well. If the orcs slaughter indiscriminately like the ogres, it will inevitably cause a full-scale rebound of the human beings, but the orcs’ actions to lure the human noble lords now make many people who should have guarded the city. And the human nobles of the castle were shaken.

The castle group and the big city orcs, which were originally planned to be able to delay the orcs for half a year, took less than a month to break through most of them.

Fort Iris

A knight's castle built in the west of Dragon Breath Guan, the outer wall of the castle is more than ten meters high, the bottom is about four meters thick, and arrow towers are arranged on all sides. At a glance, you can see that these war instruments are well maintained on a daily basis, and they are definitely not decorations.

There is even a moat that is several meters wide around the castle. When the hanging door is pulled up, it is definitely a castle that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Iris Castle is the castle of the Earl of Connery. The largest castle outside the official city of the kingdom, and the leader of the surrounding nobles.

Because the kingdom has the intention to place some brave new military nobles in the west of the Dragon's Breath Pass as a buffer between the Dragon's Breath Pass defense line and the central Great Plains, all nobles like the Earl of Connery are compared to the old nobles in the capital. He is still very capable of fighting. The current Earl Connery is the first generation of military aristocrats. He was also a member of the Dragon Breath Legion when he was young. He has fought countless battles with orcs on the Dragon Breath Pass defense line, and has accumulated military merit to the army commander. Rank, and finally got a piece of earldom by virtue of military merit when he finally retired.

Although the old earl of Connery is over seventy years old, the spirit of the old earl with the strength of a great knight is not bad at all. The army besieging the castle below shouted.

The orcs have broken through the Dragon's Breath Pass, but there are still many castles along the way from the Dragon's Breath Pass to the Central Plains. Of course, the orcs can't ignore these large and small castles. The Earl's Fort, armed to the teeth like Iris Fort, is even more orcs. Object of focus.

It's just that the army besieging Iris Fort was not only an army of orcs, but also a larger number of human armies.

"Master Connery, open the castle and surrender the castle, orcs don't kill nobles, there are few orcs, and they can't control so many territories. In the future, our nobles will still be nobles, lords will still be lords, as long as we pay taxes to the orcs on time, let's pay taxes to the kingdom It’s also paying taxes, and paying taxes to orcs is also paying taxes, there’s no difference, so why resist.”

Fort Iris

A knight's castle built in the west of Dragon Breath Guan, the outer wall of the castle is more than ten meters high, the bottom is about four meters thick, and arrow towers are arranged on all sides. At a glance, you can see that these war instruments are well maintained on a daily basis, and they are definitely not decorations.

There is even a moat that is several meters wide around the castle. When the hanging door is pulled up, it is definitely a castle that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Iris Castle is the castle of the Earl of Connery. The largest castle outside the official city of the kingdom, and the leader of the surrounding nobles.

Because the kingdom has the intention to place some brave new military nobles in the west of the Dragon's Breath Pass as a buffer between the Dragon's Breath Pass defense line and the central Great Plains, all nobles like the Earl of Connery are compared to the old nobles in the capital. He is still very capable of fighting. The current Earl Connery is the first generation of military aristocrats. He was also a member of the Dragon Breath Legion when he was young. He has fought countless battles with orcs on the Dragon Breath Pass defense line, and has accumulated military merit to the army commander. Rank, and finally got a piece of earldom by virtue of military merit when he finally retired.

Although the old earl of Connery is over seventy years old, the spirit of the old earl with the strength of a great knight is not bad at all. The army besieging the castle below shouted.

The orcs have broken through the Dragon's Breath Pass, but there are still many castles along the way from the Dragon's Breath Pass to the Central Plains. Of course, the orcs can't ignore these large and small castles. The Earl's Fort, armed to the teeth like Iris Fort, is even more orcs. Object of focus.

It's just that the army besieging Iris Fort was not only an army of orcs, but also a larger number of human armies.

