Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2143: Mage descends

"Is this the half plane explored by the random teleportation tablet? I feel the hidden breath of magic. It seems that a spellcaster has lived here, and the rank is not low."

After walking out of the golden door of different dimensions, Esquel was suspended in the air, looking down at the ground under his feet, a certain color of thinking flashed in his eyes.

"From the environmental point of view, the earth and fire magic elements are more active here, and you can get a certain blessing by casting the same type of spells, but the other two types of magic elements are quite suppressed."

Beside the old white-haired mage, the red-robed sage slowly commented that even if he had just come to this plane, he still knew the basic situation in the plane through magic elements. This is also the legendary mage must master. Ability.

"I felt this too, but do you know why there are a group of savages living here?" His gaze swept across the ground below, and Esquel soon discovered the anomaly, "I fought those savages. After dealings, the following buildings are definitely selected and used by Crullod's barbarians."

The sage didn’t care: “Who knows? But judging from the living conditions of the barbarians, if it is used for the migration of the mage, it is a good place. At least it’s better than the last one we went to. It’s full of sulphur. The plane is better. Although the plane just now is not suitable for migration, the massive amount of sulfur in it is enough to support the progress of many important studies in the Academy, and it is also a good harvest."

Below, with the arrival of the two legendary mages, it also caused a riot of barbarians. The appearance of the door of different dimensions seemed to evoke some bad memories of the barbarians.

While the two legendary mages were chatting, the orcs below screamed, threw the throwing axe in their hands, and rushed towards the mages in the air. The barbarian also took out the cast rope tied to the stone, and there was no suitable weapon. The big-eared monster picked up the stone on the ground and threw it towards the mage in the air.

It is a pity that no matter whether it is a stone or other flying weapons, there is no way to touch the two wizards in the air. According to the power of these low-level barbaric creatures, no matter how hard they work, even if they jump in anxiously, they can't attack high in the sky. The mage.


Escher raised his hand and pointed at the half-orc who screamed the most. A flash of lightning flashed from his fingertips. After an accurate hit, the half-orc instantly turned into a scorched corpse.

Seeing the tragic death of their companions under the spell, the roar of the nearby savages suddenly became much smaller, and there was a deep look of horror in their eyes, but soon, listening to the roars of other savages, their courage was reinvigorated. Even the voice became louder, and the sound made again was even louder than before.

On the side, the sage frowned when he noticed Ischar's actions, "Aischar, don't waste mana, unless you plan to use Thunderbolt and Lightning to solve those savage creatures one by one."

"I just leave them a lesson, otherwise, they won't understand the consequences of offending the mage." Ascher raised his head and said, without listening to the sage's reminder in his ears.

The sage frowned. He knew that Escher would not listen to other people’s suggestions on many things, so he said: “I’ll go and explore the surroundings first, look at other conditions on this plane, and clean up the barbarians. I’ll leave the task to you. When you think it’s almost done, I will let the official mages come and finish it."

After finishing speaking, before Eskell could reply, the sage controlled the flying thaumaturgy and flew towards the distance.

In the eyes of the barbarians below, it was a completely different situation.

"No...Mother..." Temirui hugged the old half-orc woman turned into a scorched corpse, ignoring the redness of her hand being burned, and couldn't help crying in mourning.

Beside her, Badu stared at this scene blankly. The old half-orc woman who died under magic evoked many bad memories for him. Many of his former companions died under magic.

The half-orc Nazir, the hatred between her and the wizard is far more profound than that of Badu. Her ancestors have been enslaved by the wizard. Several of her sons have also responded to the call of the hero Tanan and died with the wizard. Fighting and making great military exploits, this gave her the opportunity to come here.

Now, the hatred between her and the wizard needs to be added, and it is written in her life.

"Careful!" Not being sad for the death of the orc Nazaire, Badu pulled Temery over, and walked out of the stone house with a bewildered face, and came to check the situation. The little big-eared monster Leedo pushed into the room, and at the same time said: "Don't come out, that is the legendary mage of Bracada. In front of him, you have only a dead end."

"Brother Badu, what should we do now..." Liedo asked vaguely what had happened.

"Bring Nawen, then call your other brothers and sisters, and quickly escape from here, hide as far as possible, that mage definitely did not come with good intentions." Badu said quickly.

"How can you know so clearly?" Temirui seemed to have thought of something, and he grabbed Badu and asked suspiciously.

"I have fought with those mages, of course I understand their practices." Badu's voice paused, and then he replied.

After speaking, he passed the few people in the house and re-came outside the stone house.

Another flash of lightning struck down. Above the high altitude, a faint puff of white smoke emerged from Esquel’s fingertips. He indifferently looked at the big-eared monster turned into a scorched corpse on the ground, as if he was trampled to death at random. Ants.

The death of the companion did not destroy the will of the barbaric creatures below, but increased their morale. At this moment, all the barbaric creatures picked up the stones on the ground and threw them toward the mage in the sky, but it was a pity. Slightly, but accidentally injured many companions.

Seeing the bombardment of lightning, unable to bring the desired effect, Esquel let out a cold snort. He raised his finger to the sky, and the entire sky was stained red like sunset, accompanied by the dull whistling sound, and the meteors turned into The meteorite bombarded the savage creatures on the ground.

A strong sound of breaking the wind suddenly rang in Esquel's ears, thinking that no savage creature could hurt him, he undoubtedly relaxed his vigilance at this moment. Eskell was shocked, the movement in his hand did not stop at all, the dark green Hercules shield instantly enveloped his whole body.

The huge boulder that was thrown blasted on the Aegis of Hercules, and instantly turned into powder and scattered around. However, there were only a few more subtle cracks on the Aegis of Hercules.