Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 75: discussion

As the temperature rises, the snow on the snow-capped mountains in the extreme north begins to melt, flows through the vast ironwood forest, injects a large amount of water into the Dalinghe River, and then flows into the river valley, and finally merges into the Jinlongjiang River, which is the most elite site for human beings. - The Central Great Plains bring sufficient water,

At first glance, it was another good year. The nobles and landlords on the Central Plains all had smiles on their faces.

And with the arrival of spring, everything recovers, the willow trees in the capital are all sprouting, and the streets seem to be prosperous a lot, and even the business of the warblers in the streets and corners has improved.

The rotten situation in the north had no impact on the capital at all. What happened thousands of miles away had little impact on the common people, and not many people would care. At this time, theaters and bars in the capital were still full, and the whole capital was singing and dancing. The peaceful scene of Shengping.


The Royal Palace, the Golden Dragon Palace.

"About the Northland's request for help, how do you guys think it should be handled?"

The military newspaper and the letter of request for help from the North had been sent to the Golden Dragon Capital yesterday.

Although the kingdom has gone downhill, it still hasn't rotted to the root. Although King Renn did not show any talent for the emperor, he can be regarded as a qualified monarch.

The next day after the intelligence was verified, the courtiers were called to discuss the matter of the Northland.

"The Lanster family is responsible for defending the land. They couldn't stop the ogres, which led to the erosion of the northern land. There are more than five noble families who were slaughtered, and they should be blamed!"

At this time, an elder of the noble house stood up and said indignantly, in the eyes of this elder, he didn't know how many commoners died, and he didn't care, but it was terrifying to destroy so many nobles.

However, as soon as his words fell, he attracted a strange look, the look of a fool, even Zuo Xiang, the representative of the House of Nobles, bowed his head, feeling particularly embarrassing.

And Ren, who was sitting high on the throne, couldn't help but hold his forehead. The old words of such a noble abbot with granite in his head made him laugh and cry.

Even if the Lanster family is at fault, it is impossible to convict them now. He wanted to ask how to deal with the ogres that invaded from the east, not how to deal with the Lanster family.

"This will be discussed later. Let's discuss how to deal with ogres first."

Although this elder is a little confused, he is very senior and has the strength of a great knight. Ren didn't want to take him too seriously.

Simply skip the issues raised by the other party and directly discuss how to deal with ogres.

"Your Majesty, the minister thought that we should follow the usual practice and dispatch the Dragon Knights of Zhenguo directly to pacify the ogres with the momentum of thunder, and then ask the Lanster family to pay the money."

It was the Right Prime Minister who stood up and spoke, which sounded much more reliable than the old confused old man in the elders' home.

The Golden Dragon Kingdom is surrounded by enemies on all sides, the southern sea-facing Naga are often harassed, the orcs in the eastern plateau are always trying to fight back, and the lizardmen in the western desert also cause some trouble to the lords in the west from time to time.

Only the Northland is relatively stable, and now there is a big mess,

Originally, the lords of various places had the obligation to pay taxes to the royal family and obey the royal family's enquiries in wartime, and the royal family also had the responsibility to provide assistance to the lords of various places in times of crisis.

There are precedents for dragon knights to be dispatched when there are crises such as the riots of the lizardmen in the west and the Naga occupation of the port in the south. Generally, once the dragon knights make a move, the basic things are resolved.

With these precedents, it is reasonable for the Minister of the Right to propose that the Dragon Knights of Zhenguo should be dispatched, and it is indeed a plan worth considering.


Before Renn could express his position, people from the military had already stood up to interrupt.

"Your Majesty, the orcs moved frequently at the Dragon's Breath Pass a few days ago. In order to protect the Dragon's Breath pass, the Knights of Lussen have already gone to the Dragon's Breath Pass. Now there is only one Dragon Knight left in the Golden Dragon Capital."

"So coincidentally?"

The meaning of the military's words, Ren understands that when there is only one dragon knight in the Golden Dragon, the dragon knight should not go out.

There must be a dragon knight in the capital so that everyone can sleep soundly.

In the Golden Dragon Kingdom, two dragon knights were originally arranged in the capital, and the three dragon knights guarded the Dragon Breath Pass together.

The dragon knights in the royal capital generally guard the capital, and support or suppress the Quartet at any time.

Now the mobile dragon knight Lu Sen has been sent to the Dragon's Breath Pass because of the change of the orcs outside the Dragon's Breath Pass.

Now there is only Sol, the dragon knight left in the capital, and in the eyes of everyone, he can't leave the capital at will.

"Then it's better to directly dispatch the Guards to the north. The Guards haven't fought for a long time. Sending the Guards can solve the dilemma in the North, and secondly, it can test the combat strength of the Guards."

The proposal was made by officials of the military. The Guard was filled with a large number of free knights who had no titles to inherit. They were eager to make meritorious deeds, and had a certain desire to fight, but they were not completely rotten.

"No, the Royal Guards marching north is completely against the Longjiang River. It is difficult to transport materials. It is thousands of miles from the capital to the north. There are not enough materials in the national treasury to support the army to go north."

It was the officials in charge of money and food who stood up to oppose it. As soon as he heard about the 100,000-thousand-thousand-mile expedition, his scalp went numb~lightnovelpub.net~ quickly stood up against it.

"Oh? How did I hear that the treasury is full of materials, and it is still planning to expand because it can't hold it?"

"That's the materials for Dragon Breath, do you want to misappropriate it?"

Hearing this, the military officials immediately stopped answering the call. In the Golden Dragon Kingdom, guarding the Dragon's Breath and guarding against orcs is always the first priority.

He didn't dare to open his mouth to move the spare supplies at the Dragon's Breath Pass.

Ren leaned on the throne above and frowned. The group of people discussed for a long time, but they couldn't come up with a practical plan. They only let him worry about it together.

But the northern land cannot be ignored, the kingdom cannot let the northern land rot.

"Your Majesty, the river valley is close to the north, I thought that the shilling river valley garrison could organize the river valley nobles to form a coalition to support the north,

With the title of nobility, he called on the knights without knights and free knights to go north to fight, so that even if the ogres could not be completely driven out, the pressure in the north would be relieved. "

It was the right minister who made the suggestion. This plan seemed feasible at first glance, and it was also a plan acceptable to all parties, and soon some people agreed.

"I think this is feasible."



"Then let's do it first."

Ren thought for a while, and felt that this plan was indeed feasible, so he nodded and agreed to the proposal of the Right Prime Minister.

But after all, the capital is too far away from the river valley, and it is difficult for them to understand the true fighting strength of the garrison and nobles in the river valley.

For Lint to choose, he would rather order the support materials in the valley than the army at the bottom of the valley to help.

