Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 92: move like thunder four


Sol's god-like skills directly detonated his own morale.

Without anyone to lead, the soldiers who participated in the attack instinctively cheered, and the steps under their feet accelerated again without realizing it.

After all, even the head coach has already been the first to ascend the top of the city, so what is there to be afraid of?

Compared with the morale of the garrison, the morale of the defenders of Sadeburg was like an eggplant hit by frost.

"Kick him off!"

Amid the cheering and shouting of the garrison, Viscount Sade's voice came from the city head,

The defenders who reacted also threw down their long bows and surrounded Sol with swords, shields and long soldiers.

It has to be said that although the defenders of Sadeburg were shocked by Thor's ability to jump directly to the top of the city, their morale suffered a bit.

However, as the die-hard elite of the Sadd family, these soldiers still had a firm will to fight, and they quickly organized to form a siege formation with swords and shields in front and spearmen in the back, vowing to drive Thor from the city. go down.


Facing the Sade family soldiers who surrounded him in an arc, Thor pulled out the spare sword from his waist, and ignited his golden fighting qi to attack the surrounding soldiers.


Facing Thor who took the initiative to welcome him, the defenders of Fort Sade shouted to kill to dispel their inner fears, and rushed towards Thor from several directions.


Sol's long sword danced, and the golden fighting qi that was still attached to the long sword actually came out of the sword. With the swing of the long sword, a circle of golden ripples appeared.

This circle of golden ripples penetrated more than 20 soldiers around. After less than a second, the original shouting and killing stopped abruptly.

There was only the sound of Chi Chi's blood rushing, more than 20 soldiers fell to the ground at the same time, and the blood instantly filled the surrounding ground.

The city walls of more than ten meters around Sol were also empty.

The soldiers farther away also fell into sluggishness. More than 20 people fell to the ground at the same time.

It's not that they haven't seen the strong people who can use their grudges. There are strong knights in the defending army, and Viscount Sade himself is a strong knight, but it is difficult for them to see earth knights like Thor. arrive,

There are only two earth knights on the bright side of the entire Golden Dragon Kingdom, one is the Duke of Rose in the west, and the other is the dragon knight of the town country, Thor,

Because the Earth Knights are too rare, many people do not have a relatively intuitive understanding of the strength of the Earth Knights.

But in fact, the earth knight is essentially different from the knight or the great knight.

It seems that it is only one step higher, but both the knight and the great knight can only make the fighting qi attached to the body or the blade, and the earth knight is already enough to control the huge fighting qi from the body several meters, or even more than ten meters, becoming a half. a long-range attack.

And this hellish scene of Shura not only deterred the soldiers who were about to attack, but the nobles who did not take action and Viscount Sade were also sluggish.

Is this the strength of the Earth Knight?

A trace of remorse rose from Viscount Sade's heart. Perhaps the fat man Dane, who had been looked down upon by the twelve families in Burleigh City, was the real smart man. If he cooperated and surrendered at the beginning, he might have a chance.

But soon, Viscount Sade suppressed these thoughts, and he opened the bow without turning back arrows. Since he did it, he could only go all the way to the dark.

"Continue to attack! Those who retreat die!"


After hesitating for a while, the surrounding soldiers continued to rush towards Sol. Although this Asura field-like scene was terrifying, the group of soldiers had long been tied to the Thad family. The home officer supervises the battle,

After hesitating, the soldiers continued to attack Sol.

"Clang clang clang..."

This time, Saul did not use the previous method, but rushed into the crowd to start a fight. After all, the large-scale release of vindictive energy is also a very expensive thing for the earth knight, and it is enough to use it once to shock the opponent.


Since Sol and the Soldiers of the Sade family met at the front of the city, the screams of the city started one after another.

Thor's superb martial arts coupled with his free-spirited fighting spirit made his killing efficiency not low even if he was in close contact with the Soldiers of the Thad family.

In just a few dozen seconds, more than a dozen corpses appeared on the ground, with no intention of driving Thor off the city wall.

At the bottom of the city, the ladder to siege the city was already in place, and Kurz and Dane were eager to try it out. As soon as the ladder was up, I'm afraid the first one would rush up first.

Really wait until they rush up, I am afraid the situation will be completely irreversible.


Thinking of this, Viscount Sade made a fierce attack and drew his long sword.

First, he looked at the other nobles around him. Many of these people had the combat power of the knights or even the great knights. If they were willing to help, the situation might be saved, but wherever Viscount Sade's eyes passed, everyone ducked.

Although they came here today to discuss the matter, it was a disaster, but at this time, the interests of each of their families should be the same as those of the Sade family.

Now that the Sade family is in danger of overturning, it is impossible to say that they do not feel a little sad, but it is impossible to make them go all out.

They could clearly see how fierce Saul's performance was just now. Before, they didn't know how strong the Earth Knight was. Now that they have been taught a vivid lesson, they don't dare to shoot easily. After all, they may die immediately. .

Anyway, it's not them who are being attacked now. As for the future, let's talk about surviving first.


Everyone was timid, and Viscount Sade had nothing to do. He couldn't fight them first and force them to take up arms and go up and fight hard. rushed over with Sol,

If the Thad family wanted to get through this, they had to drive Saul down.


"Clang, clang..."

As Viscount Sade drew his sword and joined the battle circle~lightnovelpub.net~ The small circle that had been emptied beside Saul was filled with people again.

Under the leadership of Viscount Sade, they were even braver than before, and they died faster. In the face of earth knights, the meaning of knights and below is to use their lives to consume a little grudge.

Of course, in a sense, knights are the same, but they will consume a little more.

Only Viscount Thad of the Grand Knights rank came up with all his vindictive energy, and he fought against Thor without dying.

But he also managed to attract Thor's attention. Although Thor didn't know Viscount Thad, it was easy to see that Thad's status was unusual from his strength and armor.

He immediately recognized Thad to attack. Of course, Viscount Thad did not dare to face Thor alone.

With that sword just now, Saul's vindictiveness easily suppressed Viscount Sade, and it was obviously a long sword with vindictive qi, and a not-so-shallow gap was cut abruptly.


With a crisp light sound, Sol danced with his backhand again, fighting aura emerged from the long sword, and the soldiers who were originally standing around fell down like reaping wheat.

Only Viscount Sade of the great knight rank resisted with his cross sword.

But before Viscount Sade could breathe a sigh of relief, Saul jumped up and slashed straight at Viscount Sade's head with the long sword in his hand.


Reluctantly resisting another sword, Viscount Sade took a few steps back.

The difference between the two is not only the difference in the quality of fighting spirit, but also the difference in absolute strength.

The blood of Viscount Sade's tiger's mouth has been shaken, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that Viscount Sade will soon be defeated.

"Clang, clang..."


"It is also my honor to die under the sword of Lord Saul..."