"Master Connery, open the castle and surrender the castle, orcs don't kill nobles, there are few orcs, and they can't control so many territories. In the future, our nobles will still be nobles, lords will still be lords, as long as we pay taxes to the orcs on time, let's pay taxes to the kingdom It’s also paying taxes, and paying taxes to orcs is also paying taxes, there’s no difference, so why resist.”

Fort Iris

A knight's castle built in the west of Dragon Breath Guan, the outer wall of the castle is more than ten meters high, the bottom is about four meters thick, and arrow towers are arranged on all sides. At a glance, you can see that these war instruments are well maintained on a daily basis, and they are definitely not decorations.

There is even a moat that is several meters wide around the castle. When the hanging door is pulled up, it is definitely a castle that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Iris Castle is the castle of the Earl of Connery. The largest castle outside the official city of the kingdom, and the leader of the surrounding nobles.

Because the kingdom has the intention to place some brave new military nobles in the west of the Dragon's Breath Pass as a buffer between the Dragon's Breath Pass defense line and the central Great Plains, all nobles like the Earl of Connery are compared to the old nobles in the capital. He is still very capable of fighting. The current Earl Connery is the first generation of military aristocrats. He was also a member of the Dragon Breath Legion when he was young. He has fought countless battles with orcs on the Dragon Breath Pass defense line, and has accumulated military merit to the army commander. Rank, and finally got a piece of earldom by virtue of military merit when he finally retired.

Although the old earl of Connery is over seventy years old, the spirit of the old earl with the strength of a great knight is not bad at all. The army besieging the castle below shouted.

The orcs have broken through the Dragon's Breath Pass, but there are still many castles along the way from the Dragon's Breath Pass to the Central Plains. Of course, the orcs can't ignore these large and small castles. The Earl's Fort, armed to the teeth like Iris Fort, is even more orcs. Object of focus.

It's just that the army besieging Iris Fort was not only an army of orcs, but also a larger number of human armies.

"Master Connery, open the castle and surrender the castle, orcs don't kill nobles, there are few orcs, and they can't control so many territories. In the future, our nobles will still be nobles, lords will still be lords, as long as we pay taxes to the orcs on time, let's pay taxes to the kingdom It’s also paying taxes, and paying taxes to orcs is also paying taxes, there’s no difference, so why resist.”

Fort Iris

A knight's castle built in the west of Dragon Breath Guan, the outer wall of the castle is more than ten meters high, the bottom is about four meters thick, and arrow towers are arranged on all sides. At a glance, you can see that these war instruments are well maintained on a daily basis, and they are definitely not decorations.

There is even a moat that is several meters wide around the castle. When the hanging door is pulled up, it is definitely a castle that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Iris Castle is the castle of the Earl of Connery. The largest castle outside the official city of the kingdom, and the leader of the surrounding nobles.

Because the kingdom has the intention to place some brave new military nobles in the west of the Dragon's Breath Pass as a buffer between the Dragon's Breath Pass defense line and the central Great Plains, all nobles like the Earl of Connery are compared to the old nobles in the capital. He is still very capable of fighting. The current Earl Connery is the first generation of military aristocrats. He was also a member of the Dragon Breath Legion when he was young. He has fought countless battles with orcs on the Dragon Breath Pass defense line, and has accumulated military merit to the army commander. Rank, and finally got a piece of earldom by virtue of military merit when he finally retired.

Although the old earl of Connery is over seventy years old, the spirit of the old earl with the strength of a great knight is not bad at all. The army besieging the castle below shouted.

The orcs have broken through the Dragon's Breath Pass, but there are still many castles along the way from the Dragon's Breath Pass to the Central Plains. Of course, the orcs can't ignore these large and small castles. The Earl's Fort, armed to the teeth like Iris Fort, is even more orcs. Object of focus.

It's just that the army besieging Iris Fort was not only an army of orcs, but also a larger number of human armies.

