Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 93: Move Like Thunder Five


Thor's long sword was pulled out of Viscount Sade's body, and blood rushed out along the wound. Viscount Sade's pupils gradually lost their vigour, and then fell heavily to the ground.

The gap between the great knight and the earth knight is too great, even if the weapon in Sol's hand is not in his hand, even if he is besieged by a group of elites who are not afraid of death, even if the vindictive energy consumption has been extremely high,

But when Thor decided to kill Viscount Sade, Viscount Sade hated on the spot without even making ten moves.

Shortly after Sol jumped up to the top of the city, the corpses all over his feet were already spread on the ground. However, what surprised Sol was that under such circumstances, the defenders of Sadeburg had not yet collapsed.

Even under the command of the officer, he even took an offensive stance. Even if he stood on the opposite side, Saul had to look up to them.

In the case of continuously killing dozens of people and killing a great knight with vindictive release, Thor's vindictive consumption is also a bit large.

At this time, there are hundreds of elites who are not afraid of death, and the strong knights lead the team to continue the siege. Sol will really have a lot of trouble.

But how could Thor continue to be besieged? After Thor stood at the top of the city and attracted most of the firepower, Kuz and Dane had already taken the garrison to the top of the city through a simple ladder.


The first person to climb the ladder to the top of the city turned out to be the fat man Dane. At this time, his agile skills and huge body formed a very funny contrast, which made people want to laugh.

But the defenders of Sadeburg couldn't laugh at all. When the follow-up troops of the garrison had climbed to the top of the city one after another, but they had not driven Thor off the city wall, the end was doomed.

Kuz followed behind Dane, and the soldiers of the garrison corps rushed up to the battlements on which the ladders were placed, and quickly filled the open space around Sol.

The scene entered a strange confrontation, with both sides holding their weapons and staring at each other, as if they were waiting for a signal.

At this moment, Sol waved his hand, interrupting the freezing of the scene,

"Put down your weapons, only punish the first evil, and those who surrender will not die!"

"Clang, clang..."

I don't know who was the first to drop the weapon, and the clanging sound of the weapon falling from one to two became very dense.

In fact, everyone understands that after Thor beheaded Viscount Sade and the follow-up army of the garrison army climbed the city wall unimpeded, there is no suspense in this battle.

He was still holding a weapon to confront him, but he hadn't let out a breath. The first sound of the weapon landing was like a needle pierced in an inflated balloon, completely letting out the defenders' last breath.

"Hold your head in your hands and line up!"

Sol did not need to do the finishing work in person, he led a few people straight to the city, and then someone naturally arranged for these hundreds of prisoners.

When holding weapons, they may be elite warriors who are not afraid of death, but when they drop their weapons, they are actually not much better than other armies, and they are just a group of lambs to be slaughtered.

After Thor entered the castle, there were panicked servants everywhere, and some people were looting in the chaos, and some people were faintly sobbing.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Sol couldn't help sinking his face. If the chaos was not stopped, maybe the soldiers of the garrison who came in later would join the looting team.



"You bring someone to maintain order, and take advantage of the chaos and looters to rectify the law on the spot."

"Yes, my lord!"

With Kurz leading people to suppress it, the signs of confusion just now were quickly suppressed.

Passing through the front yard, Sol has come to the main hall of Thad's house,

The decoration of the house is quite luxurious. The tables and chairs are made of expensive golden silk wood. The floor should be covered with a velvet blanket, which is a specialty of the South. There are many extravagant furnishings that cannot be seen, and can only be inferred from its exquisite appearance. It's worth a lot of money,

Although the Sade family is only a viscount, as the head of the twelve families in Burleigh City, the accumulation of wealth over the decades is terrifying. In terms of luxury, I am afraid that even a prince like the Lanster family can’t keep up. After all, although the Lanster family dominates one side, the stall is also much larger.

On the long guest table in the hall, there are also many exquisite porcelain cups, and most of the cups still have unfinished tea...

"Master Sol"

Just as Sol was observing the luxurious decorations of the Sade family, Dane walked in from outside,

"The main members of the Sade family have all been captured. Except for Viscount Sade himself who was killed, the rest have given up their resistance."

The more superior the life, the more afraid of death. The Thad family has abundant financial resources, and naturally there will be no shortage of resources. In addition to Viscount Thad being a great knight, he has also cultivated two clansmen with knight-level strength.

and more quasi-knights, but apart from Viscount Sade who died in battle, the others chose to surrender after the city was destroyed in order to survive.

"Lord Sol, what do you think?"

Because of the sudden collapse of the city, almost all the casualties were caused by the city of Solden, so many people from the Thad family survived and became prisoners. These people Dain did not dare to take the lead. idea.

"Confiscate all the property of the Thad family, and send all the prisoners and members of the Thad family with dragon's breath to guard the border."

"It's an adult!"

Sol's words set the tone for the handling of nearly a thousand people.

"grown ups"

"Is there anything else?"

"When the subordinate entered the city, there was an unexpected discovery. In addition to the Sade family, there were representatives of the other eleven families in the Sade Fort. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"


Sol actually noticed the group of gorgeously dressed nobles at first, and thought they were all from the Sade family, but he didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains.

"Bring them all here."

"Yes, sir."

Soon, the nobles of Bolai City, who had been discussing matters in this council hall, returned to this council hall.

It's just different from the original treatment. I was led in by a maid before, but now I was escorted in by Dane with a group of soldiers.

After entering the door, I saw Sol sitting on the main seat with a big golden sword, looking up at them in large numbers. Everyone stood in the hall and did not dare to take their seats at will, and they were stared at by Sol's eyes a little hairy.

"Sir, these are all members of the Bolai family, they..."

Among the people who were brought in were the heads of various families, and even if they were not the heads of the families, they would have a high status in each family. Otherwise, they would not have come to Sadeburg to discuss.

Although Thor didn't recognize them, Dane knew their identities clearly. After all, they were both on the same boat not long ago.

"sit down"

After listening to Dane's introduction, Sol also roughly understood the identities of these people.

It's better to come here sooner than the coincidence. Since they are all here in Sadeburg, they just announced the next thing together.

Hearing that Sol let them take their seats, everyone finally put their hearts at ease. Sol's fierceness just now was too fierce, and just staring at them gave them a lot of pressure.

Everyone sat back to their original positions, but the tea in front of them was a little cold, and there was no such treatment as a maid mixed with tea.

But it's not the tea that is really cold, but Sol's next words that make everyone feel cold...