Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 74: Thunder means





Sander has always only listened to Lint's orders. In his eyes, these elders surnamed Lanster are not much different from the passers-by on the street.

After hearing Lint's order, Sander drew his sword with a "clang" and strode forward.

"Bold! What do you mean, Lint? This is the Council of Elders, and they are all your elders!"

Fury said threatening words, and his actions were not slow.

He quickly pulled out his sword and assumed a fighting stance, and at the same time ignited the snow-colored fighting spirit of the Lanster family,

The movements are done in one go, which is a bit old-fashioned and strong.

Sander's action came faster, the long sword attached to the blue vindictive aura had been cut from the top,

Although Fury is old, he is indeed rich in combat experience. He immediately held the sword diagonally, preparing to parry this menacing sword.

After Sander started, Fury never thought about defeating Sander alone.

As long as he survives a few moves, the elders below will be able to react, and it is impossible to continue to let Lint and Sander be presumptuous.

But as soon as the two long swords touched, Fury realized that something was wrong, and a crushing force came from the blade,

Sander flipped the sword and swung the sword in Fury's hand.

"Great Knight!"

Fury's face has changed from calm to panic, let alone a few moves, he can survive the next move.

Besides, the Council of Elders does not have the combat power of the Great Knights, and no one can stop Sander from killing him.

"Wait! We can talk more."

Fury was frightened. He never imagined that this valet who had been with Lint for many years had the strength of a great knight.

I knew he wouldn't dare to jump out, at least not dare to jump so blatantly. Now I can only think of a way to make Sander stop and save his life.

However, Sander didn't mean to stop at all. Without Lint's opening, Sander would never stop until he killed Fury.

After swinging the weapon in Fury's hand, Sander's long sword slashed towards Fury's neck without any hindrance.

The long sword with the fighting spirit of the great knight pierced Fury's skin like cutting tofu, and cut off the arteries and trachea.

A head fell into the middle of the venue, and the gushing blood splattered everywhere.

The elders sitting in the front row had half their body blood splattered even if they couldn't dodge, making them look particularly embarrassed.

After Fury's head rolled around on the ground, the entire venue was silent. No one would have thought that Lint's subordinates even had a great knight-level combat power.

When they think about it, even if Lint has a good management ability and some strength in his hand, he can only hold a few knights to death. If there are a few knights, the elders will still have the confidence to suppress them.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the Lint card is opened, it will be a king bomb. This usually inconspicuous Sander turned out to be a strong knight, and even came up and killed the most popular old man Fury.

Judging by how neatly Sander can cut off Fury, I'm afraid it's not just the level of the first-time Grand Knight, but at least the strength of the senior Grand Knight.

The atmosphere at the venue was a bit depressing. The elders who were just filled with righteous indignation didn't even dare to move.

"Is there anyone else who wants to take over Snow City?"

Lint glanced at the venue as he spoke, and the elders he was staring at all hurriedly shook their heads, fearing that the next head would be him.

Seeing that the elders were afraid to speak, Lint went on to say

"I understand the feelings of the elders who want to contribute to Piaoxue City at this time of crisis,

You want to do something and tell me directly, it's not that I don't give a chance. "

Lint's words made the elders in the council room shrug.

Fury's head is still on the ground with no one to clean up, his eyes are still open, you tell us this?

"Everyone will follow Sander to report to the Fifth Corps now, and then Sander will temporarily lead it. It will be of use to you soon."


The elders are not stupid. This is obviously to drag them into the battlefield to fight hard. Although those who can be elders have the strength of knights,

But after all, he has relied on his family to be pampered for so many years, who would want to go to the battlefield again.

"Oh? Is there anyone who doesn't want to? Now those who have opinions can stand up."

Although Lint's words were calm, Sander stood behind Lint and glared fiercely at the elders.

The elder, who just wanted to muster up the courage to say something, immediately shrank back, the blood on Sander's sword had not yet been wiped off.

The elders hesitated for a long time, but in the end no one dared to stand up.

"It seems that everyone is willing to go to battle for my Snow City again, as expected of the elders of my Lanster family."

"Sand, take them to the camp of the Fifth Legion first, and tell the commander of the Fifth Legion,

These elders of the Lanster family voluntarily joined the fifth legion sequence, swearing to shed the last drop of blood for Snow City. If anyone dares to run away, they will be punished as deserters. "

Well, as soon as this tall hat is put on and a military membership is obtained, the matter is settled by Lint.

The Fifth Legion must have wished for such a thing. Although this group of people is a little older and no longer at their peak, they have a dozen or so knight-level combat power, which can just make up for the lack of high-end combat power of the Fifth Legion.

It just depends on whether the commander of the Fifth Legion dares to accept it.

However, Lin Te expects that Ou Ze will accept them, and he will not let one go. Ou Ze is a wallist.

At this time, the battle between the two sides has clearly been divided, and Ozer is not a Lanster, and it is impossible to lead the Fifth Legion to stand on its own.

There is not much choice other than to vote for Lint.

"Everyone, please."

Lint stood still, and Sander made a gesture for the elders to set off.


As the first elder couldn't stand Sander's gaze and went out, the remaining elders also walked to the fifth legion one after another.

Sand followed at the end of the team, and wanted to personally press them into Ozer's hands.

"Ask the river valley for help?"

Lint, alone, let out a sneer when he thought of hearing the solutions of the elders just now.

There is no problem in asking for help from the capital. Although the royal domain is thousands of miles away from the north, there are still five dragon knights in the kingdom. For dragon knights, the distance of thousands of miles can be reached in less than a day.

As long as you can send a cavalry, it will be of great help to solve the current predicament in the North.

But asking for help from the river valley is really a foolish move. The nobles in the river valley are more like businessmen. In addition to trying to maintain the knights they cultivate in each generation, they have long forgotten their fighting skills, and their weapons are lax, but they are enjoyable The ability is not weaker than that of the nobles in the capital,

The soldiers of each family may not have the peasants and soldiers of some lords in the north to fight.

Finding them to send troops is simply unreliable. Even if everyone hadn't belonged to the Golden Dragon Kingdom, Lint would have wanted to send troops to grab their votes first...

We still have to prepare with both hands. If the capital cannot send dragon knights, we can only buy supplies at high prices from the river valley, and first unite all the lords in the north, so as to contain the momentum of the ogre eastward.