"Master Connery, open the castle and surrender the castle, orcs don't kill nobles, there are few orcs, and they can't control so many territories. In the future, our nobles will still be nobles, lords will still be lords, as long as we pay taxes to the orcs on time, let's pay taxes to the kingdom It’s also paying taxes, and paying taxes to orcs is also paying taxes, there’s no difference, so why resist.”

Fort Iris

A knight's castle built in the west of Dragon Breath Guan, the outer wall of the castle is more than ten meters high, the bottom is about four meters thick, and arrow towers are arranged on all sides. At a glance, you can see that these war instruments are well maintained on a daily basis, and they are definitely not decorations.

There is even a moat that is several meters wide around the castle. When the hanging door is pulled up, it is definitely a castle that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Iris Castle is the castle of the Earl of Connery. The largest castle outside the official city of the kingdom, and the leader of the surrounding nobles.

Because the kingdom has the intention to place some brave new military nobles in the west of the Dragon's Breath Pass as a buffer between the Dragon's Breath Pass defense line and the central Great Plains, all nobles like the Earl of Connery are compared to the old nobles in the capital. He is still very capable of fighting. The current Earl Connery is the first generation of military aristocrats. He was also a member of the Dragon Breath Legion when he was young. He has fought countless battles with orcs on the Dragon Breath Pass defense line, and has accumulated military merit to the army commander. Rank, and finally got a piece of earldom by virtue of military merit when he finally retired.

Although the old earl of Connery is over seventy years old, the spirit of the old earl with the strength of a great knight is not bad at all. The army besieging the castle below shouted.

The orcs have broken through the Dragon's Breath Pass, but there are still many castles along the way from the Dragon's Breath Pass to the Central Plains. Of course, the orcs can't ignore these large and small castles. The Earl's Fort, armed to the teeth like Iris Fort, is even more orcs. Object of focus.

It's just that the army besieging Iris Fort was not only an army of orcs, but also a larger number of human armies.

"Master Connery, open the castle and surrender the castle, orcs don't kill nobles, there are few orcs, and they can't control so many territories. In the future, our nobles will still be nobles, lords will still be lords, as long as we pay taxes to the orcs on time, let's pay taxes to the kingdom It’s also paying taxes, and paying taxes to orcs is also paying taxes, there’s no difference, so why resist.”

Fort Iris

A knight's castle built in the west of Dragon Breath Guan, the outer wall of the castle is more than ten meters high, the bottom is about four meters thick, and arrow towers are arranged on all sides. At a glance, you can see that these war instruments are well maintained on a daily basis, and they are definitely not decorations.

There is even a moat that is several meters wide around the castle. When the hanging door is pulled up, it is definitely a castle that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Iris Castle is the castle of the Earl of Connery. The largest castle outside the official city of the kingdom, and the leader of the surrounding nobles.

Because the kingdom has the intention to arrange the new military nobles with some bravery in the west of the Dragon's Breath Pass as a buffer between the Dragon's Breath Pass defense line and the central Great Plain~lightnovelpub.net~ All nobles like the Earl of Connery are better than the king The veteran nobles of the capital are still very capable of fighting. The current Earl Connery is the first generation of military nobles. When he was young, he was also a member of the Dragon Breath Pass Legion. He has been accumulating military merit to the rank of legion commander, and finally, when he retired, he got a piece of earldom with military merit.

Although the old earl of Connery is over seventy years old, the spirit of the old earl with the strength of a great knight is not bad at all. The army besieging the castle below shouted.

The orcs have broken through the Dragon's Breath Pass, but there are still many castles along the way from the Dragon's Breath Pass to the Central Plains. Of course, the orcs can't ignore these large and small castles. The Earl's Fort, armed to the teeth like Iris Fort, is even more orcs. Object of focus.

It's just that the army besieging Iris Fort was not only an army of orcs, but also a larger number of human armies.

"Master Connery, open the castle and surrender the castle. Orcs don't kill nobles. There are few orcs, so they can't control so many territories. In the future, our nobles will still be nobles, lords will still be lords, only
